<p>Carnets d'études 53.</p><p>Cabinet des dessins de Jean Bonna, Beaux-Arts de Paris, exposition 3 février au 24 avril 2022.</p> Paris, 2022. Beaux-Arts de Paris 152 p., nombreuses illustrations, couleur, broché. 19,8 x 22,5
Reference : 25396
ISBN : 9782840568360
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BE - , Rijksmuseum/ Hannibal, 2019 Softcover, 328 pages, ENG.edition, 280 x 240 x 30 mm, As Good As New, with colored illustrations of European art of the 16th and 17th century. ISBN 9789463887311.
Rome around 1600: the cosmopolitan arena of ancient nobility, ambitious clergy, brilliant artists and brilliant scholars, but also a city of trickery, street fighters and prostitutes. In short, the stage of the Baroque. Key players on the artistic stage were the painter Caravaggio and the sculptor Bernini. They represent the new artistic impetus that allowed Rome to grow into the vibrant cultural heart of Europe. They represent the intensive interaction between painters and sculptors, and a new art that focused more than ever on portraying and evoking affetti, human emotions. An art of movement and feint, of drama and classical reserve, of jest, beauty and horror. This publication contains illuminating essays by international Baroque specialists and shows the many masterpieces of Caravaggio, Bernini and their contemporaries in all their glory. Never before has there been an exhibition outside Italy that brought together so many important early Baroque works
Plon 1984 In-8 broché 22,5 cm sur 14. 386 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
, Hannibal 2019, 2019 Paperback, 288 pages, ENG, 280 x 240 mm, New, dustjacket, illustrated in colour. ISBN 9789463887090.
Caravaggio, in full Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (Milan, September 29, 1571 - Porto Ercole, present-day municipality of Monte Argentario, July 18, 1610), was an Italian painter who lived in the Baroque period.
Plon 1984, in-8 broché, 386 p. (pli au dos, dédicace en page de faux-titre, sinon bel état ; épuisé) Nombreuses photos NB de Ferrante Ferranti et index des noms. Un itinéraire luxuriant, indispensable à l'amateur d'art baroque.
PLON. 1984. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 386 pages + 1 carte en noir et blanc hors texte - nombreuses photos en noir et blanc hors texte - 1 annotation sur la page de titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 945-Italie
Photographies de FERRANTE FERRANTI Classification Dewey : 945-Italie