‎Jean-Clair Bonnel‎

‎Propos2editions Propos a demi 2013‎

Reference : 65820
ISBN : 2912144841

‎in8, broche, bon etat, Propos2editions, Coll. Propos a demi, 2013, 70p‎

€9.00 (€9.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Paul Popelier‎

Reference : 65670

‎These are some stories‎

‎Antwerp, OctoberDesign, 2024 Hardcover, 42 pages, 24x18cm Illustrated with Color illustrations of Paul Popelier.‎

‎These are some stories is a book written and illustrated by Paul Popelier. It features a series of portraits of fictional and more or less remarkable people. Twenty texts, twenty images. Some describe a singular moment, others encompass a lifetime. Some can be read as metaphors, others are just singular observations. The project is inhabited by a peculiar bunch of characters, ranging from lighthearted to ridiculous, from happy to sad, from enigmatic to delusional, from boring to horny. ?Check out the previews underneath to get a better idea of what the hell we're talking about. These Are Some Stories is a personal project. A rather peculiar but charming book featuring portraits of twenty fictional and rather remarkable people, in both text and images. Nine of those are featured below. Say hi to Jenny, Otto, James, Connor, Wendy, Susan, Harry, Hugh, Bzzzzz, Juliette, Bob and Claire. Find out more and - why not ‎


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EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎BURNET Gilbert:‎

Reference : 20360

‎Some letters, containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in travelling Switzerland, Italy, some parts of Germany, &c. In the years 1685 and 1686 [relié avec] Three letters concerning the present state of Italy, written in the year 1687.‎

‎Rotterdam, printed for Abraham Acher, bookseller by the Exchange, 1687 [et] 1688. Petit in-8 de [24]-336 et [16]-191-[1] pages, plein veau caramel, dos à nerfs orné de filets à froid, plats décorés de double filets et fleurons à froid, tranche rouge. ‎

‎ Seconde édition, corrected, and altered in some places by the author. To which is added an Appendix, containing some remarks on Switzerland and Italy, writ by a Person of Quality, and communicated to the Author. "L'opera è composta di 5 lettere, 4 delle quali scritte nel 1685. Da Zurigo, 1° settembre: riassunto del viaggio attraverso Francia e Svizzera; Milano, 1° ottobre: i Grigioni, la Valtellina, i Laghi; Firenze, 5 novembre: Veneto, Bologna, Appennino, Firenze; Roma, 8 dicembre: Napoli e dintorni, Roma; Nimega, 20 maggio 1686: il ritorno da Civitavecchia a Marsiglia, la Svizzera e la Germania per la solita via Basilea-Düsseldorf. In fine, l'appendice (pp. 307-336) contiene osservazioni complementari sui Grigioni, Lugano, i Laghi, Ferrara, Bologna, la Toscana e un'addenda di critiche al governo papale." Fiammetta Olschki, 111 pour une édition plus tardive. Raccolta Fossati Bellani, 62 pour la première édition publiée la même année.Le sous-titre du deuxième ouvrage (qui est rare) apporte le détail du contenu des trois lettres: I. Relating to the Affair of Molinos, and the Quietists. II. Relating to the Inquisition, and the State of Religion. III. Relating to the Policy and Interest of some of the States of Italy. Petit manque de papier (moins de 1 cm) à 3 ff. ( E1 à E3) avec une petite perte de texte. Reliure frottée, cmanque coiffe sup., un mors fendu. Ex-libris manuscrit ancien. ‎

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CHF450.00 (€482.34 )

Reference : bd-aac40377b7a4f84b

‎Macleod, A.L., Nason, E.H. Chemistry and Cookery. Some theories of chemistry, ‎

‎Macleod, A.L., Nason, E.H. Chemistry and Cookery. Some theories of chemistry, and applications to cooking processes. New York: McGraw-Hill book company, 19/Maklaud, E., Neyson, E. Khimiya i prigotovlenie blyud: nekotorye teorii khimii v primenenii k kulinarnym protsessam. Macleod, A.L., Nason, E.H. Chemistry and cookery. Some theories of chemistry, and applications to cookery proceses. Na angl. yaz. Nyu-York: McGraw-hill book company, 19 Macleod, A.L., Nason, E.H. Chemistry and Cookery. Some theories of chemistry, and applications to cooking processes. New York: McGraw-Hill book company, 1930. XII, 545 p. 21 - 14.3 sm. SKUbd-aac40377b7a4f84b.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎MARKHAM (J. ?) :‎

Reference : 38283

‎19th century album with miscellanious travel drawings, some made in Italy.‎

‎".: 15. Oblong in-4° album, 22,5 x 30 cm, ( oldest entry 1833), ca. 60 unnumbered leaves, bound in contemporary russian leather, with intricate blindstamped decoration, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers, kept in slipcase covered with marbled paper. The album , which has been used starting from both sides opens with a full page drawing, directly made on the first album leaf of the Temple of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (in Rome). The drawing is signed (J?) Markham, dated March 14th 1833. The second leaf has a drawing showing the Ponte and the Castle St. Angelo, also signed ; ''(I ?) Markham, March 18th 1833. Both drawings show a skilled hand. The third leaf depicts the Ponte Seraglia ( Ponte a Serraglio) at Bagni di Lucca. The drawing is signed by Elisa Maria Wood (probably Elisa Maria Stisted Wood ; 1810 -Florence August 15th 1855). The next leaf is a watercolour of a young man on a donkey with a wife and child on foot. (unsigned). (5) Watercolour , Italian, view of fortification. (6) Small stone bridge, signed E. Cox, Rome April 1833. (7) Tipped in pencil portrait of Sig. Passantini , dated April 23rd 1834. (8) watercolour ; flowers and butterflies. (9) A poor mother with two girls, signed B.E. Cox, Rome 1833 . (10) Hunting dogs , signed F. Harding. The rest of the album contains some drawings of a lesser quality and also some 24 two-toned English steel -engraved views printed on coated paper. The last page (the first and only one used from the opposite side) contains a text from the Countess of Blessington ; '' Lines written on the portrait of the Hon. Mrs George (unreadable) by the Countess of Blessington''. Interesting album containing some high quality drawings . The album belonged probably to Markham (?) who moved in English circles in Italy during the second quarter of the 19th century."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR425.00 (€425.00 )

Reference : 50832

‎ERRATICS BY A SAILOR containing Rambles in Norfolk and elsewhere. In which are interspersed, some observations on the late attempts to revive the Cromwellian observance of the Sabbath. Together with some hints on the present pernicious mode.. ‎

‎London For D. Ogilvy and Son, Holborn 1800 in 8 (19x11,5) 1 volume reliure demi basane fauve de l'époque, dos muet, XII et 180 pages, non rogné, fentes sur le mors du plat supérieur. Containing Rambles in Norfolk and elsewhere. In which are interspersed, some observations on the late attempts to revive the Cromwellian observance of the Sabbath. Together with some hints on the present pernicious mode of burying the dead; and a remedy proposed. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request ) ‎

‎Bon Couverture rigide ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )
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