‎Catalogue de l’exposition au Centre Pompidou à Paris du 30 novembre 2016 au 24 avril 2017.‎
‎Cy Twombly.‎

‎<p>Sous la direction de Jonas Storsve, ce magnifique catalogue retrace l'étonnant parcours et l'œuvre de Cy Twombly, de ses premiers travaux marqués par les arts primitifs, le graffiti et l'écriture, jusqu'à ses dernières peintures monumentales. Des témoignages et documents inédits soulignent la personnalité hors du commun de l'artiste. Son œuvre synthétise une richesse d'expériences rare, avec de multiples pérégrinations entre pays et cultures, et des lectures incessantes.</p><p>Le livre fait une part belle à l'iconographie avec plus de trois cents illustrations dont certaines inédites (peintures, dessins, sculptures, photographies).</p><p>Une chronologie originale vient compléter ce beau-livre, émaillée de scènes de vie de Cy Twombly, brillamment racontées par Nicola del Roscio. Ce livre aux voix polyphoniques permet d'approcher non seulement l'artiste mais aussi l'homme.</p> Paris, 2016 Centre Pompidou 320 p., cartonnage éditeur. 28 x 28‎

Reference : 23449
ISBN : 9782844267580


€44.90 (€44.90 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Cy Twombly, Laszlo Glozer‎

Reference : 65634

‎Cy Twombly Photographs 1951-2007.‎

‎, Schirmer Mosel, 2008 Softcover 261 pages , ENG / GER, 330 x 255 x 35 mm, dustjacket, as New / wie Neu, illustrated in colours / illustrationen in Farbe. ISBN 9783829603683.‎

‎Ever since his student days, Cy Twombly has concerned himself with photography, but only in recent years has he turned it into a unique artistic concept- and an aesthetic sensation. Twombly's photographic pieces are documents of a fascinatingly enigmatic and personal poetry. His studios in Lexington and Gaeta, details of his own sculptures and collected sculptural items, landscape motifs, fruits and flowers appear in a mysteriously transformed manner on these delicate sheets. Printed in matte colors on matte paper using a dry-print process that imbues them with velvet and an almost grainy hue, the images are vaguely reminiscent of the pictorialist tradition in fin de siecle photography. In their minimalist way, however, generating aesthetic visions by the simplest of means, they are utterly contemporary. 'Photographs 1951-2007' presents Twombly's photographic works of over fifty years- full of surprises and breathtaking beauty.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.99 (€39.99 )

‎Cy Twombly, Laszlo Glozer‎

Reference : 61693

‎Cy Twombly Photographs 1951-2007.‎

‎, Schirmer Mosel, 2008 Hardcover, 261 pages , ENG / GER, 330 x 255 x 35 mm, dustjacket, as New / wie Neu, illustrated in colours / illustrationen in Farbe. ISBN 9783829603683.‎

‎Ever since his student days, Cy Twombly has concerned himself with photography, but only in recent years has he turned it into a unique artistic concept- and an aesthetic sensation. Twombly's photographic pieces are documents of a fascinatingly enigmatic and personal poetry. His studios in Lexington and Gaeta, details of his own sculptures and collected sculptural items, landscape motifs, fruits and flowers appear in a mysteriously transformed manner on these delicate sheets. Printed in matte colors on matte paper using a dry-print process that imbues them with velvet and an almost grainy hue, the images are vaguely reminiscent of the pictorialist tradition in fin de siecle photography. In their minimalist way, however, generating aesthetic visions by the simplest of means, they are utterly contemporary. 'Photographs 1951-2007' presents Twombly's photographic works of over fifty years- full of surprises and breathtaking beauty.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR69.00 (€69.00 )

‎TWOMBLY (Cy)].‎

Reference : 104761


ISBN : 9783829602457

‎Cy Twombly Sculptures 1992-2005.‎

‎München Schirmer/Mosel, Alte Pinakothek 2006 1 vol. relié in-4, cartonnage sous jaquette illustrée, 144 pp. (mouillure au plat supérieur de la jaquette, sans atteinte au volume). Textes en anglais de Giorgio Agamben, Edward Albee, Reinhold Baumstark et Carla Schulz-Hoffmann. Bon état.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎TWOMBLY (Cy)]. STORSVE (Jonas), SCHAMA (Simon), BARTHES (Roland).‎

Reference : 104767


ISBN : 9782070117741

‎Cy Twombly : cinquante années de dessins.‎

‎Paris Gallimard, Centre Pompidou 2004 1 vol. broché petit in-4, broché, couv. illustrée, 172 pp., nombreuses reproductions en couleurs à pleine page, bibliographie. Catalogue de l'exposition au Centre Pompidou, juillet-septembre 2003. Carton de l'exposition joint. Très bon état.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Cy TWOMBLY (Edwin Parker Twombly Jr) par Nela PAVLOUSKOVA. ‎

Reference : AUB-8708


‎Cy TWOMBLY. Etude des dernières peintures (2003-2011). Richement documenté (planches en couleurs)‎

‎Editions du Regard 2014. Bel exemplaire relié, reliure pleine toile, jaquette conservée, in-8, 175 pages.‎

CHF110.00 (€117.91 )
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