1978 Arnoldo Mondadori editore, 1978, ouvrage en italien, 191 pages, in 4 reliure éditeur cartonnée et toilée bordeaux, titre or, très bon état, avec jaquette.
Reference : 16612
Librairie des deux frères
M. Emmanuel Gonzalez
Conditions générales de vente : Expédition : à réception du paiement par Paypal ou chèque à l'ordre de la librairie "Des deux frères". Chèque étranger non compensable dans une banque française accepté ( \+ 12% du montant total), ainsi que les mandats internationaux et mandats cash. Accepte les virements de l'étranger par IBAN et BIC. Marchandises envoyées en port normal; colissimo ou recommandé sur demande. Les envois s'effectuent en fin de semaine. L'entreprise expéditrice ne peut être tenue responsable pour les avaries occasionnées et pertes par le transporteur. Elle ne peut également être tenue pour responsable pour les retards occasionnés par le transporteur. Retours: Il ne peut y avoir de retour de la marchandise sans accord préalable de la direction, par une réclamation justifiée par Email ou courrier. Après accord, celle-ci peut être retournée aux frais du client. <br />Commandes par e-mail, téléphone (fixe et portable) et bon de commande proposé ci-dessus. Recherche possible d'ouvrage non disponibles. <br />
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 344 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:10 b/w, 150 col., Language(s):English, Italian. ISBN 9782503580265.
Summary The collaboration between Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) and Sebastiano del Piombo (1485-1547), is among the most extraordinary artistic partnerships of the early modern period. It produced works of startling originality, crucial to the development of the so-called High Renaissance in the first decades of the sixteenth century. It was arguably Michelangelos most creative collaboration, helping him refine motifs and narrative strategies, and it proved determining for Sebastianos development of a monumental, spiritually invested idiom whose influence became a touchstone for religious art deep into the following century, and for principles of painterly abstraction beyond. Inspired by the exhibition Michelangelo & Sebastiano, mounted at The National Gallery in London in 2017, this book unites a group of international scholars in reflection on the two artists, their collaboration and its wider significance. TABLE OF CONTENTS Matthias Wivel ? The Compass and the Mirror Elena Calvillo ? Friendship, Medium and the Diverging Lives of Sebastiano del Piombo and Michelangelo Piers Baker-Bates ? Copies and Versions in Sebastiano's Art? The Christ Carrying the Cross Sheryl E. Reiss ? A Word Portrait of a Medici Maecenas: Giulio de' Medici (Pope Clement VII) as Patron of Art Arnold Nesselrath ? Raphael: Of Heirs and Pretenders Matthias Wivel and Rachel Billinge ? Sebastiano's Vich Triptych Carlo Piga ? Da Michelangelo a Sebastiano: antiche suggestioni e moderne invenzioni nel ciclo decorativo della Cappella Borgherini in San Pietro in Montorio a Roma Stefania Pasti ? Aperietur in tempore: Sebastiano del Piombo and the Borgherini Chapel in the Light of Prophetic Readings Paul Joannides ? A New Drawing by Sebastiano del Piombo for the Semi-Dome of the Borgherini Chapel Costanza Barbieri ? Sebastiano as Portraitist and a Case Study: The Portrait of Michelangelo Pointing at His Drawings Oriana Sartiani ? A Portrait of Michelangelo Attributed to Sebastiano del Piombo: Technical Examination, Discoveries, and Treatment Simonetta Antellini ? L'originalit compositiva della Nascita della Vergine di Sebastiano del Piombo Daniela Luzi ? 'Il bel secreto': La pittura sperimentale sulla pietra di Sebastiano nella Cappella Chigi Morten Steen Hansen ? The Readings of Angels: Sebastiano del Piombo and the Politics of the Immaculate Conception Andrea Donati ? Marcello Venusti, Michelangelo and the Legacy of Sebastiano del Piombo Charles Robertson ? Michelangelo's Last Judgement: Sebastiano del Piombo's Contribution
[Michelangelo Buonarroti] - Buck, Stephanie (ed)
Reference : 092004
ISBN : 9781907372025
Buck, Stephanie (ed): Michelangelo's Dream. Exhibition: London, Courtauld Institute, 2010. 160pp with 100 illustrations. Hardback. 26x21.6cms. Taking one of Michelangelo's finest drawings as its centrepiece this exhibition explores the making of it and the extent to which it demonstrates his extraordinary skills in draughtsmanship and invention. Letters and poems by Michelangelo lend further insight into the story of this work.
Taking one of Michelangelo's finest drawings as its centrepiece this exhibition explores the making of it and the extent to which it demonstrates his extraordinary skills in draughtsmanship and invention. Letters and poems by Michelangelo lend further insight into the story of this work. Text in English
Wilde, Johannes: Italian Drawings in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Michelangelo and his Studio. London: Trustees of British Museum, 1953. xx, 142pp plus 153pp monochrome illustrations, mostly plates. Hardback. 25.5x20cms. First of a series, the present volume catalogues one of the most important sections of the collection containing nearly one-fifth of the known drawings of Michelangelo. Arntzen L43. With indexes; concordances.
First of a series, the present volume catalogues one of the most important sections of the collection containing nearly one-fifth of the known drawings of Michelangelo. Arntzen L43. With indexes; concordances. Text in English
[Michelangelo Buonarroti] - Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Reference : 044756
ISBN : 1891921593
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: Michelangelo. The Genius of the Sculptor in Michelangelo's Work. Exhibition: Montreal, Museum of Fine Arts, 1992. 527 pp, fully illustrated in colour and black and white. Hardback. 31.5 x 25cms.
Michelangelo Scultore, L'opera completa. Milan: Rizzoli, 1973. Series: Classici dell'Arte. 116pp with 64 colour plates and 80 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 31.2x24cms. Useful, concise and full-illustrated catalogue raisonné of the sculptural works by Michelangelo with an introduction by Umberti Baldini. Text in Italian.
Useful, concise and full-illustrated catalogue raisonné of the sculptural works by Michelangelo with an introduction by Umberti Baldini. Text in Italian