‎Goethe ; illustrations de Max von Boehn‎

‎Editions Verlag 1940‎

Reference : 59477

‎Gros in8, cartonne, dos a nerfs, avec sa jaquette, bon etat d'usage de l'ensemble, jaquette avec bord superieur un peu frotte et petit accroc coin haut premiere de couverture, livre avec petite tache en premiere de couverture et au dos, tres beaux contrecolles et illustrations N&B de Max von Boehn, non coupe, texte en allemand, Editions Verlag, 1940, 450p‎

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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 70737

‎Faust suivi du second Faust. Traduction de Gérard de Nerval, lithographies originales de Constant Le Breton. Collection: Les chefs-d’oeuvre illustrés.‎

‎ Paris, Editions de la Pléiade 1930, 245x170mm, frontispice, 273pages, broché. Couverture rempliée. Papier cristal d’origine conservé. Exemplaire sur papier vélin fabriqué spécialement pour cette collection par les Papeteries du Marais numéroté n.° 250 / 1’066. Bel exemplaire. Bel exemplaire.‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF100.00 (€107.19 )


Reference : 83614

‎Le Faust de Goethe suivi du Second Faust. Traduction de Gérard de Nerval. Edition illustrée par Tony Johannot.‎

‎ Paris, Michel Lévy 1868, 270x180mm, 377pages, broché. Seul le portrait de Goethe comporte quelque faible rousseurs, couverture d’origine, non rognée. Déchirure au haut du dos. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF100.00 (€107.19 )


Reference : 82227

‎Faust et le second Faust. Traduits de l’allemand par Gérard de Nerval. Portraits de l’auteur gravé sur bois par P.-Eug. Vibert. Collection Les Maitres du Livre, n.° 28.‎

‎ Paris, Georges Crès et Cie. 1913, 190x130mm, frontispice, 422pages, broché. Couverture rempliée. Edition originale sur papier de Rives teinté, numéroté n.° 882 / 1473. Bel exemplaire.‎

‎ bandeaux, culs-de-lampes, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF25.00 (€26.80 )


Reference : 60842


‎Faust. Ein Fragment. - [PMM 298 - THE FAUST LEGEND]‎

‎Leipzig, 1790. Very nice contemporary half calf with beautifully gilt spine. Corners worn and some wear along hinges and capitals. But overall very nice and completely unrestored. Brownspotted, as usual due to the paper quality. With the famous engraved frontispiece (Faust in his study, by Lips, after Rembrandt) and the tittle-page stating ""Goethe's Schriften. Siebenter Band."", with the large engraved vignette by Lips, picturing Bätely bandaging Jery's hand (different from the ones in the seven other volumes), and the half-title stating ""Faust. Ein Fragment"" and at the bottom ""Goethe's W. 7. B."" (which is also repeated on f. D). Old owner's name to front fly leaf and a corresponding small piece of front free end-paper cut out to show the name. ‎

‎The scarce first printing of one of the peaks of world literature, the magnum opus by Goethe, the greatest German poet ever and one of the all-times greatest writers of the world. Few other writers have been as influential as Goethe, and his works were an immense source of inspiration to everything from drama and music to science and philosophy. He is generally accepted as one of the most important thinkers within Western culture, and his main work, Faust, is considered one of the most important and influential works of world literature. ""If Goethe may justly be called the last representative of the renaissance ideal of the ""oumo universale"", his ""Faust"" embodies the sum total of his poetical growth."" (Printing and the Mind of Man: 298). ""Faust"" was first printed, as it is here, as volume seven of Goethe's Schriften in eight volumes from 1787 - 1790, and was also published separately, likewise under the title ""Faust. Ein Fragment"". The printing of Faust in the seventh volume of Goethe's works is the original printing, after the manuscript of the poet. It can be identified by the mistaken repetition on the bottom of page 144 of the three verses on top of page 145. Hagen 11:7: ""Vom Bd. 7 Bg. F-T existieren zwei Drucke"", between which there is no precedency. This is the Sm with all the pointers mentioned in Hagen (e.g. 89,1: leseni, 152,14: vollkomm'nes, 261,21: Er ist bitter).""Faust"" is arguably the work for which Goethe is most famous, and this is not without reason. The novel emphasizes the strength of the individual and the right to freely investigate aspects of human and divine character. The novel also fights for man's right to determine his own destiny and is thus considered the first great literary work in the spirit of modern individualism. The work is also considered highly relevant to science and scientific thought, as Goethe here offers a holistic and non-analytic approach to these fields.Hagen: 11,7: sm.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK65,000.00 (€8,717.93 )


Reference : R110054914


ISBN : 291081419X

‎EUROPE REVUE MENSUELLE N° 813-814 - FAUSTAndré DABEZIES:Miroirs du mythe.Claudio MAGRIS:Les métamorphoses de Faust.GüntherMAHAL:Le personnage historique de Faust.Georges THINES:La trahison du disciple.Liliane PICCIOLA‎

‎EUROPE. JANV-FEV 1997. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 254 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎

‎Sommaire : FAUSTAndré DABEZIES:Miroirs du mythe.Claudio MAGRIS:Les métamorphoses de Faust.GüntherMAHAL:Le personnage historique de Faust.Georges THINES:La trahison du disciple.Liliane PICCIOLA:Le drame ambigu de la magiedémoniaque - Marlowe et Calderôn.Hans HENNING:Goethe et la tradition de Faust.André DABEZIES:Les structures du drame de Goethe.André DABEZIES:Interprétations du drame de Goetheau XIXe siècle.Haroldo de CAMPOS:La « trans-création » du Faustde Goethe.lise GARNIER:Démesure de Grabbe.Christian Dietrich GRABBE:Don Juan et Faust - extrait.Françoise FLAMANT:Le Faust de Goethe et le romantismerusse.Françoise MIES:Avertissement à l’Europe - Les Faustde Klaus et Thomas Mann.Françoise FLAMANT : Un grand roman faustien : Le Maître etMarguerite de Mikhaïl Boulgakov.Michel JARRETY:Valéry : Faust écrit.Francis VANOYE:Résonances faustiennes au cinéma.Alain BANCQUART:Un mythe pour le théâtre lyrique ?André DABEZIES:Faust, mythe du XXe siècle ?_CAHIER DE CRÉATIONLouis CALAFERTE:Maître Faust. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎


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