Paris, Michel lafon, 2009; in-8, 323 pp., br.
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, Leuven University Press / Kadoc, 2007 Hardcover, 336 pages, ENG / FR., 290 x 230 x 27 mm, NEW / NOUVEAU, illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789058675910.
The art of illumination, usually associated with the Middle Ages, experienced a spectacular revival in nineteenth-century Western Europe. This completely different context gave the illuminations another import. The output of the lay and religious workshops reveals a great artistic, stylistic, technical, and thematic diversity. The works illuminated go far beyond the world of exceptional and precious manuscripts and include many occasional documents and devotional images.Richly illustrated with unpublished masterworks, The Revival of Medieval Illumination is an overview of the form by fifteen authors who do not limit their approach to the traditional questions of art history. Rather, they explore the historical, sociocultural, ideological and religious components of the revival, which changed according to time and country, in order to understand the evolution and success of the art of illumination in the long nineteenth century. // L'art de l'enluminure, bien connu pour le Moyen Age, fit l?objet d?un regain d?interet spectaculaire au XIXe siecle. Le contexte resolument different leur confere toutefois une autre signification. La production des ateliers civils et religieux presente une grande diversite artistique, stylistique, technique et typologique. Elle excede largement le monde des manuscrits exceptionnels et precieux et comprend nombre de documents de circonstance, de livres d'or, d'images de devotion, etc. Abondamment illustre de chefs-d' oeuvre inedits, le present ouvrage presente pour la premiere fois une vue d?ensemble de l?important phenomene de la renaissance de l?enluminure medievale. Les quinze auteurs n?ont pas voulu se limiter aux questions traditionnelles de l?histoire de l?art. Les composantes historiques, socioculturelles, ideologiques et religieuses de ce phenomene complexe, variant dans le temps et selon les pays, sont essentielles pour comprendre l?evolution et le succes de l?art de l?enluminure au XIXe siecle.
, Leuven, Peeters, 1988., 1988 Paperback, original wrappers illustrated in color, 20X26cm, Illustrated in color and b/w. Gothic Manuscript Illumination in the Diocese of Li ge (c.1250 - c.1330). Volume 2 VIII pages. 211-518 SERIES: Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, 3 ISBN 9789068311310.
Corpus van verluchte handschriften / of illuminated manuscripts. Texts, illustrations and Patronage. The stylistic development of the Mosan Psalter - Hours.Gothic Manuscript Illumination in the Diocese of Liege (c.1250 -c.1330). Volume 2.(Low Countries Series 3) Series: Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, 3
Turnhout, Brepols, 2002 Hardback, 210 p., incl. 5 colour + 208 bl/w. ills., 190 x 250 mm. ISBN 9782503512327.
This book surveys the art of manuscript illumination after the introduction of printing to Lyons in 1473, using the manuscripts themselves as its main source, and thus identifying and assessing the art of Lyons? busiest illuminators? workshops. In the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, Lyons grew into one of Europe's great commercial centres and even served as an unofficial second capital of the French kingdom. While scholars have long recognized the city's prominent role in the history of printing, this is the first book to survey the art of manuscript illumination after the introduction of printing to Lyons in 1473. Using the manuscripts themselves as its main source, this study identifies and assesses the art of Lyons's busiest illuminators' workshops. It then reviews the nature of patronage and the activity of the illuminators during the close of the Middle Ages and the dawn of the Renaissance. The picture that emerges is one of a tightly knit community of artists adapting their production of fine religious and secular manuscripts to the changing demand of the clergy, the merchant class, the nobility, writers, and members of the court. A descriptive catalogue provides complementary information on 136 illuminated manuscripts, books, and leaves, many of them never published at length. The work is illustrated by a broad selection of colour and black-and-white reproductions. Languages: English.
Short description: In Russian. Korovkin, Vladimir Dmitrievich. Illumination Works in Cinematography. Moscow: State Kinoizdat, 1938: Type. Kr. printer. Illyuminatsionnye raboty v kinematografii. In Russian /Illumination in the Cinematography . The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5326289
Quakertown Philosophical Publishing Company Beverly Hall 1952
Limited edition, privately printed. (although a stated limitation, there is no indication as to the size of the limitation). Hardback in red buckram, with gilt cross to front board, and gilt title to spine. Boards and contents in very good, clean condition. A touch of darkening to the end pages. 100 pages. 220 x 150 mm (8Ÿ x 6 inches). A guide to services and prayers of the Church of Illumination. A nominally Christian organisation, based in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, the Church is quite "New Age" in outlook, and would be see as outside Orthodox Christianity. "The Church teaches that within each of us is a Divine Spark, our soul spark, which is a part of God." Still existing in Quakertown.