Un ouvrage de 284 pages, format 135 x 215 mm, broché couverture couleurs, publié en 1984, Robert Laffont, bon état
Reference : LFA-126732776
Le roman de la marquise de Mantoue et de Ludovic Le More
Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
M. Olivier Auriol de Bussy
04 74 33 45 19
Vente par correspondance, lors de salons à l'extérieur ou au Château de Vallin lors de manifestations culturelles. Nous vous accueillerons notamment les 21, 22 et 23 mars 2025 (de 13 h 30 à 17 h 30 h) à l'occasion de "Livres au Château", exposition-vente de plusieurs milliers d'ouvrages, organisée au Château de Vallin, demeure historique des XIVe et XVIIIe siècles, située à Saint Victor de Cessieu, proche de La Tour du Pin, en Isère. (entrée libre)
DUERLOO, Luc en THOMAS, Werner; W. Thomas, J. Martinez-Millan, R. Valladares, T. DaCosta Kaufmann, A. Jordan, E. Stols, B.J. Garcia Garcia, P. Croft, M.A. Echevarria Bacigalupe, M. Thofner, K. Van Honacker, H. De Schepper, D. Lanoye, G. Martijn, L. Duerloo, E. Put, J. Roegiers & P. Vandermeersch, B. Welzel, C. Banz, C. Schumann, K. De Jonge, E. Janssen, P. Arblaster, J. Verberckmoes, K. Proesmans, M. Ebben, F. Van Noten.
Reference : 54732
, MRAH - BREPOLS, 1998 Paperback , 368 pages, English/French /SP / NL. Illustrations. Fine. ISBN 9782503507262.
Dit boek, uitgegeven naar aanleiding van de succesvolle tentoonstelling in 1998, is een unieke bron van informatie voor de regeerperiode van Albrecht en Isabella in de Nederlanden (1598-1621). Zo?n 400 jaar geleden was het hof te Brussel, dankzij hun mecenaat en cosmopolitische geest, een model voor de andere Europese vorstenhuizen van die tijd. De aartshertogen leverden een belangrijke bijdrage tot de uitstraling van wat later de ?Vlaamse barok? zal genoemd worden. De eeuw van Pieter Paul Rubens lijkt nu ondenkbaar zonder de steun van dit vorstenpaar. This book is a selected collection of essays on the court of Archdukes Albert and Isabella in the Low Countries as a flourishing centre of arts, and on their great contribution towards the radiation of the style later known as Flemish Baroque. The Rule of the Archdukes Albert & Isabella over the Low Countries began in 1598, exactly 400 years ago. Their highly cosmopolitan court became a flourishing centre of the arts, a showcase for other courts throughout Europe. The archdukes made a great contribution towards the radiation of the style later known as 'Flemish Baroque'. The century of Peter Paul Rubens would never have been the same without the support of Albert and Isabella. In the Habsburg Netherlands, a region split by civil war, the protestant Northern Provinces had broken away from Catholic Spain, while Spanish rule was established in the Southern Netherlands. The confidence between sovereign and subject would be restored by the Archdukes. The Twelve Year Truce (1609-1621) brought the necessary peace for a political, economic and in particular cultural revival. Albert and Isabella surrounded themselves with a score of artists, including the architects Wenzel Coebergher and Jacques Franckaert, the composer Peter Philips and the court painters, Peter Paul Rubens in the first place, but also Jan I Brueghel, Otto Van Veen and Theodoor van Loon. The South-Netherlandish humanists, Justus Lipsius in particular, brought about an intellectual apogee. With contributions by: W. Thomas, J. Martinez-Millan, R. Valladares, T. DaCosta Kaufmann, A. Jordan, E. Stols, B.J. Garcia Garcia, P. Croft, M.A. Echevarria Bacigalupe, M. Thofner, K. Van Honacker, H. De Schepper, D. Lanoye, G. Martijn, L. Duerloo, E. Put, J. Roegiers & P. Vandermeersch, B. Welzel, C. Banz, C. Schumann, K. De Jonge, E. Janssen, P. Arblaster, J. Verberckmoes, K. Proesmans, M. Ebben, F. Van Noten.
Campbell, Stephen J.: The Cabinet of Eros. Renaissance Mythological Painting and the Studiolo of Isabella d'Este. London and New Haven: 2006. 240pp with 30 colour and 100 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 25.4x19cms. Re-examines the function of the mythological image, and in particular the accommodation of Eros as a central concern, within the Renaissance culture of readers and collectors, as exemplified by the seven paintings in the Studiolo of Isabella d' Este (1474-1539) in Mantua, which contained masterpieces by Correggio, Mantegna and Perugino amongst others.
Re-examines the function of the mythological image, and in particular the accommodation of Eros as a central concern, within the Renaissance culture of readers and collectors, as exemplified by the seven paintings in the Studiolo of Isabella d' Este (1474-1539) in Mantua, which contained masterpieces by Correggio, Mantegna and Perugino amongst others. Text in English
[Pier Jacopo Alari-Bonacolsi called Antico] -
Reference : 090621
ISBN : 978883706142
Bonacolsi l'Antico : Uno scultore nella Mantova di Andrea Mantegna e Isabella d'Este. Exhibition: Mantua, Palazzo Ducale, 2008. 344pp with illustrations in colour. Soft covers. 28x24cms. Highly illustrated catalogue of the work of Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi called l'Antico (1460?-1528), contemporary of Mantegna and artist to Isabella d'Este. A sculptor and a goldsmith, Antico is famous for fusing these two disciplines resulting in beautiful bronzes with gilded drapery, hair, and occasionally eyes. Also includes detailed catalogue entries of his medals and vases, as well as his work on antique Roman sculpture. Text in Italian.
Highly illustrated catalogue of the work of Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi called l'Antico (1460?-1528), contemporary of Mantegna and artist to Isabella d'Este. A sculptor and a goldsmith, Antico is famous for fusing these two disciplines resulting in beautiful bronzes with gilded drapery, hair, and occasionally eyes. Also includes detailed catalogue entries of his medals and vases, as well as his work on antique Roman sculpture. Text in Italian
Couverture souple. Broché. 146 pages. Légèrement défraîchi.
Livre. Elvipress, Janvier 1973.
Reference : alb48e48c5aa468a2d0
Prescott WH (Prescott William H.) The Story of Ferdinand and Isabella. In English (ask us if in doubt)/Preskott U.Kh. (Prescott William H.) Istoriya Ferdinanda i Izabelly. History Of The Reign Of Ferdinand And Isabella By William Prescott 1854. Full English edition in one volume. London Published by London: Richard Bentley 1854 580 pp. Marble Cut Reduced format 12 see We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb48e48c5aa468a2d0