Un ouvrage de 355 pages, format 110 x 180 mm, broché couverture couleurs, publié en 2019, Viviane Hamy, collection "Grands Romans Points", bon état
Reference : LFA-126731650
Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
M. Olivier Auriol de Bussy
04 74 33 45 19
Vente par correspondance, lors de salons à l'extérieur ou au Château de Vallin lors de manifestations culturelles. Nous vous accueillerons notamment les 21, 22 et 23 mars 2025 (de 13 h 30 à 17 h 30 h) à l'occasion de "Livres au Château", exposition-vente de plusieurs milliers d'ouvrages, organisée au Château de Vallin, demeure historique des XIVe et XVIIIe siècles, située à Saint Victor de Cessieu, proche de La Tour du Pin, en Isère. (entrée libre)
Shanghai, Huadong shifan daxue chubanshe, 1986 - 2001. 8vo. 10 volumes, all in publisher's uniform full cloth bindings with gilt lettering to spines and front boards. All volumes with presentation inscription from the translator to Niels Bohr's son, Ernest Bohr: ""To Mr. Ernest Bohr with / highest respect from / GeGe"". A fine and clean set of the first 10 volumes of Niels Bohr Collected Works.
First Chinese, and overall, translation of 'Niels Bohr Collected Works' with dedication inscription from the translator ot Bohr's son Ernest Bohr. Translator Prof. Ge Ge found Bohr’s personality and mode of thinking in harmony with traditional Chinese culture, which may be part of the explanation for his lifelong dedication to Niels Bohr and his work, and his great effort to translate and publish the only non-English edition of the Niels Bohr Collected Works in existence today. The first volume in English had appeared in 1972, and Ge Ge was able to publish a Chinese translation in 1986, fourteen years later.Ge Ge’s enthusiasm not only led to the Collected Works being published with impressive promptness in China, but no doubt provided additional motivation for the Director of the Niels Bohr Archive to prepare the volumes faster. In this way, Ge Ge had an influence even on the publication of the original edition. In 2001 Ge Ge received the prestigeousDanish Order of the Dannebrog “for hiscontribution to increasing the Chinese understanding of Danish science and promoting the Denmark-China scientific cooperation. He was in fact able to translate all the volumes of the Collected Works, the last volume of which was published in English in 2006. It testifies to Ge Ge’s dedication that he enthusiastically went on with the work in spite of having lost his eyesight" he died the following year. The volumes contain the following: Vol. 1: Early Work (1905-1911) Vol. 2: Work on Atomic Physics (1912-1917)Vol. 3: The Correspondence Principle (1918-1923) Vol. 4: The Periodic System (1920-1923)Vol. 5: The Emergence of Quantum Mechanics (mainly 1924-1926) Vol. 6: Foundations of Quantum Physics I (1926-1932) Vol. 7: Foundations of Quantum Physics II (1933-1958) Vol. 8: The Penetration of Charged Particles through Matter (1912-1954)Vol. 9: Nuclear Physics (1929-1952) Vol. 10: Complementarity beyond Physics (1928-1962)
Akademisk Forlag Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's blue wrappers, illustrated by a black and white photography of the Institute In-8 1 vol. - 175 pages
several black and white photographies 1st English paperback, 1979 Contents, Chapitres : L'Institut Niels-Bohr a été fondé en 1921, sous l'impulsion du physicien danois Niels Bohr, prix Nobel de physique en 1922. À l'occasion du 80e anniversaire de Niels Bohr, le 7 octobre 1965, l'institut, qui s'appelait alors Institut de physique théorique de l'université de Copenhague, prit officiellement le nom d'Institut Niels-Bohr. - Durant les décennies 1920 et 1930, l'Institut était le centre mondial pour le développement des nouvelles disciplines qu'étaient alors la physique nucléaire et la physique quantique. Des physiciens du monde entier s'y rendaient alors pour rencontrer Niels Bohr et discuter de nouvelles théories. L'École de Copenhague d'interprétation de la mécanique quantique doit son nom au travail effectué alors à l'institut. (source : Wikipedia) few foxings on the wrappers which remains in very good condition, inside is near fine, no markings, minor folding tracks on the front-part of the wrappers, it remains a very good copy
(No place, nor year, but around 1680). Folio (265 x 170 mm). In contemporary marbled wrappers. Paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Wear to extremities, missing part of the paper on spine. Internally with occassional light brownspotting. 18 ff.
