, Merian , s.d.; in-8, 140 pp., br.
Reference : 200502652
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commande par internet, retrait possible au magasin. Les colis sont expédiés dès réception du règlement après entente concernant les frais de port, envoi vers la France mais aussi vers l'étranger nous contacter pour le calcul des frais d'envoi
Fayard Fondation Napoléon 2017 Fayard, Fondation Napoléon, 2017, 1344 p., cartonnage éditeur, environ 24x16cm, sous bandeau de l'éditeur. Une étiquette de prix sur le second plat, bon état néanmoins.
Volume placé sous la direction de François Houdecek. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
Plon nourrit et cie 1890 in8. 1890. Relié. complet en trois tomes: I: Gênes Austerlitz Eylau; II: Madrid Essling Torrès-Védras; III: Polotsk La Bérésina Leipzig Waterloo --- orné d'héliogravures fac-similés portrait en noir et blanc
Etat Correct circa 1890 bords frottés nombreuses tâche et rousseurs texte net cependant; anciens livres de bibliothèques (fiches étiquettes tampons...)
Buch- und Kunstverlag / Leipzig in4. Sans date. Broché. iconographie en noir et blanc
circa 1960 - jaquette défraîchie ternie accroc et déchirures sur les bords livre en bon état intérieur propre
Transpress in4. Sans date. Cartonné. 7 volume(s). Straßenbahn Archiv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --- 1/ Geschichte technik betrieb; 2/ Görlitz Dresden; 3/ Leipzig Plauen Karl Marx Street; 4/ Erfurty Gera Halle (Saale) Dessau; 5/ Berlin und Umgebung; 6/ Cottbus Magdeburg Schwerin Rostock; 7/ Arbeits- und güterstrassenbahn fahrzeuge
circa 1980 - couvertures défraîchies bords frottés ternissures intérieur propre haut du dos du tome 4 abîmé
Leipzig, Hirzel, 1882/1883, un volume in 8 relié en demi-basane noire, dos orné de filets dorés (reliure de l'époque)
---- CINQ MEMOIRES ORIGINAUX PAR H. LOTZE ---- "H. Lotze studied philosophy and natural science at the University of Leipzig. He earned his M.D. in 1838 with the dissertation De futuris biologiae principiis philosophicis. This youthful work contained the essence of his later philosophical system : Philosophy take careful account of scientific knowledge and reciprocally physics and the life sciences subject their basic principles to the purifying scrutiny of contemporary philosophical analysis. In particular, he ruled out explanations that resorted to the concept of a life force, although the validity of this principle was then largely unquestioned, and he resolved the mind-body problem by a combination of Leibnizian monadology with the older occasionalism... He practiced medicine in Zittau. In 1839, he qualified at Leipzig to lecture in medicine and in philosophy in 1840. He lectured on a broad field of subjects - general pathology, anthropology, philosophy of medicine, psychology, logic and theological medicine - which he attempted to unify in his later works. In 1843 he became an assistant professor of philosophy in Leipzig and in 1844 he obtained a full professorship in philosophy in Göttingen, there succeeding the famous Herbart... Lotze sought to classify nature, soul, mind, history and culture in a great unifying concept, and to do so, moreover, with careful consideration of the great advances in the inorganic sciences, biology and medicine, as well as in psychology... The anti-materialists of the nineteenth century saw in him the defender of a view of the world nobler and more beautiful than that offered by Carl Vogt, Moleschott, Büchner and the monists. Lotze saw his goal as uniting in a consistent fashion the results of scientific research with an ethical and religious world view, and in demonstrating a harmony between natural laws and the world of values. Hence his philosophy bordered on theosophy. A. Krohn said in his article on Lotze : "He sought in that wich should be, the basis of that which is". (DSB VIII pp. 513/515)**3373/K2