‎GWYNN (Stephen). ‎
‎Burgundy. ‎

‎London, Constable Wine Library, 1934 petit in-8, 144 pp., reliure éditeur‎

Reference : 1170

‎First edition. without jacket‎

€15.00 (€15.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Hilary Marie Rhodes‎

Reference : 65698

‎The Crown and the Cross. Burgundy, France, and the Crusades, 1095-1223‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 263 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503586847.‎

‎Summary The Crown and the Cross examines the heretofore-unstudied role of the French province of Burgundy in the 'traditional' era of the crusades, from 1095-c.1220. Covering the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Albigensian Crusades in detail, it focuses primarily on the Capetian dukes, a cadet branch of the French royal family, but uncovers substantial lay participation and some crusading traditions among Burgundian noble families as well. The book additionally uses the crusading institution to explore the development of the medieval French monarchy, and makes accessible a corpus of scholarship and documents that until now have mostly existed in French or Latin. It concludes that while piety and religion did play a central role in the experience of many everyday Burgundian crusaders, the greater political ramifications of the crusading project functioned in subtle and long-lasting ways, and had consequences for the entire institution, not just Burgundy or France. Of interest to scholars of the crusades, French history, and the formation of medieval Europe, The Crown and the Cross nuances, challenges, and expands our understanding of the intellectual genealogy of the crusades and their real-world consequences, fills a critical gap in the historiography, and poses a set of important conclusions and questions for continued study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Burgundy at the Dawn of the Crusades: Familial, Political, and Religious Histories -?Geography, territory, and polity: from Carolingians to Capetians, 843-1032 -?Politics, family, and power in Burgundy, 1032-95 -?Cluny and the prehistory of the Crusades: 910-c.1050 -?Battling the Muslims and Cluniac Reform: Burgundians in Iberia, 1063-87 Chapter 2: Considering Contrasts: Burgundian Participation on the First Crusade, 1095-1101 -?France and the First Crusade: Clermont, recruitment, and resistance -?Doing Christian duty: Burgundian first crusaders, 1096-99 -?Making amends: Burgundy goes on Crusade, 1101 -?Cluny and the crown of France: Odo of Burgundy and the Crusade Chapter 3: Transforming Traditions: The Burgundian Second Crusade, 1102-49 -?Dukes, counts, and kings: political change and context, 1102-45 -?Canon law and crusader-kings: creating a new political paradigm -?The Folly of Christendom? Participation and penance in the Second Crusade Chapter 4: Between King and Emperor: The Evolving Burgundies, 1143-87 -?Power struggles and dynastic development: the dukes, 1143-65 -?Burgundy and the Holy Land: marriages and expeditions, 1162-79 -?Challenges to the crown: France and Burgundy, 1180-87 Chapter 5: Intimate Enemies: Burgundy on the Third Crusade, 1187-92 - The fall of Jerusalem and initial response, 1185-88 - Burgundy Prepares for the crusade, 1188-90 - The Third Crusade, 1190-92 Chapter 6: The Early Thirteenth Century: Burgundy, France, and Rome, 1193-1223 - Marriages, politics, and papal reprisals, 1193-1200 -?The Fourth Crusade: from C teaux to Constantinople, 1200-04 -?The Crown of France, the Cistercians, and the Albigensian Crusade, 1203-09 -?Aftermath: nation building and crusading memory Conclusion Appendix: A List of Burgundian Crusaders Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Michael Depreter, Jonathan Dumont, Elizabeth L'Estrange, Samuel Mareel (eds)‎

Reference : 65159

‎Marie de Bourgogne/Mary of Burgundy. 'Persona', Reign, and Legacy of a Late Medieval Duchess / Figure, Principat et Post rit d'une Duchesse Tardo-M di vale‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 475 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:61 b/w, 44 col., 2 tables b/w., Language(s):French, English. ISBN 9782503588087.‎