Exceedingly rare first edition of this panegyric to Niels Juel, arguably the most famous commander in the Danish-Norwegian Navy only second to Tordenskjold. The present copy has until recently been house in the library of Valdemar's Castle, the very castle Juel was given by the king after his victory over Sweden in the Battle of Køge. The estate was transferred to him as payment for the Swedish ships captured in the battle. Niels Juel is beat known for his victories against Sweden during the Scanian War (1675–1679) and the present work focuses on his heroic deeds in the years 1676 and 1677, which were crucial in the war namely the Battle of Öland (1676) and the Battle of Køge Bay (1677) – One of Juel’s most famous triumphs where he decisively defeated the Swedish fleet. Biblioteca Danica III, 1209.
Kiøbenhaffn, (Andreas Gutterwitz og Hans Stockelmann), 1576. Folio. (27 x 19 cm.). Senere velbevaret hellæderbind i flammet kalv fra omkring 1850. Ryg med svagt ophøjede ægte bind, smalle forgyldte borter langs bindene. Forgyldt rygtitel: HUUSPOSTIL. Eksemplaret er næsten komplet, idet der kun mangler titelbladet til 1. del og det sidste blanke blad. Del.1: 13 (af 14) unummererede blade + 214 nummererede blade. Del 2: 234 nummererede + 13 unummererede. Med talrige monumentale halvsides træsnit i teksten illustrerende Jesu levnedsløb, hvis kunstner indtil for nylig var uidentificeret. (Se noten neden for). Nogle fejlpagineringer i begge Dele. 2 signaturer (læg) ombyttede (i 1. Del og i registeret). Trykt på svært papir og med lettere brugsspor, mest blandt de første blade i 1. Del. Ca. 20 blade omkantede, ca. 15 blade kantforstærkede i højre margin, 3 blade reparerede med teksttab. Enkelte blade reparerede i kanter med tab af bogstaver i marginalierne. Kolofonbladet repareret i alle kanter, men uden tab af tekst. Enkelte blade med svage skjolder og brunpletter. Et læg i registeret løsnet. Alt i alt et usædvanligt velbevaret eksemplar af dette monumentalværk i dansk teologisk litteratur. Folio. (27 x 19 cm.). Later well preserved full mottled calf binding from ca 1850. Slightly raised real bands to spine, slim gilt borders along the bands. Gilt title to spine. The copy is nearly complete, as its is only lacking the title-page for part 1 and the final blank. Part 1: 13 (of 14) unnumbered leaves + 214 numbered laeves. Part II: 234 numbered leaves + 13 unnumbered leaves. Some paginational errors in both parts. Two quires have been swapped (in part 1 and the index). With numerous half-page woodcuts in the text depicting the life of Jesus. Until recently, the artist had remained unidentified (please see note below for clarification). Printed on thick, heavy paper. Signs of use, mostly to the first leaves of part 1. Ca 20 leaves re-margined, and ca 15 leaves re-inforced at outer margin. Three leaves repaired with loss of text. A few leaves restores at edges with marginal loss of lettering. All edges of colophon repaired, but no loss of text. A few leaves with light damp staining and brownspotting. One quire of the index loose. All in all an unusually well preserved copy of this extremely rare monument of Danish theology.
