s.l., Editions du masque, 1995; in-8, 311 pp., br.
Reference : 202302468
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Reference : alb93ca9189462b6bd5
Astafiev P.E. The Experience of Free Will: (From Postmortem Manuscripts). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Astafev P. E. Opyt o svobode voli: (Iz posmertnykh rukopisey). Moscow University Printing House 1897. 2 118 p. SKUalb93ca9189462b6bd5.
Reference : albfe4274afce9a3865
Illustrated Catalogue of a Postmortem Exhibition of the Works of V. G. Perov (1834-1882) /Illyustrirovannyy katalog posmertnoy vystavki proizvedeniy V. G. Perova (1834-1882) containing 20 pictures based on drawings by Messrs. Kramsky Morozov Savitsky and Sobko as well as a brief biography of the artist. With the permission of Perov's heirs. St. Petersburg 1882. 10 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbfe4274afce9a3865
Librairie des champs elysees 1992 1992. Patricia Cornwell: Postmortem / Librairie des Champs-Élysées 1992 . Fred Noro: L'homme de nulle part/ Fleuve Noir Espionnage N°435 1964
Bon état
Le Livre de Poche 1995 1995. Patricia Cornwell : PostMortem / Le livre de poche 1995 LBN9
Bon état
Couverture souple. Broché. 1210 pages.
Livre. Présentation de François Rivière. Editions du Masque, 1998.