‎Summary Mary of Burgundy (r. 1477-1482) occupies an important place in the history of late medieval and early modern Europe, yet her life and principate have received relatively little scholarly attention. They are, however, key to the history both of the Low Countries and of Europe, since her marriage to Maximilian of Austria united the Habsburgs with the Valois-Burgundy dynasty, giving them vast territories on the borders of France. In this book, some of the best specialists in the field contribute to a better understanding of Mary's principate, its features, and its long-term perception. In the first part, the authors address the issue of Mary's contested legitimacy as a late medieval female ruler: law, literature, visual arts and theatrical representations are examined as means of communication, strengthening or weakening her authority. In the second part, the authors examine some of Mary's governmental tools and the agents behind them. Finally, the last part questions the ways in which Mary's power and her principate have been represented and reinterpreted in subsequent eras, often with political or social intent, beginning with Maximilian's long regency and reign immediately after her death, right up to modern-day Belgium. Marie, duchesse de Bourgogne (r. 1477-1482), occupe une place essentielle entre Moyen ge et premi re Modernit dans l'histoire des Anciens Pays-Bas et d'Europe. Alors que son mariage avec Maximilien d'Autriche unit la dynastie des Valois-Bourgogne celle des Habsbourg, laquelle s' tablit alors durablement aux fronti res de la France, la vie et le bref principat de Marie restent peu tudi s. Visant comprendre cette p riode de transition et ses ressorts, tant l' poque que dans le temps long, ainsi qu' tablir un bilan et lancer de nouvelles pistes de recherche, cet ouvrage r unit plusieurs des meilleurs sp cialistes actuels autour de trois questions essentielles. Dans un premier temps, la l gitimit contest e de ce pouvoir f minin est abord e sous diff rents angles : le droit, la litt rature, les arts visuels et les spectacles publics qui sont tudi s en tant que moyens de communications renfor ant ou affaiblissant l'autorit de la duchesse. Ensuite sont mis en lumi re les agents et les outils gouvernementaux au service de ce pouvoir. Enfin, les contributeurs s'interrogent sur la mani re dont ce pouvoir et ce principat furent (re)lus et repr sent s aux poques ult rieures en fonction d'agendas politiques volutifs, du long r gne de Maximilien de Habsbourg la Belgique contemporaine. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Mary of Burgundy. Agency, Government, and Memory Michael Depreter, Jonathan Dumont, Elizabeth L'estrange & Samuel Mareel Construire l'autorit et la l gitimit d'une princesse naturelle / Building the Authority and Legitimacy of a Natural Princess 2. Galans de Picardie, de Flandres et d'Artois? La po sie de circonstance sous le r gne de Marie de Bourgogne Jean Devaux 3. Construire la l gitimit d'un pouvoir f minin. Marie de Bourgogne dans le M moire de Jean d'Auffay Jonathan Dumont & lodie Lecuppre-Desjardin 4. Pour la preminence de la Couronne et l'evidente utillit de la Chose Publique du royaulme. The Medieval French State versus Mary of Burgundy Kathleen Daly 5. Gendered Political Ideology in Late Medieval Bruges. Mary of Burgundy as City Maiden in the Manuscripts of the Excellente Cronike van Vlaenderen Lisa Demets 6. Panthasilia virgo in civitatem Tryona amicabiliter recepta fuit. La Joyeuse Entr e de Marie de Bourgogne Bruges en 1477 Olga Karaskova 7. Rulership, Ridership, and the Perils of Sealing Andrea Pearson 8. Evidencing the Right to Rule. Mary of Burgundy and the Tombs of Isabella and Jacques of Bourbon Ann J. Adams 9. Beauty and the Beasts. Rereading the Hours of Mary of Burgundy Sherry C.M. Lindquist 10. Mothers and Daughters. Isabella of Bourbon in the Vienna Hours of Mary of Burgundy Erica O'Brien Cour, conomie et institutions / Court, Economics and Institutions 11. Des conseillers protecteurs ? L'entourage politique de Marie de Bourgogne Jean-Marie Cauchies 12. L'h tel de Marie de Bourgogne d'apr s l'ordonnance de cour du 26 mars 1477. Continuit s et adaptations Val rie Bessey 13. Mary, a ?Diplomatic Weapon of Universal Value? for Charles the Bold Sonja D nnebeil 14. The House of Cro and Mary of Burgundy. Or How to Keep Noble Elites at the Burgundian-Habsburg Court (1477-1482) Violet Soen 15. Les arm es bourguignonnes apr s Nancy. Ruptures et continuit s structurelles d'un instrument politique Michael Depreter 16. Le r gne de Marie de Bourgogne et l' conomie des Pays-Bas dans la seconde moiti du XVe si cle Jean-Marie Yante 17. Entre continuit dynastique et pouvoir du luxe. La Petite Italie de Marie de Bourgogne Federica Veratelli 18. Le nord en M diterran e. Influx franco-bourguignons la cour des Este entre Charles le T m raire et Marie de Bourgogne Giovanni Ricci M moires contest es d'une princesse bourguignonne / Contested Memory of a Burgundian Princess 19. L'ultime voyage de Marie de Bourgogne. Des fun railles de duc ou de duchesse ? Alain Marchandisse, Christophe Masson & Bertrand Schnerb 20. L'h ritage de Marie de Bourgogne dans les collections et les commandes artistiques de Marguerite d'Autriche Pierre-Gilles Girault 21. La disparition du cercueil pr sum de Marie de Bourgogne l' poque de la R volution fran aise. Enqu te sur le vol d'un effet appartenant la R publique Emmanuel Berger 22. La m moire de Marie de Bourgogne dans les anciens duch et comt de Bourgogne (XVIe-XIXe si cle) Dominique Le Page 23. Les al as d'une Iphig nie bourguignonne . M moire, culture et historiographie de Marie de Bourgogne en Belgique Gilles Docquier 24. Conclusions: Triste plaisir. Mary of Burgundy in a Turbulent Era ric Bousmar & Jelle Haemers Index Nominum Planches en couleurs / Colour Illustrations‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎Graeme Small (ed)‎

