<meta charset="utf-8"><div class="f-productLayerGrid__col" data-mce-fragment="1"><div class="f-productLayer" data-mce-fragment="1"><div class="f-productLayer__body" id="ca69a3cc-b8ab-4a2a-87e8-6179784e48ae" data-mce-fragment="1"><div class="f-productLayer__container" data-automation-id="EditorOpinionOrSummary-block" data-mce-fragment="1"><div class="js-Expander expander expander--hasIcon" data-automation-button="expand-EditorOpinionOrSummary-button" data-automation-content="expand-EditorOpinionOrSummary" data-mce-fragment="1" component:js-expander=""><div class="expander__content" data-automation-id="expand-EditorOpinionOrSummary" data-mce-fragment="1"><div class="f-productDesc" data-mce-fragment="1"><div class="f-productDesc__raw" data-mce-fragment="1"><p data-mce-fragment="1">In this book, the Parisian writer Eric Hazan takes you for a stroll through Paris as it was for his famous forebears Balzac, Stendhal, Hugo, and Nerval. A Paris that sparkles in the fresh, airy watercolours and drawings collected by the architect Destailleur, now housed in the Prints and Photographs Department of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Despite the city's enduring medieval look, the Paris illustrated here is stirred by a revolutionary spirit, a city that crowned emperors and twice restored the monarchy.This is the capital as it was before Haussmann's major transformations: from the Marais and the Latin Quarter to the Faubourg Saint-Germain and the Palais Royal, from the Pont des Arts and the Pont Neuf to the theatres on the Boulevards and the Louvre. In these views, the inhabitants ride about on horses or fish in the Seine, flounder in muddy streets, or sit outside in one of the newfangled sidewalk cafés to watch the world go by.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div> Paris, 2013 BnF, Bibliothèque de l'image 88 p., nombreuses illustrations couleur, broché. 29 x 25
Reference : 25834
ISBN : 9782814400368
Mme Brigitte Cordelle
30 rue Emile Zola
29200 Brest
02 98 80 52 48
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