‎BOZ (DICKENS Charles)‎

‎Paris, Baudry's European Library, collection of Ancient and Modern British Authors, vol CCXXXV, 1839, in-8 demi-chagrin, dos richement orné, caissons et lettres dorées, 404 pp. Première édition continentale (en anglais) , peu courant. Petit manque de cuir à la coiffe supérieure, dos insolé, rousseurs éparses à l'intérieur, sinon bon état général.‎

Reference : 51072


€120.00 (€120.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : RO80263396


‎The Illustrated London News n°2271 vol.LXXXI saturday november 11 1882 - Sketches during the cloture debate in the house of commons - sketches of the floods at canterbury - sketches of the floods at twickenham - sketches during at the gale at lowestoft...‎

‎The Illustrated London News. 1882. In-4. En feuillets. Etat d'usage, Livré sans Couverture, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. Paginé de 485 à 508 - nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc dans et hors texte - texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎texte en anglais - Sommaire : Sketches during the cloture debate in the house of commons - sketches of the floods at canterbury - sketches of the floods at twickenham - sketches during at the gale at lowestoft - banquet to the naval forces at devonport - the floods in the tyrol - the late Mr.G.Critchett - officiers killed in egypt - the late floods and gales - sketches of the cruise of H.M.S. inconstant with the elying squadron - bracelet for duchess of albany - sling the monkey a sketch on board H.M.S. Inconstant - winter fashions at messrs swan and edgar's piccadilly-circus london - new english church at pontresina in the engadine - the oldest church in the engadine - glacier near pontresina in the engadine - sale of the boat. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎[STREATFIELD FAMILY.- Streatfeild (Rev. Thomas, antiquarian and churchman, 1777-1778) & Captain Robert Streatfeild (1786-1852) and others [?]].‎

Reference : 4669


‎[3 carnets de dessins et croquis / 3 notebooks of drawings and sketches].‎

‎s.L , s.d. [c.1810-1815]. 1810 2 carnets in-12° oblong (121 x 190 mm et 119 x 165 mm) et 1 carnet in-8° (180 x 115 mm) de : I. 49 dessins à laquarelle et croquis au crayon gris ; 1 note manuscrite détachée décrivant les conditions météorologiques sur une semaine ; filigranes J. Whatman 1810 ; II. 32 dessins et croquis au crayon gris ; inscriptions et calculs au début et à la fin du carnet au crayon gris ; III. 16 dessins et croquis au crayon gris ; 4 photos en couleur ; notes et calculs au début et à la fin du carnet ; étiquette de libraire: Made & Sold by E. William, Stationer to the Duke & Duchess of York N°11 Strand ; filigranes: W. Turner & Son, Budgen & (...) 18(..) et J. Green 1813. Soit un total de 97 dessins et croquis et 4 photos. (Quelques feuillets détachés et tarces d'arrachement, salissures et défauts d'usage). I. Demi-maroquin rouge à grain long à coins et porte-crayon dépoque, dos lisse orné de filets dorés, plats recouverts de papier vert, vestiges dun fermoir ; II. Plein maroquin rouge à grain long avec porte-crayon, dos lisse muet ; III. Demi-chagrin noir dépoque, dos muet, plats recouverts de papier marbré, dos lisse muet. (Frottements et défauts dusage).‎

