Un ouvrage de 381 pages, format 140 x 225 mm, broché couverture rempliée, publié en 2019, Editions Michel Lafon, bon état
Reference : LFA-126745318
Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
M. Olivier Auriol de Bussy
04 74 33 45 19
Vente par correspondance, lors de salons à l'extérieur ou au Château de Vallin lors de manifestations culturelles. Nous vous accueillerons notamment les 20, 21 et 22 juin 2025 (de 10 h à 18 h) à l'occasion de notre grande Foire aux Livres estivale, exposition-vente de plusieurs milliers d'ouvrages, organisée au Château de Vallin, demeure historique des XIVe et XVIIIe siècles, située à Saint Victor de Cessieu, proche de La Tour du Pin, en Isère. (entrée libre). Sans oublier notre braderie de plusieurs milliers de livres à 1 € sous chapiteaux !
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 572 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:220 b/w, 35 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503598505.
Summary Based on the evidence of artistic production and material culture this collective volume aims at exploring cross-cultural relations and interaction between Greeks and Latins in late medieval Greece in the aftermath of the Fourth Crusade. Fourteen essays discuss mostly new and unpublished archaeological and artistic material, including architecture, sculpture, wall-paintings and icons, pottery and other small finds, but also the evidence of music and poetry. Through the surviving material of these artistic activities this volume explores the way Byzantines and Latins lived side by side on the Greek mainland and the Aegean islands from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries and traces the mechanisms that led to the emergence of the new, composite world of the Latin East. Issues of identity, patronage, papal policy, the missionary activities of the Latin religious orders and the reactions and responses of the Byzantines are also re-considered, offering fresh insights into and a better understanding of the various manifestations of the interrelationship between the two ethnicities, confessions and cultures. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction List of Abbreviations List of Illustrations PART I: TRACING THE LATIN IDENTITIES AND THE ROLE OF THE MENDICANTS Michalis Olympios, Architecture, Use of Space, and Ornament in the Mendicant Churches of Latin Greece: An Overview Vicky Foskolou, Reflections of Mendicant Spirituality in the Monumental Painting of Crete in the Late Medieval Period (13th-15th centuries) Nickiphoros I. Tsougarakis, Art, Identity, and the Franciscans in Crete Ioanna Bitha and Anna-Maria Kasdagli, Saint George 'of the English': Byzantine and Western Encounters in a Chapel of the Fortifications of Rhodes Dimitris Kountouras, Western Music and Poetry at the Kingdom of Thessalonica: Music and Historiography of the Fourth Crusade PART II: SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS AND MUTUAL APPROACHES: THE EVIDENCE OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND MATERIAL CULTURE Olga Gratziou, Imported Projects, Local Skills, and the Emergence of a 'Cretan Gothic' Anastasia Vassiliou, Glazed Pottery in Late Medieval Morea (13th-15th Centuries): Cross-Cultural Tableware with Multiple Connotations Maria Michailidou, Pottery Finds in the Medieval Town of Rhodes (1204?1522): Insights on a Multicultural, Cosmopolitan Society Eleni Barmparitsa, Dress Accessories and Sartorial Trends in the Principality of Achaia (1205-1428): Evidence from the Frankish Castles of Chlemoutsi and Glarentza PART III: CULTURAL INTERACTIONS AND BYZANTINE RESPONSES: THE EVIDENCE OF ARCHITECTURE, MURALS, AND ICON PAINTING Michalis Kappas, Cultural Interactions between East and West: The Testimony of Three Orthodox Monasteries in Thirteenth-Century Frankish Messenia Aspasia Louvi-Kizi, Politics of Equilibrium: Gothic Architectural Features at Mystras (1361-71), Cypriot Models, and the Role of Isabelle de Lusignan Nikolaos Mastrochristos and Angeliki Katsioti, Reconstructing the Artistic Landscape of Rhodes in the Fifteenth Century: The Evidence of Painting from Lindos Konstantia Kefala, Permeable Boundaries of Artistic Identity: The Origin of a Fifteenth-Century Annunciation Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, Preaching, the Role of the Apostles, and the Evidence of Iconography in East and West: Byzantine Responses to the 'Challenges' from the Latin Church after 1204 Notes on Contributors Index