Reference : 64487

‎Cent Nouvelles nouvelles (Burgundy-Luxembourg-France, 1458 - c. 1550). Text and Paratext, Codex and Context‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 309 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:21 b/w, 17 col., 4 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503585994.‎

‎Summary A collaborative investigation of one of the best-known works of late medieval European literature, the Franco-Burgundian collection of short stories known as the Cent Nouvelles nouvelles. Modelled loosely on Boccaccio's Decameron and incorporating elements from Old French fabliaux as well as Poggio Bracciolini's Liber Facetiarum, the anonymous collection attributes its morally challenging and frequently humorous tales to named narrators including Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy and Louis of Luxembourg, Count of Saint Pol. The contribution of this new volume of essays is threefold: - empirical, in that it brings entirely new interdisciplinary insights into the study of the genesis and reception of the work; - methodological, in that it integrates study of the text within a 360-degree evaluation of the work's manuscript and early printed context; and - conceptual, in that it seeks to understand the social dimensions of textual production and consumption. These approaches unite ten principal contributions by specialists in the fields of art history, book history, court history and linguistics from France, the Netherlands, the USA and the UK. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Graeme Small Part I - The manuscript witness Chapter 1. Les Cent Nouvelles nouvelles. The physical fabric of the fables Richard Gameson Chapter 2. MS Hunter 252: precursors, date and patronage Hanno Wijsman Part II - Reception in manuscript and print Chapter 3. Printing the Cent Nouvelles nouvelles. Anthoine V rard's 1486 edition and its sixteenth-century successors Mary Beth Winn Chapter 4. Opening and closing the Cent Nouvelles nouvelles. Paratext, context and reception, 1469- c. 1550 Graeme Small Part III - Reading text and image in manuscript form Chapter 5. Storytelling through architecture. The miniatures of the Cent Nouvelles nouvelles Maud Perez-Simon Chapter 6. Narratological readings of the Cent Nouvelles nouvelles (CNN3, 21, 27). Text and image in MS Hunter 252 Alexandra Velissariou ? Part IV - The text as a site of language use Chapter 7. Toward a scriptology of Middle French. The case of MS Hunter 252 Geoffrey Roger Chapter 8. Stylistic implications of linguistic archaism and contemporaneity in MS Hunter 252 Peter V. Davies ? Part V - Archives in the fiction Chapter 9. Locating storytelling in time and space (Hainaut-Brussels, 1458-59). A Decameronian moment Edgar de Blieck & Graeme Small Chapter 10. Tales from the chamber. The Cent Nouvelles nouvelles between Burgundy and Luxembourg Graeme Small Conclusions Graeme Small‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR104.00 (€104.00 )

‎E. J. Moodey;‎

Reference : 33781

‎Illuminated Crusader Histories for Philip the Good of Burgundy,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Hardback, 312 p., 38 b/w ill. + 38 colour ill., 190 x 250 mm. ISBN 9782503518046.‎

‎Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy from 1419 to 1467, distinguished himself as a patron of illuminated histories and historical romances, and as host of the most lavish entertainment of the middle ages. The Banquet of the Pheasant was a response to the Fall of Constantinople, and it was staged to enlist support for the coming crusade. Two splendid tributes to heroic crusaders from the duke's family tree, commissioned in the 1450s, provide an opportunity to bring these elements of his reputation - bibliophile and would-be crusader--under the same lens. Our perception of the Charlemagne Chronicle in Brussels (BR, MS 9066-68) and the Jerusalem Chronicle in Vienna (ONB, Cod. 2533) is enhanced when we consider other examples of "crusade literature" and remember the perennial goal of recovering Jerusalem. This study of the visual and literary projects that supported Philip's efforts to launch a crusade, long after the days of the "classic" crusades, sets these manuscripts in the context of his court's interest in history writing and updated historical romances, and against the background of the French crusading tradition and the Burgundian incarnation that succeeded it. Languages: English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎Kurkin Alexey Petrovich‎

Reference : alb8d82a234605b28be

‎Kurkin A. V. The Burgundy Wars. Vol. 2. Grand Dukes of the West: Philip III the‎

‎Kurkin A. V. The Burgundy Wars. Vol. 2. Grand Dukes of the West: Philip III the Good: In 2 Parts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kurkin A. V. Burgundskie voyny. T. 2. Velikie gertsogi Zapada: Filipp III Dobryy: V 2-kh chastyakh.M. Foundation Russian Vityazi 2022. 240 and 248 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb8d82a234605b28be‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )
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