Un ouvrage de 65 pages, format 140 x 190 mm, broché, publié en 1966, Editions des Cahiers de l'Alpe, tirage limité (N° 93/100 sur vélin de la Papeterie de Renage), bon état, rare
Reference : LFA-126719329
Sentences de ce poète dauphinois (1869-1943), natif de Saint-Pierre-de-Méarotz (Isère). Lettre préface de Mgr Guerry
Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
M. Olivier Auriol de Bussy
04 74 33 45 19
Vente par correspondance, lors de salons à l'extérieur ou au Château de Vallin lors de manifestations culturelles. Nous vous accueillerons notamment les 21, 22 et 23 mars 2025 (de 13 h 30 à 17 h 30 h) à l'occasion de "Livres au Château", exposition-vente de plusieurs milliers d'ouvrages, organisée au Château de Vallin, demeure historique des XIVe et XVIIIe siècles, située à Saint Victor de Cessieu, proche de La Tour du Pin, en Isère. (entrée libre)
Bruxelles 1914 Goemaere Hardcover
Coutumes des pays et comté de Flandre quartier d'Ypres registres aux sentences des échevins d'Ypres Recueil des anciennes coutumes de la Belgique 290 x 215 mm, uniforme hard cover, 471 blz, deel van het groter geheel : Recueil des anciennes coutumes de la Belgique, Alle nederlandstalige teksten zijn vertaald naar het Frans, lichte gebruikssporen aan de covers, het boekblok is nog in zeer goede staat ,
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 1204 pages, Illustrations:1 b/w, 25 tables b/w., Language(s):English, French, Latin. ISBN 9782503612089.
Summary Principia were an obligatory step on the medieval university path to becoming a master of theology. As inaugural lectures on the four books of the Sentences of Peter Lombard, they provided the first opportunity for a scholastic to defend a philosophical-theological worldview. These lectures were also a way for the theologian, now a sententiarius, to present himself and to make a name for himself, initially by delivering in a speech an introduction to the course and by debating with his fellows. The present book takes a collective approach to offer a survey of the evolution of the genre, mapping the dissemination of this exercise during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries across Europe. As an academic exercise, principia bridge ideas, texts, authors, and institutions across time. Exploring the corpus of surviving principia illuminates the philosophical creativity cultivated in the faculties of theology. The papers in these volumes thus not only discuss the structural aspects of principia, but also treat the philosophical and theological ideas defended and attacked during the principial debates and the topics and imagery used in the speeches. The various chapters delve into the surviving material in a common attempt, firstly, to assemble pieces of evidence from Paris and Oxford into an image portraying how, when, and by whom the principia were performed in the first European universities. The second part illustrates the spread of the genre to the new faculties of theology in Central Europe and Italy, with case studies from Bologna, Cracow, Florence, Heidelberg, Prague, and Vienna, highlighting the pan-European diffusion of the practice. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I: Paris and Oxford Monica Brinzei and William O. Duba, Introduction Monica Brinzei, A Guide for Understanding Principia on the Sentences of Peter Lombard Paris William J. Courtenay, The Transformation of Sentential Principia in the Early Fourteenth Century Florian W ller, Inaugural Speeches by Bachelors of Theology Principial Collationes and their Transmission (1317-1319) Chris Schabel, Francis of Marchia on Instrumental Causality: The Conclusion to Principium in IV in Question 2 on IV Sentences Chris Schabel, The Genre Matures. Parisian Principia in the 1340s, from Gregory of Rimini to Pierre Ceffons Chris Schabel, The Forgotten Principia of a Forgotten Theologian: Jean de Moyenneville, 1356-1357, and Parisian Theology in the Late 1350s Alexandra Anisie, Mediated Knowledge and Beatific Vision in the First Principium of John of Brammart William J. Courtenay, Principial Cohorts at Paris Oxford Siegfried Wenzel, Introductory Lectures on the Sentences by ?Frisby? Michael Dunne, Between Old and New at Oxford: The Introitus Sententiarum of Richard FitzRalph and the First Collatio of Adam Wodeham Pascale Bermon, la recherche des Principia aux Questions sur les Sentences de Robert Holcot O.P. (? 