1 vol. in-4 oblong br., Adler ès Cserepfalvi, Budapest, s.d. (circa 1930 ?), avec 12 gravures
Reference : 51393
Bel album de vues gravées de Budapest : Parlement, Château Royal, Partie du bastion des Pêcheurs, Statue St Gerhard, Château Vajdahunyad, Pont suspendu Szèchenyi, Basilique Saint Etienne, Avenue d'Andrassy, Etablissement de Bains de l'Ile Sainte-Marguerite.
SARL Librairie du Cardinal
M. Vincent Guérin
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Musée de l'Histoire de Budapest in8. Sans date. Broché.
Bon état intérieur propre bonne tenue circa 1980
Akadémiai Kiado / Budapest 1990 580 pages in8. 1990. Broché. 580 pages.
bon état bonne tenue intérieur propre texte en anglais et français rousseurs sur tranche accroc en haut du dos
Szocs, Miriam: Rebirth of a Collection. The Plaster Casts of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest in the Renewed Star Fortress in Komárom. Exhibition: Komarom, Star Fortress, 2022. 328 pages, with color illustrations. Paperback. 27x23cms. A survey of the plaster casts housed in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Seven essays discuss the Antique, Medieval and Renaissance collections as well as their history after 1945, including restoration projects. Features a catalogue of 35 works each illustrated and discussed in detail. Concludes with a discussion of the Liget Budapest Project and the Star Fortress.
A survey of the plaster casts housed in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Seven essays discuss the Antique, Medieval and Renaissance collections as well as their history after 1945, including restoration projects. Features a catalogue of 35 works each illustrated and discussed in detail. Concludes with a discussion of the Liget Budapest Project and the Star Fortress. Text in English
n° 363 - mai 1953 - nouvelle série - revue illustrée - broché - 32 pages
bon état
Czere, Andrea: 18th-Century Italian Drawings in the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest: 2023. 388 pages with colour illustrations throughout. Hardback. 32x23cms. A survey of the 18th-century Italian drawings, primarily from the Venetian and Roman schools, housed in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Four chapters discuss the history and research of the collection as well as an analysis of the trends in 18th century Italian art. Features a catalogue of 353 works, each illustrated and discussed in detail. Artists include Giambattista and Domenico Tiepolo, Agostino Masucci and Donato Credi.
A survey of the 18th-century Italian drawings, primarily from the Venetian and Roman schools, housed in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Four chapters discuss the history and research of the collection as well as an analysis of the trends in 18th century Italian art. Features a catalogue of 353 works, each illustrated and discussed in detail. Artists include Giambattista and Domenico Tiepolo, Agostino Masucci and Donato Credi. Text in English