2001 Londres, Tate publishing, 2001, In huit, 347 pp, Broché, sans annotations, très bon état,
Reference : 69177
Texte en anglais.
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Mundy, Jennifer: Surrealism: Desire Unbound. Exhibition: London, Tate Modern, 2001. 352pp with 65 colour plates and 131colour illustrations. Paperback. 28x24.5cms. Works of art by Duchamp, Magritte, Ernst, Dali, de Chirico, Giacometti, Bellmer and Dorothea Tanning illustrate the attitude the Surrealists had towards love, sex and sexuality, demonstrating how they were fundamental to the Surrealist philosophy.
Works of art by Duchamp, Magritte, Ernst, Dali, de Chirico, Giacometti, Bellmer and Dorothea Tanning illustrate the attitude the Surrealists had towards love, sex and sexuality, demonstrating how they were fundamental to the Surrealist philosophy. Text in English