
‎Flammarion 1962 in12. 1962. Broché. 187 pages. envoi suivi pour la France et l'étranger Bon Etat‎

Reference : 171776


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5 book(s) with the same title

‎N/A; ‎

Reference : 41514

‎QUAESTIO 6 (2006) Agostino e la tradizione agostiniana,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Paperback, XVI+610 p., 17 x 24. ISBN 9782503519807.‎

‎Costantino Esposito / Pasquale Porro, Premessa Giovanni Catapano, Quale scetticismo viene criticato da Agostino nel Contra Academicos? Luigi Alici, Initium omnis operis verbum. On the Semantics of opus/operari in Augustine Christian Trottmann, La Trinite de la Sagesse: contemplation philosophique et guerison mystique Maria Bettetini, Agostino e l?estetica: un punto Norbert Fischer, Deum et animam scire cupio. Zum bipolaren Grundzug von Augustins metaphysischem Fragen Massimo Borghesi, Il daimon o Cristo? La demonologia antica e la critica di Agostino al demone ?mediatore? tra umano e divino. Michele Trizio, ?Un uomo sapiente ed apostolico?. Agostino a Bisanzio: Gregorio Palamas lettore del De Trinitate John A. Demetracopoulos, The Sitz im Leben of Demetrius Cydones? Translation of Pseudo-Augustine?s Soliloquia. Remarks on a Recent Edition Eric Saak, The Episcopacy of Christ: Augustinus of Ancona, OESA and Political Augustinianism in the Later Middle Ages Lydia Wegener, Augustinus-Rezeption in der Reformation. Der Strassburger Munsterprediger Caspar Hedio als Ubersetzer augustinischer Schriften in der ersten Halfte des 16. Jahrhunderts Costantino Esposito, Da Descartes ad Agostino M.W.F. Stone, The Antiquarian and the Moderniser: Giovanni Lorenzo Berti (1696-1766), Pietro Tamburini (1737-1827), and Contrasting Defenses of the Teaching on Unbaptised Infants in Eighteenth-Century Italy Andrea Staiti, Il luogo della verita. La presenza di Agostino nella fenomenologia di Husserl Anibal Fornari, San Agustin y la conciencia de la experiencia cultural latinoamericana, en Alberto Rouges Giusi Strummiello, La confessione come pratica filosofica. Maria Zambrano lettrice di Agostino Gareth Matthews, Augustine and Plantinga on the Problem of Evil Emmanuel Housset, L?invention de la personne par saint Augustin et la metaphysique contemporaine Andreas Grossmann, Ewiger Friede? Nachaugustinische Retraktationen. Languages : English, French, German.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎[Raffaello Sanzi or Santi, called Raphael] - ‎ ‎Barbieri, Costanza, and Alessandro Zuccari‎

Reference : 123523


ISBN : 9788821812378

‎Raffaello e l'antico nella villa di Agostino Chigi‎

‎Barbieri, Costanza, and Alessandro Zuccari: Raffaello e l'antico nella villa di Agostino Chigi. Exhibition: Rome, Villa Farnesina, 2023. 700 pages, illustrated in colour. Paperback. 27 x 21cms. A consideration of the influence of Agostino Chigi's collection of antique statues, sarcophagi, cameos, reliefs, books and ancient coins on Raphael's classical turning point in the second decade of the sixteenth century. Sixteen essays discuss Chigi's collection and his relationship with Raphael as well as analyse individual works including 'The Triumph of Galatea'. Followed by a catalogue of 98 works by Raphael juxtaposed with contemporary and antique paintings, engravings, intaglios and sculpture. Text in Italian.‎

‎A consideration of the influence of Agostino Chigiâs collection of antique statues, sarcophagi, cameos, reliefs, books and ancient coins on Raphael's classical turning point in the second decade of the sixteenth century. Sixteen essays discuss Chigiâs collection and his relationship with Raphael as well as analyse individual works including âThe Triumph of Galateaâ. Followed by a catalogue of 98 works by Raphael juxtaposed with contemporary and antique paintings, engravings, intaglios and sculpture. Text in Italian‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP42.00 (€46.50 )

‎Calmet Agostino‎

Reference : 27223


‎Il Tesoro delle Antichità sagre, e profane contenuto nelle Dissertazioni del Rev. Padre D. Agostino Calmet tratte da' suoi comenti [sic] sopra la Divina Scrittura e recate in toscano da un'Ecclesiastico.- Tomo secondo.- TOME 2 seul.‎

‎ 1730 In Lucca, Appresso Sebastiano Domenico Cappuri, 1730 - plein velin époque bon état- (2); (4) – 684.,correct,manque à la page de titre, - L'autore, francese, (1672-1757) fu abate benedettino a Nancy, compilò numerosi saggi storici e di carattere religioso. - ‎

‎Tra le dissertazioni a metà fra antiquaria ed erudizione del Calmet (1672-1757) che era anche autore di un curioso trattato apparso nel 1746 dal titolo Dissertations sur les apparitions des anges, des demons & des esprits. Et sut les reuenans et vampires. De Hongrie, de Boheme, de Morauie & de Silefie in cui ammetteva l’esistenza dei vampiri. Tra le dissertazioni vale la pena di citare “Sovra il primo Linguaggio, e la confusione seguita a Babele”, “Sopra Molocco Dio degli Ammoniti”, Gli Ebrei avevan’elli Carnefici”, “Sopra la malattia di Giobbe”. ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎FERRARI (Agostino)]. CARAMEL (Luciano).‎

Reference : 104635


ISBN : 9788843534456

‎Agostino Ferrari.‎

‎Milano Electa 1991 1 vol. relié in-4, cartonnage éditeur avec vignette contrecollée au premier plat, étui cartonné rouge titré en blanc, 151 pp., nombreuses reproductions en noir et en couleurs. Textes en italien et une version anglais in fine de la présentation. Excellent état.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎[Agostino Zoppo] - ‎ ‎Siracusano, Luca‎

Reference : 118250


ISBN : 9788899910136

‎Agostino Zoppo‎

‎Siracusano, Luca: Agostino Zoppo. 2017. 492 pages, fully illustrated in colour and black and white. Hardback. 22x28.5cms. A monograph on the 16th-century Paduan sculptor, which examines both his pseudo-antique heads and busts of the city's upper classes, as well as his lesser studied small bronzes. The text locates Zoppo within the tradition of Italian Renaissance sculpture from Donatello to Riccio and beyond, whilst illuminating his idiosyncratic expressive accents and a frank naturalism. Text in Italian.‎

‎A monograph on the 16th-century Paduan sculptor, which examines both his pseudo-antique heads and busts of the city's upper classes, as well as his lesser studied small bronzes. The text locates Zoppo within the tradition of Italian Renaissance sculpture from Donatello to Riccio and beyond, whilst illuminating his idiosyncratic expressive accents and a frank naturalism. Text in Italian‎


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