‎[ROMAN] - GARAT (Anne-marie) - ‎
‎La source. ‎

‎Paris, Actes sud , 2015; in-8, 378 pp., br. Avec jaquette.‎

Reference : 201506762

‎Avec jaquette.‎

€10.00 (€10.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 10260


‎La Loire historique, pittoresque et biographique, de la source de ce fleuve à son embouchure dans l'océan; par G. Touchard-Lafosse, illustré de soixante-deux gravures sur acier, de plus de trois cents têtes de pages, culs-de-lampe, lettres ornées, etc, et de trois cartes du fleuve, avec tracé des chemins de fer‎

‎Tours, Lecesne, 1851. 7880 g 5 volumes in-8, demi maroquin rouge, dos à faux-nerfs, [2] ff., xxxv-706 pp.; [2] ff., 700 pp.; [2] ff., 924 pp.; [2] ff., 731 pp.; [2] ff., 524-[1] pp.. Illustré de 62 planches hors-texte y compris le portrait de Touchard-Lafosse en frontispice, de nombreuses figures in-texte et de 3 cartes dépliantes. La Loire traverse les départements suivants : Ardèche et Haute-Loire, Loire et Saône-et-Loire, Allier, Nièvre et Cher, Loiret, loir-et-Cher, Indre et loire, Maine-et-Loire, Loire-Inférieure. Reliure signée de Gardien. Un relieur de ce nom, successeur de Ottmann, exerçait à Paris vers 1855-1880 (Flety). Il s'agit probablement de Claude François Gardien, relieur, né à Strasbourg en 1806 qui s'établit ensuite à Paris. Deux feuillets (pp. xxxiii-xv de l'introduction) mal placés entre les pp. xxiv et xxv. Très bel exemplaire. . (Catégories : Loire, Histoire, )‎

Phone number : 06 17 93 27 81

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )

Reference : bd-9307fac7597d25cb

‎Contrexeville. Mineral and therapeutic establishment. Source Pavilion. Guide. C‎

‎"""Contrexeville. Mineral and therapeutic establishment. Source Pavilion. Guide. Contrexeville. Source du Pavillon. Paris, 1900s./Kontreksevil. Mineralno-lechebnoe zavedenie. Istochnik Pavilon. Putevoditel. Contrexeville. Source du Pavillon. Paris, 1900-e. Contrexeville. Mineral and therapeutic establishment. Source Pavilion. Guide. Contrexeville. Source du Pavillon. Paris, 1900 s. 75 p.; 21 - 16.4 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-9307fac7597d25cb."""‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR499.00 (€499.00 )

‎James A. Michener, Watkins-Roucayrol France-Marie‎

Reference : RO20273556


ISBN : 2221134745

‎La Source - Collection Pavillon Poche‎

‎ROBERT LAFFONT. 2013. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos plié, Quelques rousseurs. 841 PAGES - Annotation en page de titre - Quelques cartes en noir/blanc, hors texte - tranche de tête et plats tâchés. . . . Classification Dewey : 956-Moyen et Proche Orient‎

‎"James A. Michener, Watkins-Roucayrol France-Marie (traduction) // ""La Source n’est pas seulement l’histoire passionnante de la Terre Sainte et de son peuple, mais aussi une saga qui retrace le développement des civilisations occidentales et des grands concepts religieux et culturels qui ont façonné le monde. « Le travail de James A. Michener a quelque chose de rare et précieux : l’art de rendre l’histoire concrète, tangible » The Boston Globe ; « Une fresque captivante » The Philadelphia Inquirer ; « Fascinant un merveilleux périple à travers l’histoire » The New York Times.Après avoir obtenu le prix Pulitzer de la fiction en 1948 pour Pacifique Sud, James A. Michener a écrit plusieurs best-sellers : ses livres Chesapeake, Texas, L’Alliance, Pologne se sont vendus à une centaine de millions d’exemplaires dans le monde et ont été traduits dans plus d’une cinquantaine de langues. Devenu quasiment introuvable en langue française aujourd’hui, La Source rejoint la collection « Pavillons poche ».Un groupe d'archéologues américains entreprend des fouilles en Israël, à Makor. À chaque niveau, ils mettent au jour des objets évoquant la vie de tous ceux qui ont vécu sur ces terres depuis la nuit des temps. À partir de cet épisode, Michener recrée, d'une manière extraordinairement vivante, avec toute sa maestria de romancier amateur d'histoire, la vie à Makor sous la domination successive des Cananéens, des Hébreux, des Égyptiens, des Babyloniens, des Turcs et des Anglais. Et c'est ainsi que sous nos yeux se déroule la passionnante histoire de la Palestine tout entière : Terre promise, Terre sainte. La Source est unanimement considéré comme le chef-d'oeuvre du grand écrivain américain, qui nous livre ici tout à la fois un grand divertissement et une belle leçon d'histoire."" Classification Dewey : 956-Moyen et Proche Orient"‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎Stuart Jenks, Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz (eds)‎

Reference : 64707

‎Message in a Bottle. Merchants' letters, merchants' marks and conflict management in 1533-34. A source edition‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 257 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, 7 tables b/w., 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503595405.‎

