‎Vincent Monteil‎

‎Seuil Petite Planete 1957‎

Reference : 82094

‎in12, broche, 1957, 191p, couverture etat correct d'usage (salie aux contours un peu frottes), tranches un peu jaunies et salies, interieur legerement jauni mais propre avec illustrations en noir et blanc, Editions du Seuil, Coll. Petite Planete‎

€10.00 (€10.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 55747


‎Iran und Turan (Persien, Afghanistan, Beludschistan, Turkestan). Neue Bearbeitung von F. v. Stülpnagel.‎

‎(Gotha, Justus Perthes), 1843. Engraved map (35,5 x 44 cm.). Handcoloured in outline.‎

‎From Stieler's Hand-Atlas, No. 43b.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK750.00 (€100.59 )


Reference : 60953


‎Beschreibung Der Kronung Solimanni Des dritten dieses Nahmens Konigs in Persien Und Desjenigen. - [EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF THE CORONATION OF THE EIGHTH SAHA OF SAFAVID IRAN]‎

‎Genff, Widerhold, 1681. Folio (340 x 210 mm). Recently bound in a magnificent pastiche-binding of brown half calf with gilt red leather title-label to elaborately gilt spine. Vellum corners. Title-page with stains. A few marginal repairs, not affecting text. (8), 82 pp. ‎

‎Exceedingly rare first German translation of Chardin’s “Le Couronnement de Soleimaan troisieme” (1671) - his report on the coronation of the new Persian king and what happened during the first years of his reign. Returning to Persia on the way home to Europe, Chardin witnessed the coronation of Suleiman III in 1669. Chardin’s works are considered some of the finest works of early Western scholarship on Iran and the Subcontinent in general, and the present work offered Europe a rare glimpse into the customs of the Royal house of Persia. “Chardin details the ceremonies in [the present work], with a preface that laid out the parallels between the French and Persian monarchies. Chardin portrays a filial bond between the two monarchies. The Persian shah, he declares, calls “Your Majesty [Louis XIV] his brother” due to their shared grandeur. Chardin proclaims, “The Kind of France is the greatest Emperor in Europe as he [the shah] is the most powerful Prince in Asia.” He emphasizes his admiration for Persia and its likeness to France: “Of all the vast Empires of the Orient … there is not one that should not yield to Persia, for the temperature of the air, for genius that is more reasonable than other places and is closest to our own, and for all the excellent and rare things that are found there in abundance.” (Mokhberi, The Persian Mirror) Born in Paris in a Hugenot (Protestant) family, Jean Chardin (1643-1713) undertook his travels to Persia because of his father's position as a jeweler and shareholder in the French East India Company. Chardin set out in 1664, traveling through Turkey, the Black Sea, Georgia and Armenia. Soon after his arrival in Persia he received a commission to create jewelry for Shah Abbas II, who died in 1666 and was succeeded by Shah Safi. After witnessing the latter's coronation [Described here], Chardin went on India and finally returned to Paris in 1670. In 1671, he published an account of the coronation and in the same year set off for Persia again, arriving in Isfahan in 1673 and remaining there for several years, before once more visiting India and returning home in 1677. With the persecution of the Hugenots in France, he moved to England in 1680. ""Travel restarted with 17th-century missionaries, whose medical and pedagogical expertise helped counterbalance Orthodox (or pagan) reservations. Dominican Prefects Dortelli D'Ascoli and Giovanni da Lucca (1630s) extended Giorgio Interiano's description of Circassia (and Abkhazia). Theatine proselytisers targeted Mingrelia/western Georgia (Capuchins the eastern provinces) - the Vatican's Fide Press further contributed by printing the first Georgian books (Chikobava/Vateishvili). Many, including mission-head Don Pietro Avitabile (1626-1638), recounted their experiences. Prefect to Mingrelia, Joseph Marie Zampi, a 23-year denizen from approximately 1645, contributed a third significant source in his description of Mingrelian religious practice. This he handed to Jean Chardin (1643-1713) in 1672. A French traveller who became English(!) ambassador in Holland, Chardin translated and incorporated it as a substantial part of his own description of a sometimes perilous journey through Transcaucasia (1672-3), which reflects Ottoman and Persian influence in western and eastern parts, respectively - a Turkish organized slave-trade flourished from various Mingrelian ports. Linguistically, Zampi revealingly observed that the ecclesiastical language, Georgian, was as difficult for even the Mingrelian priesthood to understand as Latin was for Italian peasants!"" (Speake, The Literature of Travel and Exploration, 1, 199-202). (Brunet I, 1802 – A later French edition). (Graesse II, P. 121). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK40,000.00 (€5,364.88 )