1349) Chris Schabel, The Oxford Franciscan Robert Halifax's Principial Debate over Grace and Merit with His Pelagian Socius and Other Colleagues in 1332-133 Volume II: Blogona, Cracow, Florence, Heidelberg, Prague, and Vienna Bologna Chris Schabel, The Franciscan Guglielmo Centueri of Cremona's Bologna Principium of 1368, with an Appendix on Whether God Can Make the Past Not to Have Been Cracow Wojciech Baran, Survey on Medieval Principia on Peter Lombard's Sentences of Theologians from the University of Cracow Florence William O. Duba and Russell L. Friedman, A(nother) Florentine Principium on the Sentences. The Mystery of the Two "Prologues" in Peter of Trabibus' I Sentences Heidelberg Andrea Fiamma, John Wenck's Principia on the Sentences (1431) Prague Monica Brinzei, The Cistercian Matthew of Zbraslav (de Aula Regia / K nigsaal), Socius of a Pre-Radical Jan Hus, and Their Prague Principial Debate Vienna Edit Anna Luk cs, Pr cher sur les Sentences: sermons sur l'?uvre du Lombard la biblioth que des Dominicains de Vienne Ueli Zahnd, Disputing without Socii: The Principium on Book I of Conrad of Rothenburg, Vienna 1408/09 Matteo Esu, Peter of Pirkenwart's Textual Workshop from his Principium IV (1417) Matteo Esu and Ueli Zahnd, A joint Edition of Conrad of Rothenburg's and Peter of Pirchenwart's Principia on Book IV of the Sentences Index
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xxii + 445 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503589091.
Summary The proceedings of the SIEPM Colloquium at Nijmegen published in this volume bring together new evidence for how the corpus of late-medieval commentaries on the Sentences, especially from the second half of the fourteenth century, contributed to the development of philosophical psychology within the discipline of theology. The relation among the faculties of the soul, the limits of knowledge, hylomorphism and the union of soul and body, intuitive and abstractive cognition, the immortality of the soul, the experience of the beatific vision, divine foreknowledge and the knowability of species are some of the topics involving psychological issues that are examined in this volume. The wealth of new information presented in this volume results from the interpretation of previously unexplored sources. The essays in this volume demonstrate that the various parts and Books of Peter Lombard's Sentences, the standard textbook of theology in the Middle Ages, provided lecturers and commentators with a variety of loci for the discussion of philosophical topics, from the principia (Denys of Montina), the Prologue (Alfonsus Vargas of Toledo, Hugolino of Orvieto, John Regis, Francis Toti of Perugia), Book I (Gregory of Rimini, John of Mirecourt, Pierre Ceffons, Hugolino of Orvieto, Pierre d'Ailly, Peter of Candia, the Vienna Group, John Capreolus, Henry of Gorkum, Denys the Carthusian), Book II (Pierre Ceffons, Peter of Candia, Guillaume de Vaurouillon, Gabriel Biel, Denys the Carthusian), and Book III (Heymericus de Campo). This diversity, within large works on theology conceived broadly, constitutes a tradition parallel to that found in commentaries on Aristotle's De anima in the late Middle Ages. TABLE OF CONTENTS Monica BR NZEI, Introduction Christopher D. SCHABEL, Note on the Vernacular Name of Richardus de Mediavilla : of 'Menneville', Not 'Middleton' I. HUMAN COGNITION Amos CORBINI, Notitia intuitiva and complexe significabile at Paris in the 1340s: From Alphonsus Vargas Toletanus to Peter Ceffons Aur lien ROBERT, The Possibility of Cognizing Material Substances. The Evolution of a Philosophical Problem in Late-Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences Jeffrey C. WITT, Peter Plaoul and Intuitive Knowledge II. THE HUMAN SOUL Maarten J.F.M. HOENEN, Heymericus de Campo (?1460) Reads Peter Lombard: Late-Medieval Abbreviations of the Libri Sententiarum Thomas JESCHKE, Unum antiquum problema: Denys the Carthusian and John Capreolus on the Question Whether the Soul's Essence Is Distinct from Its Potencies. A Late-Medieval Starting Point William DUBA and Olivier RIBORDY, The Human Soul: