Paris Belfond 1968 In-8, 237p. Toile verte et jaquette rouge illustré (Bernard Gaston).
Reference : 4996
:: Edition originale. «Notre époque... se doit de rendre justice à la démarche de Michel Fardoulis-Lagrange et à la beauté de son écriture.» :: Bon état malgré de petites déchirures à la jaquette.
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Zürich, in Commission bey S. Rohr, 1841, 1845, 1853 gr. in-8°, 1) VI + 783 S. + 1 S. + 5 Aquatintatafeln / 2) 1 Bl. + 837 S. +16 S. + 12 Tafel / 3) XII (Titel in Rot und Schwarz, Vorwort und Subscribenten-Verzeichnis) + 716 S. + 6 Ansichten (Tafeln), Textblätter teils leicht gebräunt oder stockfleckig, die Tafeln minimal stockfleckig am Rand, Original-Pappband d. Zeit 1 & 2 / Halbleder Bd. 3.
Diese drei Bände in der Tradition von Bluntschli, Werdmüller und Erni entstandenen, statistischen Chroniken des Kantons Zürich mit äusserst detailreichen Beschreibungen der Ortschaften und zahlreicher von 1820 1850 entstandenen Bauten. Die Aquatinta-Tafeln zeigen Ansichten und öffentliche Gebäude von Kappel, Eglisau, Greifensee, Grüningen, Küsnacht, Kyburg, Obfelden, Regensberg, Rheinau, Rheinfall, Sitzberg, Töss, Uster, Wädenswil, Winterthur und 8 Ansichten von Zürich. Barth 18242 (vgl. Barth 18233 «Memorabilia Tigurina, oder Chronik der Denkwürdigkeiten der Stadt und Landschaft Zürich. Zürich 1841, und neu bearb. 2. Auflage von 1845); Lonchamp 3160; HBLS VII/287, Nr. 13; vgl. HBLS V/75 (unter «Memorabilia Tigurina«). Image disp.
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Reference : albe717d940ddd29a07
Tilinsky A.I. Practical building memorabilia. A manual for builders homeowners and persons involved in the construction business. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Tilinskiy A. I. Prakticheskaya stroitelnaya pamyatnaya knizhka. Posobie dlya stroiteleyTilinsky A.I. Practical building memorabilia. A manual for builders homeowners and persons involved in the construction business. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Tilinskiy A. I. Prakticheskaya stroitelnaya pamyatnaya knizhka. Posobie dlya stroiteley domovladeltsev i lits prichastnykh k stroitelnomu delu.Tyre 1 Moscow Publishing House V. Sekachev 2017 748s. 1 mm We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbe717d940ddd29a07
Romae, Apud Curiam Praepositi Generalis 1919-19 10 volumes, each volume bound in cart.cover (with spine in red cloth), 24cm., text in latin, volume I (1919-1922) 780pp., vol.II (1923-1926) 750pp., (III, 1927-1930:) 849pp., (IV, 1931-1933:) 807pp., (V, 1934-1936:) 895pp., (VI, 1937-1938:) 869pp., (VII, 1939-1948:) 222 + 449pp., (VIII, 1948-1951:) 560pp., (IX, 1952-1956:) 681pp., (X, 1957-1959:) 393pp., with some illustrations out-of-text, nice condition
Khrapovitsky A.V. Samech. and Predecessor G.N. Gennadi Memorabilia of A.V. Khrapovitsky State Secretary of Empress Catherine the Second In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Khrapovitskiy A.V. Primech. i predisl. G.N. Gennadi Pamyatnye zapiski A.V. Khrapovitskogo stats-sekretarya imperatritsy Ekateriny Vtoroy Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).1862 Alexander Vasilyevich Khrapovitsky (1749-1801) - Senator State Secretary of Empress Catherine II. Upon completion of the course in the Cadet Corps in 1766 entered active service as a second lieutenant in 1772 was on the staff of Field Marshal Count K.G. Razumovsky We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb52da469dc167e823
Reference : bd-e1a319468a6612be
Memorabilia of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich of the Ural Society of Amateurs of Natural History in Yekaterinburg, who is under the august patronage of His Imperial Highness./Zapiski sostoyashchego pod Avgusteyshim Pokrovitelstvom Ego Imperatorskogo Vysochestva Velikogo Knyazya Nikolaya Mikhaylovicha Uralskogo Obshchestva Lyubiteley Estestvoznaniya v g. Ekaterinburge. Memoranda of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich of the Ural Society of Amateurs of Natural Sciences, which is under the auspices of His Royal Highness, in Yekaterinburg. Vol.XXXIV, vol. 6ECb. 1914. CV-CVIII, 81-108 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-e1a319468a6612be.