Belle reliure 18ème dos à 6 faux nerfs noirs, textes titres et fleurons or, demi maroquin fauve, tranches jaspées, 298 pages. Chez Briot à Besançon, 3ème année républicaine.
Reference : BBA000fd
Très bon état parfaitement sain, aucune rousseurs. (Etcasm)
Christian Bultez
M. Christian Bultez
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Besançon, Briot, An III (1794), un volume in 8 relié en demi-basane, dos orné de filets dorés (reliure de l'époque), (coiffe émoussée, un mors légèrement fendu), (1), 298pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "The inner principles underlying the vitalist theory were soon forgotten ; the interest in the emotional aspects of physical or mental disease, however, could not disappear, for the role of emotions in the course of disease became more and more evident. Clément Joseph TISSOT (1750-1826), for instance, in response to an inquiry by the Académie de chirurgie of Paris, wrote De l'infuence des passions de l'âme dans les maladies et des moyens d'en corriger les mauvais effets... Tissot believed that tickling to evoke the emotion of cheerfulness and laughter in children suffering from rickets had a curative effect. He also thought that the playing of music would produce curative emotions in patients discouraged and therefore impeded by low spirits in the process of recovery...". (Zilboorg pp. 285/286)**5050/G2