‎Williamson Hugh Ross‎
‎Lorenzo the magnificent‎

‎Michael joseph 1974 in8. 1974. Relié jaquette. 288 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre‎

Reference : 100103849


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2 book(s) with the same title

‎[Christie, Manson & Woods] - ‎ ‎Collectif‎

Reference : 61285


‎Catalogue of the Medici Archives consisting of rare Autograph Letters. Records and Documents 1084-1770 including One hundred and sixty-six holograph letters of Lorenzo the Magnificent. The property of The Marquis Cosimo de Medici and The Marquis Averardo de Medici. Which will be sold by Auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods at their Great Romms on Monday, February 4, 1918 and three following days‎

‎1 vol. in-8 cartonnage rouge éditeur, 1918, 186 pp. et 783 numéros. Titre complet : Catalogue of the Medici Archives consisting of rare Autograph Letters. Records and Documents 1084-1770 including One hundred and sixty-six holograph letters of Lorenzo the Magnificent. The property of The Marquis Cosimo de Medici and The Marquis Averardo de Medici. Which will be sold by Auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods at their Great Romms on Monday, February 4, 1918 and three following days‎

‎Rare catalogue de l'extraordinaire vente des archives des marquis Cosimo et Averardo de Medicis. A l'époque, l'État italien intenta un procès contre le vendeurs et la maison de vente en raison du départ du territoire de plusieurs documents historiques. Bon état (couv. lég. frottée, annotations en garde, ex-libris gravé avec devis "A cuspide corona").‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎ROSCOE, William.‎

Reference : 29215

‎The Life of Lorenzo De’ Medici, called The Magnificent. Volumes I and II bounded together.‎

‎ Basil Basel, J. J. Tourneisen 1799, 210x125mm, XXVII - 328 + 318pages, paper boards binding. Gilt title on spine. ‎

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