‎Trois carnets de dessins et croquis provenant de la famille historique anglaise Streatfeild originaire de Chiddingstone (Kent). Les membres de la famille Streatfeild étaient d'importants propriétaires dans le Sussex, le Surrey et le Kent, et ont contribué à façonner ces comtés au cours des 17e et 18e siècles. Le siège de la famille était le château de Chiddingstone (à l'origine High Street House) et leur histoire remonte au XVIème siècle avec son plus ancien descendant connu: Robert Streatfeild de Chiddingstone (1514 - 1599). De part la ressemblance frappante entre leurs armoiries, la famille Streatfeild est très probablement une branche cadette de la noble maison de Stratford. Le premier carnet contient 49 dessins à laquarelle et croquis au crayon gris représentant des études de paysages, de bâtiments et de navires et de moulins à vent. Les dessins à laquarelle sont particulièrement bien exécutés tandis que les dessins au crayon gris se distinguent par leur finesse. Le carnet est agrémenté dune note manuscrite détachée avec 8 lignes de dates et de coordonnées géographiques avec les conditions météorologiques décrites pour chaque jour. Le second album comporte 32 dessins et croquis variés au crayon gris de paysages, maisons de campagne, ruines et détails architecturaux d'églises. Le dernier carnet débute avec 4 photos en couleur de dessins très probablement exécutés par un membre de la famille Streatfeild. En outre, il comporte 16 dessins et croquis et dessins au crayon gris ou à lencre représentant majoritairement des plans de maisons sous différents angles. Un certain nombre de dessins du capitaine Robert Streatfeild (1786-1852) ont été proposés chez Christie's en 2016 dans la vente Old Master Drawings and British Drawings and Watercolours (lots 144-150), et si ces dessins étaient à plus grande échelle, on note des similitudes d'exécution notables avec certaines aquarelles et croquis des présents albums. Le British Museum détient également un carnet de croquis du révérend Thomas Streatfeild (1777-1848 ; antiquaire et homme d'église renommé) présentant dimportantes ressemblances à nos carnets de dessins (voir BM n° 1969,0208.4-10). 2 oblong 12mo notebooks (121 x 190 mm and 119 x 165 mm) and 1 8vo notebook (180 x 115 mm) of: I. 49 watercolor drawings and gray pencil sketches; 1 detached handwritten note describing weather conditions over a week; watermarks "J. Whatman 1810"; II. 32 gray pencil drawings and sketches; inscriptions and calculations at the beginning and end of the notebook in gray pencil; III. 16 drawings and sketches in gray pencil; 4 color photographs; notes and calculations at beginning and end of notebook; bookseller's label: "Made & Sold by E. William, Stationer to the Duke & Duchess of York N°11 Strand"; watermarks: "W. Turner & Son", "Budgen & (...) 18(..)" and "J. Green 1813". A total of 97 drawings and sketches and 4 photographs. (Some detached leaves and tears, soiling and defects of use). I. Half red long-grained morocco with corners and pencil holder, smooth spine decorated with gilt fillets, boards covered with green paper, remains of a clasp; II. Full red long-grained morocco with pencil holder, smooth mute spine; III. Vintage black half-chagrin, muted spine, marbled paper covered boards, muted smooth spine. (Rubbing and defects of use). Three sketchbooks from the historic English Streatfeild family of Chiddingstone, Kent. Members of the Streatfeild family were prominent landowners in Sussex, Surrey and Kent, and helped shape these counties during the 17th and 18th centuries. The family seat was Chiddingstone Castle (originally High Street House) and their history dates back to the 16th century with its earliest known descendant Robert Streatfeild of Chiddingstone (1514 - 1599). Because of the striking resemblance between their coats of arms, the Streatfeild family is most likely a younger branch of the noble house of Stratford. The first notebook contains 49 watercolor and gray pencil sketches depicting studies of landscapes, buildings, ships and windmills. The watercolor drawings are particularly well executed while the gray pencil drawings are distinguished by their finesse. The notebook is embellished with a detached handwritten note with 8 lines of dates and geographical coordinates with weather conditions described for each day. The second album contains 32 various drawings and sketches in grey pencil of landscapes, country houses, ruins and architectural details of churches. The final booklet begins with 4 color photographs of drawings most likely executed by a member of the Streatfeild family. In addition, there are 16 sketches and drawings in gray pencil or ink, mostly of house plans from various angles. A number of drawings by Captain Robert Streatfeild (1786-1852) were offered at Christie's in 2016 in the sale "Old Master Drawings and British Drawings and Watercolours" (lots 144-150), and while these drawings were on a larger scale, there are notable similarities in execution with some of the watercolors and sketches in the present albums. The British Museum also holds a sketchbook of the Reverend Thomas Streatfeild (1777-1848; noted antiquarian and churchman) with significant similarities to our drawing books (see BM No. 1969,0208.4-10).‎

J-F Letenneur Livres Rares - Saint Briac sur Mer

Phone number : 06 81 35 73 35

EUR7,500.00 (€7,500.00 )

‎Friso Lammertse, Alejandro Vergara‎

Reference : 52026

‎Rubens Painter of Sketches.‎

‎NL-, Boijmans van Beuningen, 2018 softcover, PB, 300 x 240 mm, 248 p, throughout colour illustrations, English edition. ISBN 9788484804710.‎

