Hachette / bibliotheque verte 1962 in12. 1962. cartonné. Bon état
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Verne Jules. The Great Travellers of the eighteenth century. With 48 drawings by F. Filippoto L. Benett and Mattis and 48 faxes from modern etchings. Second Edition. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vern Zhyul. Velikie puteshestvenniki XVIII stoletiya. S 48 risunkami F. Filippoto L. Benetta i Mattisa i 48 faksimile c sovremennykh gravyur. Vtoroe izdanie. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).A series: A History of Famous Travels and Travellers by Jules Verne St. Petersburg-M. Publishing House of M. O. Wolf. circa 1900 4 586 VIc. Art case.
Verne Jules. A collection of essays in twenty volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vern Zhyul. Sobranie sochineniy v dvadtsati tomakh.. Moscow Terra 1997-1998. Complete collection of works by the great French writer Jules Gabriel Verne who is considered his idol by millions of readers in various countries. Content: T1-Five weeks in a hot air balloon. Journey to the center of the Earth. T2-C of the Earth to the moon. Around the Moon. T3-Children of Captain Grant (1.2 parts). T4-Children of Captain Grant (3 parts).: Diary of passenger J.-R. Cazallon. T5-Robur-Conqueror. North v South. T6-Journey and adventures of Captain Gatteras. T7-Around the world in eighty days. Jangada. T8-Twenty thousand children underwater. T9-Mysterious island (1 2 parts). T10-Mysterious island (3 parts). SKUalbe85cd81dcf2532fa.
1 vol. in-folio reliure en daim, dos à 6 nerfs, circa 60 ff. dont affiche Hetzel pour les Etrennes 1880 dite "Le Lycéen crie les derniers titres" (découpée) et publicité en couleurs "Oeuvres complètes illustrées 22 volumes Jules Verne. Jules Verne complet 22 volumes in-8 illustrés brochés 193 francs toile 259 fr. reliés 302 fr."
Intéressant recueil d'illustrations et publicités extraites de journaux du XIXe siècle (circa 1850-1890) dont un extrait de l'affiche Hetzel "le lycéen" (découpée avec très importants manques) et une rare publicité en couleurs pour la série complète des 22 Jules Verne (également découpée), de la Bibliothèque d'Education et de Récréation. Prix en l'état pour ce curieux recueil.
Verne Jules: The Adventures of Captain Gatteras. An Extraordinary Journey. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vern Zhyul. Priklyucheniya kapitan Gatterasa. Neobyknovennoe puteshestvie. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).In two parts. With 252 drawings. Edition 3 SPb.: A.S. Suvorins 1899 Edition 4 580 Ic. Book in case. The Journey and Adventures of Captain Gatteras Jules Vernes science fiction and adventure novel. The book was written in 1866 and tells the story of the expedition to the North Pole led by Captain Gatteras. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbc7b084bd5c2e3d22
Verne Jules. In the Land of Fur. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vern Zhyul. V strane mekhov. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).A novel in two parts. With drawings by Fehr and Bayard. Moscow: Typography by I.D. Sytin 1898. 175 + 151s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb865b7bd3261fa0f3