Paris Chene 1976 In-4 Broché, couv. illustrée
Reference : 002474
Edition originale française.112 pages.171 illustrations reproduisant des oeuvres de Raoul Hausmann, George Grosz, John Heartfield, Hannah Hoch, Johannes Baader, Xanti, Schitomirsky, Mieczyslaw Berman, Youri Rochkov, Gustav Klutsis, Alexandre Rodchenko, Serghei Senkine, Nikolai Prousakov, Mieczyslaw Szczuka, Lissitzky, Paul CItroen, Fritz Lang, Walter Ruttman, Kazimier Podsadecki, Bohdan Lachert, Joseph Szanacja, Max Ernst, Louise Ernst-Strauss, André Breton, Francis Picabia, Jacques Brunius, Nigel Henderson, Herbert Bayer, Lajos Kassak, Roger Leigh, Paul Nash, Terry Gilliam, Penny Slinger, Conroy Maddox, Marcel Marien, Frederich Kiesler, Marcel Duchamp, Richard Hamilton, Man Ray, Tim Head, Moholy-Nagy ... Très bon exemplaire 0
Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
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Reference : bd-4f0487bfc2713d1b
"Photomontage of Sparks of Science: a two-week popular scientific journal. -M.: Ogonyok, 1931- # 5-8; 29,5x22,5 sm./Fotomontazh Iskry nauki: dvukhnedelnyy nauchno-populyarnyy zhurnal.-M.: Ogonek, 1931-## 5-8; 29,5x22,5 sm. Photomontage of Sparks of Science: a two-week popular scientific journal. -M.: Ogonyok, 1931- # 5-8; 29,5x22,5 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-4f0487bfc2713d1b."
Reference : bd-c7941d165e723503
In the design of the master of agitation-political photomontage Illustrated working paper editing by D. Hartfield. # 1 of 01.01.1933. Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung. In German language Berlin: Neue Deutsche Verlag, 19/V oformlenii mastera agitatsionno-politicheskogo fotomontazha Illyustrirovannaya rabochaya gazeta montazh D. Khartfilda. # 1 ot 01.01.1933. Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung. Na nem. yaz. Berlin: Neue Deutsche Verlag, 19 In the design of the master of agitation and political photomontage Illustrated working paper editing by D. Hartfield. # 1 of 01.01.1933. Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung. In German language Berlin: Neue Deutsche Verlag, 1933. 24 p.: 39 - 28 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-c7941d165e723503.
Reference : bd-49311cd1912778d0
Photomontage masterpiece by Telingater Feinberg I.L. 1914. Documentary pamphlet by H.S. Telingater./Fotomontazhnyy shedevr Telingatera Feynberg I.L. 1914-y. Dokumentalnyy pamflet khud. S. Telingater. Photomontage masterpiece by Telingater Feinberg I.L. 1914. Documentary pamphlet by H. S. Telingater. Moscow: MTP 1934. 4 92 p.: 25.5 - 17.5 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-49311cd1912778d0.
Photomontage original de Jean Harold (12,7x17,7 cm. ) portant son timbre au verso, ainsi qu'une dédicace où il explique que l'on "reconnaît facilement le corps de notre ami Charles Duclos! Pour la femme c'est à vous de jouer. "Original photomontage of Jean Harold (12.7x17.7 cm.) Bearing his stamp on the back, as well as a dedication where he explains that we "reconnaît facilement le corps de notre ami Charles Duclos! Pour la femme c'est à vous de jouer.".
Reference : bd-d15b74c332d5f088
Photomontage region. Storm O. Machines are erased./Fotomontazhnaya obl. Burevaya O. Mashiny stirayut. Moscow: OGIZ, 1931.-24 p.:. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-d15b74c332d5f088.