Dove comincia la strada di Jack Kerouac. Alle origini di un mito americano. Where Jack Kerouac's road begins. The origin of an American myth. Photographs by, Fotografie di, Massimo Pacifico. October 2nd-November 8, 1996. The Boot Cotton Mills Museum at Lowell National Historical Park. 49.5 x 34.8 cm. Affiche imprimée en couleurs. Papier légèrement bruni. Punaisée aux coins, autrement bel état.
Reference : 1727
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Reference : bd-b084acbadb78b99f
"""Lowell A.L. Governments and political parties in Western European states (France, Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Switzerland/Louell A.L. Pravitelstva i politicheskie partii v gosudarstvakh Zapadnoy Evropy (Frantsiya, Italiya, Germaniya, Avstro-Vengriya, Shveytsariya) Per. s angl. O. Poltoratskoy; red. F. Smirnova. Lowell A.L. Governments and political parties in Western European states (France, Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Switzerland) Translated from English by O. Poltoratskaya; edited by F. Smirnov. Moscow: 1905. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-b084acbadb78b99f."""
New York, The Architectural Book Publishing Co., Paul Wenzel & Maurice Krakow 1922 In-folio 41,5 x 30 cm. Reliures éditeur pleine toile bleu-marine, titre doré sur les dos et les premiers plats, 125-140 pp., 169-192 illustrations en noir & blanc, tables des illustrations. Exemplaires en bon état, reliures poussiéreuses, intérieur frais.
Texte en anglais. Bon état d’occasion
Reference : alb4c38a31b793f8176
Lowell A.L. Governments and political parties. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Louell A.L. Pravitelstva i politicheskie partii. In the States of Western Europe (France Italy Germany Austria-Hungary Switzerland). Skirmunts Moscow 1905. 644s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb4c38a31b793f8176
Reference : albe408e1aac6c9813f
Lowell A. L. Governments and political parties in Western European States (France Italy Germany Austria-Hungary Switzerland) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Louell A. L. Pravitelstva i politicheskie partii v gosudarstvakh Zapadnoy Evropy (Frantsiya Italiya Germaniya Avstro-Vengriya Shveytsariya) Translated from English by O. Poltoratskaya edited by F. Smirnov M.: Edition by S. Skirmunt Typo-lithography by I. N. Kushnerev and Co. 1905. VII 644s. SKUalbe408e1aac6c9813f.
New York: Hacker, 1988 in-4, 363 pages, 421 illustrations dans le texte, 131 planches, index. Reliure percaline décorée d'édit., bon état. (Reprint de l'édition de Oxford University Press, 1941).
Iran in the ancient East. Archaeological studies presented in the Lowell Lectures at Boston. (New York: Hacker, 1988) [M.C.: Iran, archéologie]