‎[Mr de LOMENIE]‎
‎Sir Thomas MOORE -‎

‎ Notice biographique et portrait gravé parus dans la Galerie des Contemporains Illustres publié à Paris chez Ducrocq - sd - (vers 1850) - Plaquette in12 brochée de 36 pages + portrait en frontispice (sans couverture, à relier) - trés bon état -‎

Reference : GF15745


€15.00 (€15.00 )
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4 book(s) with the same title

‎BAYLY (Thomas Haynes), BISHOP (Henry R.), HEMANS, LODGE (J.), LOVER (Samuel), LEE (Alexander), MOORE (Thomas), STEVENSON (Sir John), PRAED (Winthrop M.), FITZ GERALD (Mrs Edward), BRAHAM, BLACKWOOD (Price), MILLARD (Mrs Philip), HARRIS (G. F.), PLANCHE (J. R.), COOKE (T.), L.E.L.,FLOWER (Eliza), MURRAY (W. S.), DEWAR (James), LINLEY (George), BALFE (M. W.), HEMANS, BELLINI, ‎

Reference : 12627

‎Collection of 64 Musical Scores / Recueil de 64 partitions de musique : In Happier Hours! by Thomas Haynes Bayly and Henry R. Bishop. / Ruth, by Georgiana Bloomfield and Miss Davis. / If Thou Hast Crush'd a Flower, Ballad, by Mrs Hemans and J. Lodge. / The Fairy Tempter, n° 6 of the Songs of The Superstitions of Ireland, by Samuel Lover. / Winter and Summer, A Ballad, by Thomas Haynes Bayly and Alexander Lee. / Flow on thou Shining River, for Two Voices, by Thomas Moore and Sir John Stevenson. / Angel of Charity [ibid]. / I Remember, I Remember how my Childhood Fleeted by, by Winthrop M. Praed and Mrs Edward Fitz Gerald. / Had I A Heart For Falsehood Fram'd, sung by Mr. Braham. / The Charming Woman, by Mrs Price Blackwood. / Alice Gray, A Ballad, by Mrs Philip Milliard. / Where's the Snow, the Summer Snow? by G. F. Harris. / Love's Ritornella (The Brigand), by J. R. Planché and T. Cooke. / L.E.L.'s Song Sleep, Heart of Mine! by Eliza Flower. / A Brave Old Country Gentleman, by W. S. Murray and James Dewar. / Look Forth, (Watherine Gray), by George Linley and M. W. Balfe. / The Bird's Release, by Mrs Hemans. / A te o Cara Amor Talora, by Bellini. / etc. etc.‎

‎ London, Gouldinf & D'Almaine, s.d. / Dublin, Marcus Moses, s.d. / London, C. Lonsdale, s.d. / London, J. Duff & Co, s.d. / London, Alexander Lee & Lee, s.d. / London, Cramer, Addison & Beale, s.d. / s.d. / London, J. Balls & Son, s.d. / Edinburgh, Alexander Robertson, s.d. / London, J. Dean, s.d. / London, S. Chappell, s.d. / London, Royal Harmonic Institution, s.d. / London, J. Alfred Novello, s.d. / London & Edinburgh, Cramer, Addison & Beale, Alexander Robertson, s.d. / London, Cramer, Addison & Beale, s.d. / London, Lensdale & Mills, s.d. / London, R. Mills, Paris, Pacini, s.d. / etc., etc. 2 volumes in-4, 107 ff. et 133 ff. numérotés (encre et plume), reliure plein maroquin bordeaux de l'époque, dos et plats ornés (dos un peu frottés). Ex-dono à Mademoiselle Bréald (?). ‎

‎A collection of 64 musical scores of the XIXth century, finely bound in 2 volumes. / Recueil de 64 partitions musicales du XIXe siècle, bien reliées en deux volumes. * Voir photographies / See pictures. * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve. ‎

Phone number : 09 78 81 38 22

EUR380.00 (€380.00 )

‎STEVENSON Sir John - Thomas MOORE (words) - John Parry :‎

Reference : 6317

‎A selection of Irish Melodies with symphonies and Accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson Mus. Doc. and Characteristic words by Thomas Moore.‎

‎".: 10. London, J. Power's Strand; Dublin, W. Power's, s.d. (1808), in-4°, 32 x 24 cm, Bound with (bound at the beginning) Parry John; A selection of Welsh Melodies, with appr. English Words, adapted for the voice, with symphonies and accompaniments for the Piano Forte or Harp by John Parry, London, Bland & Wellers, s.d. (ca. 1820) engraved title (King Cadwalader at an Eisteddvod) + (6)(with list of subscribers) + 64 pp + 6 pp engraved music. Bound with; ...First number. (1)nn pp (printed introduction) + engr. title + engr. dedication (1)(index) + 102 pp (mostly eng. music, some textleaves , one title). Bound with; Idem, idem, A series of Sacred Songs, Duetts and Trios...., engraved title + (4) + 77 pp engr. music. Bound with; Idem, idem, A selection of Popular National Airs..., (2) + engraved title with large engraving by T. Stothard + (4) + 113 pp engr. music. Contemporary half leather, smooth back with simple gilt lines decorations, marbled boards with leather title label on frontcover (''Melodies''). Binding with some light wear, some slight foxing in the Parry part, but a fine copy."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR425.00 (€425.00 )

‎Byron, Lord (George Noel Gordon):‎

Reference : 33943BB


‎Oeuvres complètes de Lord Byron. Traduction nouvelle, d'après la dernière édition de Londres, par Benjamin Laroche. Avec les notes et commentaires de Sir Walter Scott, Thomas Moore, Francis Jeffrey, le professeur Wilson, Sir Egerton Bridges, l'évêque Heber, J. G. Lokcart, Ugo Foscolo, Shelley, Georges Ellis, Thomas Campbell, etc.; les variantes du texte; précédées de l'histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Lord Byron, par John Galt.‎

‎4 volumes complet. Paris, Charpentier, 1836-1837. In-4°. VI p., 822 p.; 766 p.; 702 p.; 844 p. 4 frontispice. Plein cuir, titre doré au dos, décor doré au dos et sur les plats, tête dorée (sign. I. Rousset, Paris).‎

‎Vicaire 1, 990. Edition originale de cette traduction, la 3e après Amédée Pichet 1822-25 et Pauline Paris 1830-32. Publié en 120 livraisons. - Reliure à beau décor romantique. - Couvertures frottées, intérieur frais, inscriptions au crayon, tache d'encre vol. 2 + 4, trace d'eau vol. 4.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF300.00 (€321.56 )

‎BYRON, Lord‎

Reference : 82863


Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

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