U.R.S.S. Ministère de la culture 1988 In-8 Broché Ed. originale
Reference : 000305
Catalogue de l'exposition rétrospective de Kasimir Malevich au Musée russe de Leningrad du 10 novembre au 18 décembre 1988, à la Tretiakov Galerie de Moscou du 29 décembre 1988 au 10 février 1989 et au Stedelijk Museum d'Amsterdam du 5 mars 1989 au 29 mai 1989; Textes en russe et en anglais, couverture illustrée, illustrations in et hors-texte, liste des oeuvres exposées. Bon 0
Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
Emmanuel Hutin
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Reference : albecb82c6688e0f3da
Kazimir Malevich Kazimir Malevich. 1878-1935. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kazimir Malevich Kazimir Malevich. 1878-1935. Exhibitions in Leningrad Moscow Amsterdam M. Ministry of Culture of the USSR Amsterdam City Museum 1988. 280 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbecb82c6688e0f3da
D'Andrea, Jeanne: Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935. Exhibition: Los Angeles, Hammer Museum; New York, Metropolitan Museum and Washington, National Gallery of Art, 1990. 230 pages. illustrated throughout in colour. Hardback. 28.5x23cms.
Text in English
Reference : albb9ce4f830a3c8de2
Kazimir Malevich. Artist and theorist. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kazimir Malevich. Khudozhnik i teoretik. Album. Texts by E.N.Petrov. M. Sov. artist. 1990. 240s. SKUalbb9ce4f830a3c8de2.
Reference : albfa9ca5e06036af42
Shatskikh A. Kazimir Malevich and the Supremus Society. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Shatskikh A. Kazimir Malevich i obshchestvo Supremus.. M. Three squares of 2009 464 p. SKUalbfa9ca5e06036af42.
Reference : alb813fc13fcdceb792
Sidorina E. V. Kazimir Malevich and his prophecy of a new being. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sidorina E. V. Kazimir Malevich i ego prorochestvo o novom bytii.. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).M. BuxMArt 2021. 640 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb813fc13fcdceb792