‎Houston Texas.‎

‎ 1981 Camera One, Les Films du Prismes, TF1 La Table Ronde, 1981, 185 pages + 8 illustrations, in 8 broché, état d'usage, quelques usures et frottements, coins cornés.‎

Reference : 15579


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Librairie des deux frères
M. Emmanuel Gonzalez


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5 book(s) with the same title

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‎The Americans: The collage : Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas, July 11-October 3, 1982 cataloog 143 blz met talrijke illustraties / foto's in kleur en z/w 280 x 210 mm, soft cover, in goede staat ‎

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‎Photographies magazine n° 21 - Frank Horvat, Christian Thompson, Le portrait collectif, Le groupe saisi par la photographie, La photo de classe, Le groupe de famille, Neal Slavin, Des photographes en RDA, Paulo Nozolino, Un rodéo photo a Houston, Texas‎

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‎Sommaire : Frank Horvat, Christian Thompson, Le portrait collectif, Le groupe saisi par la photographie, La photo de classe, Le groupe de famille, Neal Slavin, Des photographes en RDA, Paulo Nozolino, Un rodéo photo a Houston, Texas, Technical PAN, Olympus AZ-200 Classification Dewey : 770-Photographie‎


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‎LIFE, VOL. 49, N° 11, NOV. 1970 (Contents: Shock Room. At Ben Taub Hospital’s special emergency facility in Houston, Texas, racing hands restore life to the near-dead. By Th. Thompson. Photographed by Bill Eppridge. A Roomful of One-Room Schoolhouses...)‎

‎Time-Life International. 1970. In-Folio. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 80 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc et en couleur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎"Contents: Shock Room. At Ben Taub Hospital’s special emergency facility in Houston, Texas, racing hands restore life to the near-dead. By Thomas Thompson. Photographed by Bill Eppridge. A Roomful of One-Room Schoolhouses. New invention for primary schools gives each student an octahedron of his own. Floods. Autumn cloudburst scatters automobiles like jackstraws in Genoa’s narrow streets. After the Election. Despite the fuss, U.S. voters ignored the slogans. By Hugh Sidey. Some impressive newcomers. Muscling Out of Retirement. Old farmers eagerly return to work under a new plan. Sport. An 1,800-pound gray Brahman is rodeo’s ""bull of the year"". Unseen Glories of the Reef. The rich, lovely-and endangered-life of undersea coral glades. Photographed by Stan Wayman. Face Doodles Done for Fun. Californians join in a new form of group therapy-decorating each other with washable fluorescent paints. The Doomed Flight of The Free Life’. The strange story of a transatlantic... Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon"‎


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‎Sculptures. 3 avril-3 mai 1965, museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas.‎

‎ 1965 1 Houston, sn, 1965, in-4 broché de 12 pages, ill. ‎


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‎Ed Paschke. Selected Works 1967 -1981. The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska. Contemporary Art Museum, Houston, Texas.‎

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