Ouvrage illustré de 117 gravures, 1 vol. in-4 reliure demi-chagrin à coins rouge, couverture conservée, filet doré en mors et coins, tête dorée, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, Paris, 1939, 160 pp.
Reference : 60019
Bel exemplaire très bien relié, en parfait état.
SARL Librairie du Cardinal
M. Vincent Guérin
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.: (1) Brugge, Imprimerie Houdmont, 1880, in-8°, 12 pp . (2) Bruges, Imprimerie Graphica, s.d. (no author), 14 pp. (3) Bruges, Imprimerie Jean Cuypers, 1882, 46 pp. Bound in blue cloth, leather label on spine, wrappers of (1) and (3) preserved. Rare convolute of three pamphlets or studies on the port of Bruges ( Zeebruges ). The second pamphlet not in De Le Court.
Artis-Historia, collection "Cités de Belgique", Bruxelles, 1980. Grand in-8, cartonnage éditeur illustré en couleurs, 126 pp. Bruges : Deux mille ans d'histoire. - Les riches heures de Bruges. - Pedro de Bayona devient bourgeois de Bruges. - Lettres de Paul à Sophie - Légendes de Bruges : L'ours blanc de Bruges. - Le miracle de la ...
Avec 75 illustrations contrecollées en couleurs in et hors-texte. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
, Brepols, Paperback, V+221 pages ., 210 x 297 mm, 1995. ISBN 9782503504445.
An interdisciplinary approach to the works of Petrus Christus incorporating the papers of the 1994 Petrus Christus Symposium at The Metropolitan Museum in New York. During the past few decades, admirers of Petrus Christus have been astonishingly fortunate. Unknown or forgotten paintings in the style of Christus have turned up with surprising regularity: in the 1950s, the wonderful Kansas City Holy Family; in the 1960s the Birmingham Christ and the Bruges Isabella of Portugal Presented by Saint Elisabeth in the 1980s, the Cleveland Baptist and the problematic Bruges panels of the Annunciation and the Nativity. Nothing, of course, can compensate for the loss, during World War II, of the Dessau Crucifixion, and the Berlin wing panels of the Baptist and Saint Catherine. We had to wait until 1974 for the first monograph devoted to Christus, but since then two more books on Christus have been published and important discoveries have been made about his career in Bruges. Thanks to Maryan Ainsworth and her colleagues, we had a truly marvellous exhibition, where we had the privilige of studying more of Chrsitus' paintings than he himself can ever have seen gathered in one place. The exhibition itself initiated a new phase in Christus studies and it is the ideal beginning. If problems of attribution and chronology are ever to be settled, they had to be settled during the exhibition. This publication offers the papers of the 1994 Petrus Christus Symposium at The Metropolitan Museum in New York. L. Campbell, Approaches to Petrus Christus, W. Blockmans, The Creative Environment: Inventions and Functions of Bruges Art Production, C. Harbison, Fact, Symbol, Ideal, Roles for Realism in Early Netherlandish Painting, G.B. Canfield, The Reception of Flemish Art in Renaissance Florence and Naples, M.P.J. Martens, Discussion, J. Upton, PETRUS.XPI.ME.FECIT, The Transformation of a Legacy, S. Buck, Petrus Christus' Berlin Wings and the Metropolitan Museum's Eyckian Diptych, S. Jones, The Virgin of Nicholas van Maelbeke and the Followers of Jan Van Eyck, C. Eisler, Discussion, L. Gellman, Two Lost Portraits by Petrus Christus.
, brepols, 2010 Hardback, 280 p., 460 b/w ill., 210 x 300 mm, ISBN: 978-2-7177-2396-0 Languages: French . ISBN 9782717723960.
At the court of Burgundy, Louis of Bruges was one of the most remarkable bibliophiles of the 15th century. The majority of his collection consists of secular volumes written in French. Copiously illustrated and in large format, the books often deal with classical history and chronicles, and form a homogeneous artistic corpus, created for the most part in Bruges by selected artists. This volume presents, for the first time, Louis of Bruges' corpus of manuscripts in a format that allows for comparisons with contemporary works. Introduced by a synthetic overview, the catalogue contains descriptions grouped by artist, supplemented by some 460 illustrations. French text. A la cour de Bourgogne, Louis de Bruges fut ? apres Philippe le Bon ? le plus remarquable bibliophile du XVe siecle. Ce personnage joua un role politique de premier plan jusqu?a sa mort survenue en 1492, et sa bibliotheque revint a Louis XII. La plupart des volumes sont profanes et de langue francaise ; abondamment illustres et de tres grand format ils se rapportent souvent a l?histoire antique et aux chroniques. Ce sont 75 titres repartis en plus de 110 volumes. Ces manuscrits forment un corpus artistique homogene, puisqu?ils sont principalement produits a Bruges, plus rarement a Anvers ou a Gand, par des artistes choisis. Si certains sont identifies (Guillaume Vrelant, Loyset Liedet, Jean Hennecart ou Lieven van Lathem), beaucoup restent anonymes malgre la qualite de leur art. Certains voient ici leur corpus defini pour la premiere fois par comparaison avec des manuscrits conserves dans d?autres bibliotheques. Les notices, regroupees par artiste, sont precedees d?une presentation synthetique faisant le point sur chacun d?eux. Bati sur des descriptions methodiques et rigoureuses, ce catalogue possede aussi une dimension monographique et propose un vaste panorama de l?enluminure flamande appuye sur quelque 460 illustrations.
, stichting kunstboek, 2016 Softcover, 144 pagina's NICE ILLUSTRATED BOOK. ISBN 9789058565143.
Bruges is a city with a fascinating history. Bruges is a city of people and stories. Bruges is a city as in a fairy tale... Historian Paul Van Damme wrote a book that is an ode to the city, its inhabitants and its heritage. A history book that reads like a page-turner: city views are the backdrops for wondrous events, homes and squares are the decors for true stories. Paul Van Damme proves that historical accuracy and engaging storytelling can go hand in hand. This accessible, intriguing book is an ideal introduction for those who visit Bruges for the first time, but is also a great read for those want to come back and even the city?s lifelong residents will find charming stories and anecdotes they may never have heard before.