Payot 1989 21x13x3cm. 1989. Broché. 477 pages. Bon Etat
Reference : 111211
ISBN : 9782228882293
M. Philippe Arnaiz
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Marianne Aav, Elise Kovanen, Helena Leppanen, Marjut Kumela, Susanna Vakkari, Susann Vihma, Tapio Yli-Viikari. Toimitus: Marianne Aav, Eeva Viljanen, Susanna Vakkari, Merja Vilhunen.
Reference : 44279
, Designmuseo, 2009 bound, hardback dusjacket,315 pages . illustre in color. fine! ISBN 9789529878628.
Founded in 1873, the Arabia factory grew to become one of Europe?s leading manufacturers of modern utility and art ceramics by the middle of the 20th century. In Arabia, Ceramics, Art, Industry, the contributors have placed a particular emphasis on design-related issues. The introductory chapter by Elise Kovanen gives an overview of the Arabia factory and its achievements over the years. Helena Leppanen presents a great deal of hitherto unpublished information on the working methods, techniques, and models of the Arabia decoration department, while Marjut Kumela describes the history of Arabia tableware services from the Asian-influenced revived styles of the 1870s to the incipient modernism of the 1930s and the new challenges brought about by the Second World War. Susanna Vakkari continues the narrative by discussing the design of utilitarian objects from the final breakthrough of modernism to products of the present day. Susann Vihma and Tapio Yli-Viikari analyse the design philosophy of Kaj Franck, who was an important artistic director at Arabia, with particular reference to Kilta and Teema, his best-known tableware services. Marianne Aav explores the output of the Arabia Art Department and its significance for the factory?s image. Each chapter is complemented by illustrations of works by Arabia4s designers. The book includes the Arabia Factory Marks.
Frankfurt am Mayn, Garbe, 1762. 8vo. Very nice contemporary full mottled calf with five raised bands to richly gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A bit of wear to spine, causing slight loss of leather and a neat restoration to lower compartment. A paperlabel pasted on top of spine. Small loss of leather to back board. A stamp on title-page (Holstein=Holsteinborg). (70), 397 pp., 4 folded tables, paginated 391-97. Internally clean, some quires printed on thick paper.
The rare first edition of the founding work of Niebuhr's Arabia-expedition, which would gain world-wide fame and establish the scientific description of the Arabian peninsula. The present work consists in 100 questions, the answers to which constitute the purpose of the Royal Danish Arabia Expedition. In fact, the present work is the handbook of Niebuhr's travel to Arabia Felix, as its author is the spiritual father of it. The work is extraordinary in many ways, and it not only served as the basis for the Arabia-expedition, it also constitutes a forerunner of modern bible science that would begin to emerge a few decades later. Johann Davis Michaelis (1717-19) was a theologian and orientalist, whose fame today rests upon the present work and upon the fact that he was responsible for the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix, namely that of Niebuhr. In 1753, he had come up with the idea for the the Royal Danish Arabia Expedition (1761-1767) and had gotten the Danish minister Bernstoff to agree to it. In 1760, when the expedition was becoming a reality, Michaelis recommended Niebuhr as a participant, and he outlined the entire purpose of the trip - namaly the list of 100 questions that he prepared and published for the members of the expedition, in order for them to answer in the course of the voyage. For all intents and purposes, Michaelis was the spiritual father of the Arabia-expedition. As a theologian and an orientalist, many of Michaelis' questions have root in the Bible. But unlike many other theolgians of the time, Michaelis sought to shed light over biblical themes through sources outside of the Bible - especially from the Middle East, not least Arabia. In this regard, his 100 Questions also came to be a precursor to the emergence of modern bible science.Although the expedition would have never taken place had it not been for Michaelis and his 100 questions - many of which are also purely naturalistic - he could not quite have foreseen the scientific outcome of the expedition. He had not foreseen that Niebuhr would become the founder of the scientific description of the Arabian peninsula and that Niebuhr's notes would become the basis for the first decipherment of Mesopotamian and Persian cuneiform. On the contrary, he was probably quite disappointed that his questions were not all answered as thoroughly as the had anticipated. Adding to that, Niebuhr's answer to the questions ""only"" takes up six pages in the preface to ""Description of Arabia"", although the text itself contains many detailed explanations and answers to Michaelis' questions.
New and definitive edition. Jonathan Cape, London, 1936. In-8 gr., 2 volumi, tela editoriale, pp. 674; 696; illustrati nel t. da numerose figure e f.t. (come da Indice) da 8 tavole di disegni che illustrano monumenti e rovine; da un ritratto fotografico dell'A. e da 2 grandi carte geografiche a colori (più volte ripieg.): a sketch map itinerarium of part of North Western Arabia and Negd by C.M. Doughty - Travels, Nov. 1876 to Aug. 1878 in Arabia; May & June 1875 in the Peraea. Questa celebre e importante opera, diventata un classico di viaggio e di esplorazioni, è introdotta da un lungo commento di T.H. Lawrence che dichiara: "Arabia Deserta", which had been a joy to read, as a great record of adventure and travel (perhaps the greatest in our language), is a great picture-book of nomad life... In fine Index and glossary of Arabic words.L'A., Charles Montague Doughty, esploratore e poeta inglese (1843-1926), laureatosi in scienze nell'università di Cambridge e continuato a Oxford lo studio della letteratura classica inglese, compì in seguito una serie di viaggi alla ricerca delle influenze straniere sullo sviluppo della letteratura inglese, interrotta da escursioni dedicate alle linguistica, alla geologia, all'archeologia. Nel 1874 passò in Palestina, al Cairo, nel Sinai, poi a Damasco, dove si diede allo studio dell'arabo.Nel 1876-78 compì un ardito e avventuroso viaggio nell'Arabia settentrionale e centrale: fu a Mada'in Salih, dove studiò i monumenti e raccolse materiale epigrafico mineo e nabateo, a Taima, a Ha'il, a Khaibar dove fu imprigionato. Dopo una lunga odissea riuscì a raggiungere Gedda.. Nel 1888 pubblicò una relazione del viaggio (ed. ridotta, Londra 1926), concepita come un poema epico in prosa, la quale, oltre a essere un'opera di alto valore per la geografia ed etnografia d'Arabia, è anche letteralmente importante per le caratteristiche dello stile. Così Enciclopedia Treccani,XIII, p. 188.Esemplare con barbe, ben conservato.
Reference : alb8b60e975ce29609f
Thomas Bertram. Arabia Felix: Across the Empty Quarter of Arabia Arabia. In English (ask us if in doubt)/Thomas Bertram. Arabia Felix: Across the Empty Quarter of Arabia Araviya. In English with photographs on the inserts of New York Charles Scribners Sons 1932. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb8b60e975ce29609f
b.r. 527 (Restricted) Geographical Handbook Series, for official use only. Naval Intelligence Division, 1946. In-8 p., tela edit., pp. XIX,659, illustrato f.t. - come da Indice - da una importante documentazione iconografica in b.n. e da numer. mappe (ripieg.), oltre a una grande carta geografica a colori relativa all'Iraq, Arabia e Persia, posta in una tasca al risg. posteriore. Vi si tratta Geology and physical geography - Climate and vegetation - History - Administration (Saudi Arabia. Yemen, Colony of Aden, Aden Protectorate) - The people - Public health and disease - Agriculture - Economic geography - Ports and towns (Red Sea ports of Arabia, of the South coast; inland towns of Yemen and of the Aden protectorate). Con una mportante bibliografia al fine. Alla prefazione This volume was produced and printed for official purposes during the war 1939-45. Ben conservato.