Photo design 1992 in4. 1992. Cartonné jaquette. 110 pages. Bon Etat
Reference : 110240
M. Philippe Arnaiz
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GREENWOOD PUB GROUP 2001 214 pages 16 26x2 46x24 21cm. 2001. Relié. 214 pages.
Très bon état
Lonely Planet Publications 2002 744 pages 12 9x3 25x18 34cm. 2002. Broché. 744 pages.
Etat correct
Reference : alb2ccb23b7798bd2a0
Kryukov N.A. Argentina. Agriculture in Argentina in connection with the general development of the country. /Kryukov N.A. Argentina. Sel'skoe khozyaystvo v Argentine v svyazi s obshchim razvitiem strany. With 2 maps and 128 drawings. St. Petersburg. Printing by V.F. Kirschbaum. 1911. XXIII 521 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb2ccb23b7798bd2a0
Reference : alb14d0161c0532fea0
Kryukov N. A. Argentina. Agriculture in Argentina in connection with the overall development of the country. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kryukov N. A. Argentina. Selskoe khozyaystvo v Argentine v svyazi s obshchem razvitiem strany.With 2 maps and 128 drawIn gs. St. Petersburg V.F. Kirschbaums PrIn tIn g House 1911. 522 p. SKUalb14d0161c0532fea0.
Sergio Servellon, Veronica Tell, Silvia Dolinko, Juan Cruz Andrada, Catalina V. Fara, Camille Brasseur, Maria Amalie Garc a, Maria Filop, Laurens Dhaenens, Adriaan Gonnissen,
Reference : 57343
, MuZEE, Oostende , 2021 Hardcover, 352 pages, Illustrated. Text IN ENG/ NL. FINE ISBN 9789074694384.
Wat hebben Belgi en Argentini gemeen? Meer dan men zou vermoeden! Dit verrassend verhaal wordt verteld in dit bijzonder boek die de artistieke banden onderzoekt tussen Belgi en Argentini in de periode 1910 tot 1958. Er wordt ingezoomd op het kunstenaarsnetwerk van drie figuren die direct of indirect met elkaar in contact stonden. De Belgische-Argentijnse kunstenaar Julio Payro die een levenslange vriendschap met Paul Delvaux uitbouwde, de Belgische kunstenaar Victor Delhez, die na de dood van zijn ouders uitweek naar Argentini en de Argentijnse advocaat Ignacio Pirovano, vriend van en verzamelaar van het werk van Vantongerloo! Een uniek, ongekend verhaal met topwerk van de allerbeste modernisten uit Belgi en Argentini : met Victor Delhez, Frans Masereel, Marthe Donas, Paul Delvaux, Georges Vantongerloo, Anne Bonnet, Jo Delahaut en Alejandro Xul Solar, Emilio Pettoruti, Raquel Forner, Tomas Maldonado, Victor Magari os, Juan Del Prete. //// What do Belgium and Argentina have in common? More than you might suspect! This astonishing story is told through these extraordinary exhibitions that explore the artistic ties between Belgium and Argentina from 1910 through 1958. It focuses on an artist network comprising three individuals who were either directly or indirectly in contact with one another. The exhibition concerns the Belgian-Argentinian artist, Julio Payro, who developed a lifelong friendship with Paul Delvaux, the Belgian artist, Victor Delhez, who emigrated to Argentina after the death of his parents, and the Argentinian lawyer, Ignacio Pirovano, friend of Vantongerloo and collector of his works. This is an unprecedented, unique narrative that includes masterful pieces by Belgium and Argentina's modernist elite, among others including Victor Delhez, Frans Masereel, Marthe Donas, Paul Delvaux, Georges Vantongerloo, Anne Bonnet, Jo Delahaut and Alejandro Xul Solar, Emilio Pettoruti, Raquel Forner, Tomas Maldonado, Victor Magari os, and Juan Del Prete.