Reference : 39310



Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK300.00 (€40.24 )

‎(revue) Objets et Mondes tome XI [tome 11] fasc 1. Printemps 1971‎

Reference : 1161851

‎[revue] Objets et Mondes tome 11 [tome XI] fascicule 1. Printemps 1971. Numéro spécial consacré à l'Iran.‎

‎Paris: Musée de l'Homme, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 1971 in-4, 180 pages, nombreuses illustrations. Broché, cachet, très bon état. Sommaire : J. Millot : "Avant-propos", T. Battesti : "Iran, "hommes du vent, gens de terre"", Dj. Benham : "Note sur les tendances de la recherche ethnologique en Iran", I. Benham : "La région méridionale de la Mer Caspienne", M. Honari : "Importance du palmier-dattier dans la vie des habitants de Xor", M. Rouholamini : "Systèmes d'irrigation traditionnels dans la région de Kermân", Fr. Bémont : "Bazars et caravansérails", H. Semsar : "L'apparition du narghileh et de la chibouque en Iran", A. Tual : "Variations et usages du voile dans deux villes d'Iran", J.-P. Digard : "La parure chez les Baxtyâri", A. Bouloukbachi : "La cérémonie du Qâli Shuyân", M. Kalantari : "Le Livre des Rois et les peintures des maisons de thé", M.J. Mahdjoub : "Le conteur en Iran", A. Vahdati : "Académies shiites". Second fascicule : Catalogue de l'exposition "Iran, Hommes du vent, Gens de terre" présentée au Musée de l'Homme. Introductions de R. Gessain et de J. Millot, T. Battesti : "Iran "hommes du vent, gens de terre"", Dj. Benham : "Note sur les tendances de la recherche ethnologique en Iran".‎

‎[revue] Objets et Mondes tome 11 [tome XI] fascicule 1. Printemps 1971. Numéro spécial consacré à l'Iran. (Paris: Musée de l'Homme, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 1971). [M.C.: revue, Asie, Iran, ethnologie]‎

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 110452


‎Art et littérature en Iran. Aspects d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.‎

‎ P., Société d'études et de publications Orient, s.d. (1964), gr. in-8°, 236 pp, 20 pl. de photos hors texte (dont 4 en couleurs), broché, exemplaire défraîchi, état correct‎

‎Ouvrage collectif publié sous le patronage de la revue "Orient" avec le concours de l'Association France-Iran. — Note liminaire (Marcel Colombe) ; Le passé de l'Iran (Henri Massé) ; Philosophie et spiritualité en Iran (Henry Corbin) ; L'oeuvre des missions archéologiques françaises en Iran (R. Ghirshman) ; 7000 ans d'art en Iran (Myriam Rosen) ; L'essor artistique de l'Iran islamique (Gaston Wiet) ; L'architecture islamique de l'Iran (Janine Sourdel-Thomine) ; De la poésie contemporaine en Iran (Teresa Battesti et Sadreddin Ellahy) ; Ecrivains iraniens d'expression française (Roger Lescot) ; L'évolution de la musique iranienne (Docteur Barkechli) ; Souvenirs d'Iran 1940-1960 (Henri Goblot). ‎


Phone number : 01 43 54 43 61

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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