1968 Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1968, 18 x 11 cm, 463 pp Fair condition
Reference : 40334
Soft cover a bit soiled.
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, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 267 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, 20 col., 3 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503602127.
Summary The sixteenth century was a time of great religious turmoil in Europe, during which the critical positions within the Catholic Church led to a definitive break between Christians. One of the major controversies pertained to the cult of the saints, since in 1523 Martin Luther denied the mediating role of the saints and repudiated what he considered excesses in their devotions. The studies presented in this volume examine the impact of the Reformation on hagiography in the Hispanic sphere. They investigate how theological positions and controversy were projected onto literature, and how literature incorporated theological discourse, explicitly or implicitly. Unsurprisingly, the Catholic Church reaffirmed the hagiographical tradition, but to what extent was hagiographical literature, specifically Hispanic literature, affected by reformist approaches? This book explores issues less evident and hitherto neglected: for example, Hispanic Catholic authorities and authors, influenced by the denunciations of the excesses of the cult of saints and hagiographical ?fables,? publicly declared the purging of apocryphal elements in saints' lives; in practice, however, they grappled with the difficulty of applying theoretical criteria to such an enormous subject. As a result, certain contradictions arose between these criteria and the commitment to the hagiographical tradition, which some even sought to expand and update. This complex tension is brought out by the studies gathered here in the fields of hagiographical prose in Catalan, Portuguese and Spanish, in Iberia and in America, without neglecting the role of the theater in the dissemination of saints' legends. TABLE OF CONTENTS Fernando Ba os Vallejo, Introduction Mar a Jos Vega Ramos, Mediator Unus: The Intercession of Saints in the Expurgated Bibles of the Censura Generalis (1554) Fernando Ba os Vallejo, Villegas' Deviation in the Compositional Criteria of His Flos sanctorum Jos Arag s Aldaz, Holy Folly and Simplicitas during the Counter-Reformation Natalia Fern ndez Rodr guez, Hagiographical Theatre and Counter-Reformation: Between Baroque Aesthetics and Arte Nuevo Alicia Mayer, Delendus est Lutherus: The Triumph of the Saints and the Virgin Mary over Heresy in New Spain's Imagery Marcos Cort s Guadarrama, Evolution of the Figure of St Michael the Archangel: From Medieval Flos sanctorum to New Spain's Hagiography (ca. 1480-1692) Carme Arronis Llopis, Catalan Lives of Saints after Trent (1575-1602) Cristina Sobral, Nota, pio leitor...: The Hagiographic Critical Discourse in 1567
Reference : alb08a6ee8e9f2e03ce
"History of the Reformation. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Istoriya Reformatsii. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Heusser L. Prof. Translation edited by Viktor Mikhailovsky a teacher at the IV Moscow Gymnasium of 1882. The covers are covered with marble paper the root and corners of brown skin. The first in-depth study of the history of the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation in Europe with an essay by the editor. The author of the book Ludwig Heusser (now referred to as Geisser; 1818-1867) is a professor of general history at the University of Heidelberg and one of the greatest German historians of his time in his lectures on the history of the Reformation for the first time from a historical point of view referring to the changes that separated the medieval Catholic world from the modern age We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb08a6ee8e9f2e03ce"
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 2 vols, xxiv + 1092 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 1 tables b/w., Language(s):Latin, English. ISBN 9782503545066.
Summary This two-volume set includes the critical editions - in some cases the very first critical editions - of a selection of synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation from 1526 to 1616. This collection of synodal decrees represents different confessional families and covers a wide linguistic and geographical spectrum. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction (Alberto Melloni) Concilium Hombergense (1526) (ed. Johannes Schilling) Concilium Iuliomagense (1527) (ed. Christian Scheidegger) Disputatio et Decem Theses Bernenses (1528) (ed. Pierrick Hildebrand) Concilium Augustanum (1530) (ed. Kirsi I. Stjerna) Concilium Bernense (1532) (ed. Pierrick Hildebrand) Concilium Campi Foranei (iuxta Hengroniam) (1532) (ed. Gianmarco Braghi) Synodus Tigurina (1532) (ed. Emidio Campi) Concilium Argentoratense (1533/1534) (ed. Gianmarco Braghi & Graeme Murdock) Concilium Genevense (1541) (ed. Gianmarco Braghi & Graeme Murdock) Concilia Hungarica et Transsylvanica (1545, 1567, 1570) (ed. Zolt n Csepregi) Concilium Venetianum-Ferrariense (1550) (ed. Davide Dainese) Concilia Lutetianum et Rupellense (1559/1571) (ed. Irene Dingel) Concilium Londinense (1563/1571) (ed. Torrance Kirby) Concilium Antverpianum (1564) (ed. Gianmarco Braghi & Graeme Murdock) Conventus Vesaliensis et Synodus Embdana (1568-1571) (ed. Henning P. J rgens) Concilium Sandomiriense (1570) (ed. Maciej Ptaszy?ski) Concilium Saxonicum (1577) (ed. Irene Dingel & Johannes Hund) Concilium Upsaliense (1593) (ed. Oloph Bexell) Articuli Lambethani (1595) (ed. Torrance Kirby) Concilium Tuiscoburgense (1610) (ed. Andreas M hling) Concilium Hibernicum (1614/1615) (ed. Torrance Kirby) Concilium Aberdoniense Ecclesiae Scoticanae (1616) (ed. Ian Hazlett)
Reference : alb4b64b7b531cf6cd5
Haeusser. History of the Reformation. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Haeusser (Kheyser). Istoriya Reformatsii. Peter V. Mikhailovsky with his article on the predecessors of the Reformation M. N. I. Mamontov 1882. LXXXIV 722 2) p. Fundamental research on the history of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation in Europe. SKUalb4b64b7b531cf6cd5.
Reference : albdd18cb71decf5d02
Betzold Fr. Background History of the Reformation in Germany. In two volumes in one book. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Betsold Fr. Fon Istoriya reformatsii v Germanii. V dvukh tomakh v odnom pereplete. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).In the second volume of this study the author examines in detail the background and beginning of the Reformation the place of all possible strata of the German population on the eve of the Peasant War the biographies of the most prominent Reformation figures and rulers of Germany at that time the reasons for the increase in papal power and the influence of the Church on peoples minds. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbdd18cb71decf5d02