Den uhyre sjældne første danske udgave af Hemmingsens Postil, ja faktisk findes kun 2 komplette eksemplarer på private hænder, nemlig det som var ejet af Tore Virgin indtil 1947 og et eksemplar som for nogle år siden dukkede op i Frankrig, og som nu er i en dansk privatsamling. Lauritz Nielsen anfører, at der alene er registreret 4 komplette eksemplarer i offentlige biblioteker (KB, Linköping, Stifts-og Landsbibliotek, Karen Brahe, Odense og Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel). Universitetsbibliotekets eksemplar er defekt, ligesom KB ejer 3 defekte eksemplarer ud over det komplette, som alle 3 er med mange mangler.Postillen udkom først på Latin i 1561 og blev fortsat med ialt 16 Latinske udgaver - alle i 8vo-, og om alle kan man vist sige, at de er af største sjældenhed. Carl S. Petersen kalder Niels Hemmingsen ""den største teologiske Videnskabsmand, der har levet i vor Fædreland"", og som elev af Melancton må han nok betegnes som den mest betydelige tænker i Reformationstidens Danmark og Norge. Hans Postil er ikke egentlige prædikener, ""men dispositioner til saadanne, udarbejdede med det formål at tvinge præsten til alvorlig gennemtænkning af den hellige Text"". Samtiden tildelte ham navnet ""Danmarks almindelige Lærer"". AN ILLUSTRATIONERNE: En dansk bogsamler og ekspert på danske 1500-tals tryk (Jørgen Jark) har bidraget til opklaringen af de monumentale illustrationers ophav. Han anfører, at signaturen CE (i Thesaurus og Birkelund fejllæst som CF) - ifølge Nagler ""Die Monogramisten"" - sandsynligvis står for kunstneren, mester Endele. Han var af Wittenbergskolen, og denne serie af billeder var tidligere anvendt i en tysk udgave af Luthers Postil. Et par af billederne er mærket med årstallene 1561 og 1562. Efter lånet til Danmark må de være returneret, da de ikke optræder senere i noget andet dansk tryk. Træskæreren har markeret sig med en træskærerkniv og et 4tals-agtigt tegn, der er et i tiden og tidligere ofte anvendt laugsmærke. Et par af billederne tilhører en helt anden serie, f.eks. Del I, blad 71b. De tilskrives Hans Brosamer og hele denne serie blev brugt af Matz Vingaard i hans Lutherpostil 1577.Lauritz Nielsen: 886. - Thesaurus I, 100. - Bibl. Danica I:499. - Birkelund, 31. The exceedingly scarce first edition of the first Danish edition of Hemmingsen’s Postil. Only two complete copies are known on private hands, one that was owned by Thore Virgin up until 1947, and another copy that appeared in France some years back and which is now in a Danish private collection. According to Lauritz Nielsen, merely four complete copies are registered in libraries world-wide (Royal Library in Danmerk, Linköping’s Stifts- og Landbibliotek, Karen Brahe in Odense, and Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel). The copy in the University Library in Denmark is defective, as are the three other copies that The Royal Library owns, all very incomplete. Hemmingsen’s Postille first appeared in Latin in 1561, followed by another 15 Latin editions, all in 8vo. All 16 editions are considered exceedingly rare. Carl S. Petersen calls Niels Hammingsen ”the greatest theological scientist that has ever lived in our country” (i.e. Denmark). As a pupil of Melanchthon, he is rightfully considered the most significant thinker during the Danish/Norwegian Reformation. His Postil does not cosntitute actual sermons, but ”dispositions for such, prepared with the goal of forcing the priest into serious contemplation of the holy Text.” (Own translation from Danish). By his contemporaries, Hemmingsen was known as “The common teacher of Denmark”. THE ILLUSTRATIONS: A Danish bibliophile and expert on 16th century printings (Jørgen Jark) has contributed to solve the question of the origin of the monumental illustrations. He states that according to Nagler in “Die Monogramisten”, the signature CE (in Thesaurus and Birkelund erroneously read as CF) most likely refers to the artist Master Endele. Endele was part of the Wittenberg School, and this series of illustrations had previously been used in a German edition of Luther’s Postil. A few of the illustrations bear the years 1561 and 1562. After having been lent to Denmark, they must have been returned, as they appear in no other Danish printing. The woodcutter has marked himself with a woodcutter’s knife and a sign resembling “4”, which was a commonly used guild mark of the period. A few of the illustrations belong to a completely different series, e.g. Part 1, f. 71b. They are attributed to Hans Brosamer" his enire series was used by Mats Vingaard in his Luther’s Postil from 1577. Lauritz Nielsen: 886. - Thesaurus I, 100. - Bibl. Danica I:499. - Birkelund, 31.
Belin , Un Savant, une Epoque Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1989 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur noir, illustrée d'un portrait de N.H. Abel In-8 1 vol. - 367 pages
quelques illustrations dans le texte en noir et blanc 1ere édition, 1989 "Contents, Chapitres : Biographie - Annexes : Notes - Chronologie - Equations algébriques - Les fonctions elliptiques - Les travaux d'Abel - Index - Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) est un mathématicien norvégien. Il est connu pour ses travaux en analyse mathématique sur la semi-convergence des séries numériques, des suites et séries de fonctions, les critères de convergence d'intégrale généralisée, sur la notion d'intégrale elliptique ; et en algèbre, sur la résolution des équations. - Niels Henrik Abel est à l'origine de la notion de nombre algébrique (solution d'une équation polynomiale à coefficients rationnels). Il laisse aussi de nombreux résultats sur les séries et les fonctions elliptiques. (source : Wikipedia)" trace de pliure au coin supérieur droit du plat supérieur, sinon bon exemplaire, intérieur frais et propre