Editions l'illustré protestant , 1955, 270 p, broché, envoi, de l'auteur à mr et mme Rougier , daté de 61, ex libris de MR Rougier
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Martini, Cinzia: Jacob de Heusch (1657-1701). Un Pittore Olandese a Roma detto il 'Copia'. Rome: Ugo Bozzi, 1997. 197pp with 40 colour and 120 monochrome illustrations. Hardback. 24.5x20cms. Monograph on the 17th century Netherlandish painter of the Utrecht school, better known for his imaginary representations of the Italian landscape. Text in Italian.
Monograph on the 17th century Netherlandish painter of the Utrecht school, better known for his imaginary representations of the Italian landscape. Text in Italian
Slive, Seymour: Jacob van Ruisdael. A Complete Catalogue of His Paintings, Drawings and Etchings. London: Yale University Press, 2001. 790pp with 150 colour and 1050 monochrome illustrations. Hardcover in slipcase. 32x26cms. Highly important and influential 17th-century Dutch landscapist, whose paintings (c.700), drawings (c.130) and etchings (13) are the subject of a detailed and scientific catalogue raisonnÃ, written by a distinguished scholar. Essays accompanying the catalogue discuss incorrect or dubious attributions, Ruisdael's debatable profession as a medical doctor, and his enduring influence on Constable.
Highly important and influential 17th-century Dutch landscapist, whose paintings (c.700), drawings (c.130) and etchings (13) are the subject of a detailed and scientific catalogue raisonnÃ, written by a distinguished scholar. Essays accompanying the catalogue discuss incorrect or dubious attributions, Ruisdael's debatable profession as a medical doctor, and his enduring influence on Constable. Text in English
Rubinstein, Raphael: Jacob El Hanani: Linescape. Exhibition: New York, Acquavella, 2017. 100 pages. Paperback. 27 x 27cms.
Kuretsky, Susan Donahue: The Paintings of Jacob Ochtervelt 1634-1682. London: Phaidon, 1979. xv, 245pp with 199 monochrome illustrations. Hard cover. 28.5x22cms. Catalogue of 106 genuine paintings, with discussions of copies and variant works, plus doubtful attributions. With bibliography.
Catalogue of 106 genuine paintings, with discussions of copies and variant works, plus doubtful attributions. With bibliography. Text in English
Ledoux-Lebard, C., and G. R.: Les Malachites Montees par Jacob pour le Grand Cabinet de l'Empreur aux Tuileries. Extrait des Travaux et Documents de l'Institut Napoleon. 1944. Documents pour Servir a l'Histoire des Arts Decoratifs a l'Epoque Imperiale. 33 Rue Vivienne, Paris: J Peyronnet & Cie, Editeurs. 5 pages. Paperback. 24 x 17cms. Text in French.
Text in French