‎Summary In 1533, a batch of merchants' letters was to be delivered from Antwerp to London. They never reached their destination, and were only opened in a Hanseatic archive almost 500 years later. Like a message in a bottle, the letters unfold unknown individual stories and large-scale drama. They offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of the early 16th century, from hard-nosed business and prices in code sent to a wife, to the fond greetings of an English father to his three young sons or a secretive message of a grandmother from Antwerp. At the backdrop, war was looming: the letters were part of a booty taken in the English Channel in August of 1533. L beck privateers plundered six neutral ships, carting the goods of English, Dutch, Spanish, Venetian and Hanseatic merchants off to L beck and Hamburg. As a result, Henry VIII of England exploded with rage and restitution claims were made. Soon after, L beck realized the potential political cost of the action and an administrative machinery for the return of the booty was set in motion. Extensive documentation was produced under the eye of notaries, providing an overview of properties of the involved parties, including many merchant marks. The combination of unique letters and administrative documents offers new openings into the study of economic, political and social history of pre-modern northern Europe. Highlights are the migration of people and goods, resourceful conflict management and the voice of ordinary people, captured in their letters. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction (I) by Stuart Jenks: serendipitous source find and source highlights; large-scale political context of 1533 from the English and Hanseatic point of view; English letters (holographs: business and private matters); documentation on the recovery of the cargo; English, Hanseatic, Venetian, Dutch, Spanish losses (goods) 2. Introduction (II) by Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz: large-scale political context from the point of view of the Low Countries (and Spain); the position of Antwerp as metropolis [NB the discovered correspondence was between Antwerp and London]; the letters in Dutch ((holographs: business and private matters; uniquely: women writing); merchants' marks and the pilot database 3. Notes on the edition of the text (both editors) 4. Bibliography Source edition 5. Merchants' letters (English and Dutch) 6. Capture of the ship of Adrian Johnson (Antwerp) 19.08.1533 (depositions in Low German, Latin) 7. English losses in the ship of Adrian Johnson (in English, Low German) 8. Goods taken from Venetian merchants in the ship of Adrian Johnson (Latin) 9. Hanseatic losses in the ship of Adrian Johnson (Low German) 10. Goods taken in the Spanish ships (Latin, Low German) 11. Goods taken from ships of the Low Countries (Latin, Low German) [thumbnails of merchants' marks with annotation of occurrence in text] 12. Index‎


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EUR86.00 (€86.00 )


Reference : 60838


‎A methode unto mortification: called heretofore, the contempt of the world, and the vanitie thereof Written at the first in the Spanish. - [A SOURCE FOR SHAKESPEARE'S ""LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST""]‎

‎London, Iohn Windet, 1608. 12mo. In contemporary full calf. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Wear to extremities, corners bumped. Edges of boards with loss of leather. Previous owner's names to front and back end paper (""Robert Wilson"" & ""Edvard Wilson, anno domini 1666""). Internally with a few light dampstains. (20), 328, 328-499, (4) pp.‎

‎The exceedingly rare second edition (the first being from 1586) of Roger’s somewhat free translation of ‘Papist’ Diego de Estalla’s work “Libro de la vanidad del mundo (Toledo, 1562). Roger’s admit that he had no access to the original but had to use the Itanlian and Spanish translations. This present English translation, however, is of significant interest since recent research suggests it was a source and inspiration for Shakespeare’s ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’: At the opening of ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’, the vow to renounce worldly pleasure has barely been announced before one of Navarre’s book-men declares his success: “Dumaine is mortified” (I.i.28). This ‘mortified’ is not a word Shakespeare would use often. It appears here in the sense of ‘having the appetites and passions in subjection’ and insensible or impervious to (the world and its pleasures), the latter informing Dumaine’s gloss: ‘To love, to wealth, to pomp. I pine and die’. The fact that this is the earliest use of ‘mortified’ in the Shakespearean canon is the first clue that one of the sources for Love’s Labour’s Lost was Thomas Roger’s A Methode unto Mortification, published in London in 1586 and again in 1608. Shakespeare’s pleasure in frustrating the ambitions of this book went some way to shaping his play”. (Kingsley-Smith, A Method unto Mortification: A New Source for Love’s Labour’s Lost). ""Love's Labour's Lost"" is one of William Shakespeare's early comedies, believed to have been written in the mid-1590s. The play revolves around the King of Navarre and three of his noble companions who make a pact to swear off women and focus on scholarly pursuits for three years. However, their resolve is tested when the Princess of France and her entourage arrive on a diplomatic mission. Each of the men falls in love with one of the women, leading to a series of comedic misunderstandings, romantic entanglements, and wordplay. “It is also possible that some facts about the original author sparked Shakespeare’s interest. Diego de Estella was born in Navarre, and spent time the court of Philip II of Spain before incurring disapproval for his criticism of court life and being forced into a Franciscan monastery. Armado, the braggart and clown of Love’s Labour’s Lost, is the first Spaniard to appear in Shakespeare”. (Kingsley-Smith, A Method unto Mortification: A New Source for Love’s Labour’s Lost).‎


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