‎Hamburg. ‎

‎, Merian , s.d.; in-8, 171 pp., br.‎

Reference : 200502673


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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 61963


‎Des Reformirten hamburgischen Patrioten erstes - zweytes Stuck. (No. 1 - 156). - [FIRST EDITION OF THE FAMOUS ""DER PATRIOT"" FROM HAMBURG]‎

‎(No place but Hamburg, no printer), 1724 - 1726. 4to. In contemporary full calf with four raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. Light wear to extremities. A few leaves closely trimmed slightly touching text, but generally nice and clean. 321 ff. (No. 1 - 156. All that was published).‎

‎Exceedingly rare first edition, fully complete, of the famous Hamburg-journal “Der Patriot” – it was the most significant German weekly journal at the beginning of the 18th century and served as an important platform for the emerging Enlightenment. It was published weekly in Hamburg from 1724 to 1726. Due to its popularity it saw four reprints until 1765 and was also translated into Dutch and French. The genre of moral weeklies was inspired by English periodicals, particularly the highly successful publications edited and written by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele, which appeared three times a week or even daily (The Tatler, The Guardian, and The Spectator). Unlike some other German moral weeklies, Der Patriot had an independent editorial team that did not simply translate English counterparts but instead selected and developed its own topics. Many German scholars and writers contributed to Der Patriot, but all published their articles under pseudonyms. Their true identities were not revealed until three years after the last issue was published. “In the course of the seventeenth and especially the eighteenth centuries, Hamburg’s press evolved from a mere supplier of information to a vehicle of public opinion. During the first half of the eighteenth century, Hamburg’s growing print culture was closely connected to the development of the city’s enlightened reform movement, embodied in the first Patriotic Society (1724–1726). For example, Hamburg’s own moral weekly, Der Patriot, a product of the Patriotic Society, informs both the rise of periodical press and the spread of enlightened ideals. Modeled on British periodicals, The Tatler and The Spectator, Der Patriot contained instructive essays on a variety of subjects, generally articulating middle-class norms and values. By appealing to a wide audience and disseminating useful knowledge and enlightened philosophy, such journals aimed to reorient the reader’s moral outlook and lifestyle, in particular to raise the intellectual and moral standards of its readers. Hamburg’s Der Patriot ran from 1724 until 1726, and was so popular that it was published in book form several times between 1728 and 1765. It was the most influential of the German moral weeklies. Der Patriot, seeking to enlighten and influence the morals of its readers, set itself in direct competition with the church. Aiming to “root out or at least expose all ridiculous or dangerous actions, mistakes, abuses and harmful habits through the orderly use of human reason,” Der Patriot's elevation of reason over faith angered Hamburg’s strong orthodox Lutheran church, which initiated a “pamphlet war” denouncing the journal. Der Patriot found both a multitude of detractors and supporters" roughly thirty-five pamphlets against and twenty-one in favor of the periodical appeared. This ‘battle of the pens’ certainly encouraged popular interest in Der Patriot and caused the publisher to print six thousand copies instead of the four hundred initially planned, reflecting both an expanding readership and growing popular interest in Enlightenment tenets. Der Patriot, furthermore, reflects the republic’s civic morality as it strove to promote the common good. If its attitude toward Hamburg’s governance was generally positive, it openly presented concrete proposals for improvement in the republic as well as the dangers of extravagance and excess, the loss of civic-mindedness, and political apathy. Indeed, Der Patriot asserted both the right and the duty of Hamburgers to speak out on any question regarding the welfare of their city-state.” (Aaslestad, Place and Politics). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )

Reference : alb69f8ef0d3c4db47f

‎Baurat Curt Merckel. Merkel Die Kanalization der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Sewerage of the City of Hamburg In Germa‎

‎Baurat Curt Merckel. Merkel Die Kanalization der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Sewerage of the City of Hamburg In German (ask us if in doubt)./Baurat Curt Merckel. Merkel' Kurt Die Kanalisation der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Kanalizatsiya goroda Gamburga In German Hamburg Verlag von Boysen Maasch 1910. 247 p. SKUalb69f8ef0d3c4db47f.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )


Reference : 16312


‎, Hamburg, Selbstverlag des Vereins, 1890, Gebunden, Leinen mit Deckel, Frontispiz, 170 x 260mm., 730S., mit 22 meist gefalteten Tafeln und uber 2500 Textabbildungen.‎

‎Zur IX. Wandversammlung des Verbandes deutscher. Architekten - und Ingenieur - vereine in Hamburg vom 24. bis 28 August 1890. Guter Zustand. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR380.00 (€380.00 )


Reference : 34504


‎(Album) Hamburg. 20 Ansichten.‎

‎(Hamburg, Verlag A.C. Hamburg, ca. 1920). 8vo-oblong. Orig. printed wrappers. With 20 views, each 14x22 cm. (Kupfertiefdruck von Broschek & Co., Hamburg).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK250.00 (€33.53 )


Reference : RO80083891

‎Andenken an Hamburg und seine Umgebungen. Malerische Ansichten nach Original Reichnungen in Stuhl gestochen.‎

‎NIEMEYER G.W.. XIXe siècle. In-12. Cartonnage d'éditeurs. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. Très rare ouvrage composé de 36 planches de gravures (16.5 x 12.5 cm) en noir et blanc, avec serpentes roses + 3 planches de panoramas dépliants gravés en noir et blanc. Légendes en allemand, et quelques-unes en français et anglais.. . . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie‎

‎Der Hamburger Hafen, Aussicht Vom StintFang Aus, Das Baumhaus, Ansicht Von Hamburg, Alter Und Neuer Jungfernstieg, Neuer Jungfernstieg, Alter Jungfernstieg in Hamburg, Alsterarkaden in Hamburg, Der Alsterdamm in Hamburg, Alterwall in Hamburg, Die Neue Börse (La Nouvelle Bourse), Erstes Theater (Premier Thaâtre d'Hambourg), Schul und Bibliothek gebaüde (L'Ecole et la Bibliothèque), Das Stadthaus (L'Hôtel de Ville), Thalia Theater, Tivoli Theater, Das Innere des Bazars ... Classification Dewey : 943-Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie‎


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