Definitions and Differentiae in Late-Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences Kent EMERY, Jr., Denys the Carthusian's Sentential Teachings on the Nature and Operations of the Soul III. THEOLOGICAL ISSUES John T. SLOTEMAKER, Pierre d'Ailly and the Imago Trinitatis: The Sources of His Trinitarian Theology Severin KITANOV, Freedom in Heaven: Peter of Candia's Treatment of the Necessity or Contingency of Beatific Enjoyment Christopher D. SCHABEL, Henry of Langenstein, Henry Totting of Oyta, Nicholas of Dinkelsb hl and the Vienna Group on Reconciling Human Free Will with Divine Foreknowledge Monica BR NZEI, Epilogue: Commentaries on the Sentences in Paris around 1370 Index of Manuscripts Index of Ancient and Medieval Names Index of Modern and Contemporary Authors
Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Paperback, LVIII+278 p., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9780888442925.
Peter Lombard's major work, the four books of the Sentences, was written in the mid twelfth century, and as early as the 1160s, the text was glossed and commented on in the schools. There is hardly a theologian of note throughout the rest of the Middle Ages who did not write a commentary on the Sentences. Yet in spite of its importance in Western intellectual history and its capacity to excite many generations of students and teachers, the Sentences has received little attention in more recent times. Indeed, it has been called 'one of the least read of the world's great books'. This volume makes available for the first time in English a full translation of Book 1 of the Sentences. It consists of forty-eight Distinctions, the bulk of which deal with God in his transcendence and with the mystery of the Trinity. The person of God the Father is the topic in Distinction iv, that of God the Son in v-ix, that of God the Holy Spirit in x-xviii. Distinctions xix-xxxiv are deeply concerned with the language that can be used in describing the Trinity and the relations among the divine persons. The remaining distinctions deal with the divine attributes as they become manifest in God's action towards creatures. An important concern is the preservation of God's sovereign freedom and the avoidance of any confusion regarding the absolute transcendence of God, despite his graceful self-disclosure in creation and revelation. The volume contains an introduction to Peter and to the Sentences and its first book, a list of the major chapter headings, and a bibliography. Languages : English, Latin.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 Paperback, XLVI+236 p., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9780888442932.
Peter Lombard's major work, the four books of the Sentences, was written in the mid twelfth century, and as early as the 1160s, the text was glossed and commented on in the schools. There is hardly a theologian of note throughout the rest of the Middle Ages who did not write a commentary on the Sentences. Yet in spite of its importance in Western intellectual history and its capacity to excite many generations of students and teachers, the Sentences has received little attention in more recent times. Indeed, it has been called 'one of the least read of the world's great books'. This volume makes available for the first time in English a full translation of Book 1 of the Sentences. It consists of forty-eight Distinctions, the bulk of which deal with God in his transcendence and with the mystery of the Trinity. The person of God the Father is the topic in Distinction iv, that of God the Son in v-ix, that of God the Holy Spirit in x-xviii. Distinctions xix-xxxiv are deeply concerned with the language that can be used in describing the Trinity and the relations among the divine persons. The remaining distinctions deal with the divine attributes as they become manifest in God's action towards creatures. An important concern is the preservation of God's sovereign freedom and the avoidance of any confusion regarding the absolute transcendence of God, despite his graceful self-disclosure in creation and revelation. The volume contains an introduction to Peter and to the Sentences and its first book, a list of the major chapter headings, and a bibliography. Languages : English, Latin.