<p>Livre soldé par l'éditeur : ancien prix de vente 45.70 €</p> Bruxelles, 2012 Fonds Mercator 240 p., très nombreuses illustrations en couleur, broché.
Reference : 16032
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, mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 2012 Hardcover with dust-jacket, Pages: 240,Format: 28 x 24 cm, 200ill Available languages: only Francais (ISBN 978 90 6153 460 0). ISBN 9789061534600.
Publie a loccasion de lexposition Le Crepuscule des Pharaons. Chefs-doeuvre des dernieres dynasties egyptiennes, ce catalogue met en lumiere la richesse et la diversite de lart egyptien au cours du dernier millenaire de lhistoire pharaonique (1069-30 avant notre ere). Il reunit plus de cent pieces exceptionnelles provenant des plus grandes collections internationales dantiquites egyptiennes, dont lAgyptisches Museum de Berlin, le British Museum, le Musee du Louvre et le Metropolitan Museum of Art. Published concurrently with the exhibition Twilight of the Pharaohs: Masterpieces of the Last Egyptian Dynasties, this catalogue reveals the wealth and diversity of Egyptian art after the end of the New Kingdom (106930 BCE). It brings together over one hundred extraordinary artifacts from the most important international Ancient Egyptian collections including the Agyptisches Museum Berlin, the British Museum, the Louvre and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Throughout this ten-century period marked by political upheavals and invasions, Egyptian art rooted in Ancient Egypt's dynastic tradition retained its full prestige and power. Characterized by a mastery of technique and a preference for formal purity, the period's artistic production combines an elegance of proportions with refined forms and subtle detail. It particularly excels in the unequaled perfection of its statuary.