Paris, Librairie Garnier Frères, 1939; in-12, 446 pp., broché. Bon état - introduction et notes de Henri CLouard deuxième édition reuve et corrigé -.
Reference : 201110613
Bon état - introduction et notes de Henri CLouard deuxième édition reuve et corrigé -.
Librairie Lire et Chiner
Mme Laetitia Gorska
36 rue Marchands
68000 Colmar
03 89 24 16 78
commande par internet, retrait possible au magasin. Les colis sont expédiés dès réception du règlement après entente concernant les frais de port, envoi vers la France mais aussi vers l'étranger nous contacter pour le calcul des frais d'envoi
.: Paris, éditions photographiques d'architecture, 1903 , in-4°, 32 x 25 cm, title-page + 60 photo plates with 120 ills. ( BOUND WITH) idem, Cent Portes Cochères photographiées d'après nature , Paris, 1904, in-4°, title-page + 50 photo plates with 100 ills., orig. half cloth publ. portfolio. Published as vol. 2 in the series, Détails d'Architecture Contemporaine. Two volumes in one binding, brown halfleather, raised gilt spine, nice copy.
.: 2. The Hague, Opmeer Drukkerij, R.E. Waterman, 2008 ( first edition was from 1980 ), in-4°, 449 pp, Blue imitation leather publisher's binding with gilt decoration. CD-Rom included. ISBN 9789080522237..
".: 4. Maurs-La-Jolie, Editions de la Martinelle, 1985, in-4°, 397 pp , illustrations en couleurs et noir/blanc, toile d'éditeur, avec jacquette. Cinqième volume de la série ; ''Collection Le Paysage Français au XIXe Siècle, L'Ecole de la Nature'' qui traite d'une manière exhaustive la peinture française du paysage au 19ième siècle. Bel exemplaire."
".: Edinburgh s.d. (ca. 1872 - ca. 1900), 2 in-folio albums, bindings very worn, spines missing. The first album has the name and an ex-dono inscription on the first fly leaf ; ''Arthur Elwell Moffat , Christmas xxxx ( year erased) , From Papa. The second album has the name and address on the first fly leaf ; ''Arthur Elwell Moffat , The Avenue , Greenhill Gardens, Edinburgh''. Further it has the title '' Sketches from Nature by Arthur Elwell Moffat'' on the first album page. Contents Album I ; 11 watercolours (ca. 14 x 24 cm) ; 11 watercolours (ca. 12 x 17 cm) ; 9 larger pencil drawings ; 9 smaller pencil drawings (all these signed by Moffat, or unsigned). Drawings signed by Edmund Thornton Crawford (1806-1885) ; 7 larger, 10 smaller ; 5 drawings signed Hasse (?) ; 1 drawing signed G.W. Novice , 2 drawings signed Samuel Bough (1822 - 1878) . Loosely inserted; a large pen drawing from Dordrecht, dated July 1833, (by John Moffat ?). Contents Album II ; 28 watercolours (ca. 14 x 24 cm - or larger) ; 56 watercolours (ca. 12 x 17 cm) (some signed by A.E.Moffat, presumably all by his hand) ; 4 drawings signed Crawford, 4 smaller unsigned drawings ; one loose drawing, singed A. Moffat - with caption '' Leven Fifeshire'' ( on the verso side in pencil '' A.M. age 12'') . The two albums comprise a collection of nearly a 100 watercolours which can be attributed without hesitation to Arthur Elwell Moffat, together with some drawings from his hand. It seems that he Album I, given to him by his father John Moffat at an early age ( 1872 ?) was used to collect drawings of his own hand and exchanged drawings from his friends, together with watercolours from his hand ."
.: 2. Haarlem, Schuyt & Co., 1998, square in-8°, 24,5 x 24,5 cm, 199 pp, coloured ills., publisher's half cloth with pictorial front board. Text in Dutch and English. Monograph on the new building for the Dutch Institute for Forestry and Nature Research at Wageningen. Designed by Stefan Behnish. Good copy notwithstanding some use at the cloth spine.