‎Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) is the most important painter of sketches in the history of European art. His Italian and Flemish predecessors had for the most part prepared their paintings by using drawings. Rubens transformed this process by systematically making sketches in colour, with oil paint, and nearly always on panel supports. Rubens's oil sketches were essentially a new form of painting. They brought together the design and colour stages of preliminary work. Because their purpose was to advance another work of art, oil sketches demanded less effort and time than the final products, and this translated into a less polished finish and smaller size. Rubens's sketches invite us to indulge in his art. They are powerful, vivid renditions of a variety of themes, from ancient history and mythology to religion, still life and portraits. They combine seriousness of purpose and a zest for life, transmitted through a masterly lightness of touch. Their small size and appearance of incompleteness draw us in and entice us to look closely. Their sheer quality is a great source of pleasure and learning. This catalogue presents detailed studies and superb illustrations of eighty-two of Rubens's most eloquent oil sketches, and two essays explaining the historical context from which they emerged, their salient features and how they were viewed by contemporaries. Friso Lammertse is Curator of Old Master Paintings and Sculpture at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam. Alejandro Vergara Sharp is Senior Curator of Flemish and Northern European Paintings at the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.95 (€29.95 )


Reference : 4827


‎Trois pages de croquis au pastel et au crayon de soldats de la Première Guerre mondiale Three pages of pastel and pencil sketches of soldiers from the First World War‎

‎N/A N/P 1916 Six esquisses sur deux feuilles de papier vergé et une page plus petite. Ils semblent avoir été retirés d'un carnet de croquis. L'un d'eux représente la tête d'un officier, regardant de côté, au pastel, au crayon et surligné en blanc. Nous n'avons pas pu identifier le soldat (il y avait beaucoup de casquettes à visière et de moustaches épaisses à l'époque !) mais le croquis est signé Emmanuelle ( ?) et daté du 6.6.16. La deuxième feuille contient un croquis de la même figure, et une deuxième esquisse au crayon, mais également avec des rehauts de blanc. Cette feuille est également signée et datée. (le lendemain). La troisième feuille comporte trois petites esquisses au crayon. Pour notre regard de non-spécialiste, il semble qu'il s'agisse d'une tête française, d'une tête anglaise et d'une tête américaine. Les esquisses sont habilement exécutées. Aucun lieu n'est mentionné, mais ils sont français. Il est possible que l'artiste ait été une femme, peut-être une infirmière au front ? Le papier est un peu abîmé sur les bords et présente une légère usure. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit de belles esquisses. Les feuilles mesurent chacune 31 cm x 23 cm.‎

‎Six sketches on two sheets of laid paper and a smaller page. These look to have been removed from a sketch book. One is a full head of an officer, looking to one side in pastel, pencil and highlighted in white. We have not been able to identify the soldier (there were a lot of peaked caps and thick moustaches at the time!) but the sketch is signed Emmanuelle (?) and dated 6.6.16. The second sheet has a draught sketch of the same figure, and a second sketch in pencil, but also with white highlights. This sheet is also signed and dated. (the following day). The third sheet has three small pencil sketches. To our non expert glance it seems to show one French, one English and one American head. The sketches are skilfully executed. There is no place mentioned, but they are French. It is possible that the artist was a woman, perhaps a nurse at the front ? The paper is a little ragged to the edges, and has slight edgewear. Overall though, beautiful sketches. Sheets are each 31cm x 23cm. .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )

Reference : bd-c715a76df8cc110e

‎Kaigorod D. Feathered predators. Popular sketches from the world of birds of pr‎

‎Kaigorod D. Feathered predators. Popular sketches from the world of birds of prey (1906), Popular sketches from the world of Russian birds (1917)./Kaygorodov D. Pernatye khishchniki. Populyarnye ocherki iz mira khishchnykh ptits (1906), Populyarnye ocherki iz mira russkikh ptits (1917)g. Feathered Predators. Popular sketches from the world of birds of prey, Popular sketches from the world of Russian birds by Dmitry Kaigorodov. St. Petersburg, 1906.1917, with 12 colorful tables and numerous drawings in the dough, the second book with many drawings, the third book with some images. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd--c715a76df8cc110e.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )
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