Editions de l'EHESS, 2005, pt in-8°, 285 pp, notes, index, broché, bon état
L'histoire semble aller de soi. Pourtant, prononcer "l'évidence de l'histoire", c'est aussitôt ouvrir un doute. L'évidence est le fil conducteur de ces pages qui interrogent le statut du récit historique, l'écriture de l'histoire, la figure de l'historien, hier et aujourd'hui, de la Méditerranée antique à la France de la fin du XXe siècle. Depuis Hérodote, l'histoire est devenue une affaire d'œil et de vision. Voir et dire, écrire ce qui s'est passé, le réfléchir comme un miroir : tels ont été quelques-uns des problèmes constituant l'ordinaire de l'historien. Les nombreuses reformulations modernes ont poursuivi ce travail sur la frontière du visible et de l'invisible. Parvenir à la vue réelle des choses, en voyant plus loin et plus profond. Mais, avec la fin du XXe siècle et la domination du présent, cette forte évidence de l'histoire s'est trouvée mise en question. Quel rôle pour l'historien face au "défi narrativiste", à la montée du témoin, à celle du juge, et alors même que mémoire et patrimoine sont devenus des évidences ?
Short description: In Russian. Dodin, Evgeniy Vasilievich. Evidence in the Administrative Process. Moscow: Yurid. lit., 1973. Dokazatel'stva v administrativnom protsesse. In Russian /Evidence in the Administrative Process. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU7114152
Short description: In Russian. Gorsky, Gennady Fedorovich. Problems of evidence in Soviet criminal proceedings. Voronezh: Voronezh University Publishing House, 1978 Problemy dokazatelstv v sovetskom ugolovnom protsesse/Problems of Evidence in Soviet Criminal Proceedings In Russian. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU7620890
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 393 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:5 tables b/w., Language(s):English, Latin, Greek. ISBN 9782503606811.
Summary The reinstatement of the Universal Prayer into the Roman liturgy following the Second Vatican Council prompted Paul De Clerck to research its origins and development, taking as his primary model the ancient Roman Orationes sollemnes of Good Friday. The result has been a marvellous gift to liturgical scholars, as his meticulous study of texts from both East and West brings to light direct and indirect relationships and provides significant insight into the way in which Western liturgical families developed their intercessory formularies. The first part of his study is devoted to analysis of allusions to the Oratio fidelium found in the writings of the Fathers and ecclesiastical writers of the first five centuries, with the aim of discovering the prehistory of the 'prayer of the faithful' particularly with regard to its content, form and placement within the liturgy. The second part of the study analyses and compares the oldest preserved texts that shed light on the prayer. Chief among these are the Deprecatio Gelasii in its various iterations, the Orationes sollemnes of Rome (and parallels in other Churches) and the Gallic and Hispanic Orationes paschales, together with relevant texts from Celtic and Gallican sources. The translation of the French text will provide English-speaking scholars across the globe access to this excellent work and encourage similar in-depth research into liturgical sources that will continue to enhance the celebration of the Church's liturgy and the full and conscious participation of the entire faithful. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE: EXAMINATION OF THE PATRISTIC EVIDENCE Introduction Section One: The earliest evidence Section Two: The African Church Section Three: The Church of Rome Section Four: The Church of Milan (St Ambrose) Section Five: The Church of Gaul Conclusions drawn from Part One PART TWO: STUDY OF THE TEXTS Introduction Section One: The Orationes sollemnes Section Two: A first wave of litanic texts: Translations Section Three: A second wave of litanic texts: Adaptations Conclusion to the first three sections Section Four: The Gallican and Hispanic 'Orationes paschales' Section Five: Subsequent evolution Section Six: The Universal Prayer, the Kyrie eleison and the Oratio super sindonem Conclusions of Part Two GENERAL CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY INDICES Index of incipits Index of names of authors Index of manuscripts