‎Pauwels Wim‎
‎A&D Series 2‎

‎Beta-Plus 2006 In-folio relié 34 cm sur 26,6. 200 pages. Bon état d’occasion.‎

Reference : 62024
ISBN : 9077213619 9789077213612

‎ Bon état d’occasion ‎

€30.00 (€30.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Vial Eugène - Marieton Paul.‎

Reference : 11643

‎Marceline Desbordes-Valmore et ses amis Lyonnais d'après une séries de lettres inédites recueillies par Paul Marieton et annotées par Eugène Vial.‎

‎ PARIS COLLECTION "Les Textes" La Connaissance, N° 5 , 9 Galerie de la Madeleine, VIIIe , 1923 . Ouvrage broché-cousu au format 14,5x19 cm, sobre couverture ornée d'un monogramme "on se lasse de tout excepté de connaître" N° d'une série de publiacations, portrait gravure frontispice de Marceline-Desbordes Valmore et de caroline Branchu, 182 pages, l'un des 300 exemplaires sur vergé d'alfa numéroté 101 à la plume, exemplaire agréable et de jolie tenue, petit accroc sur la charnière à partir de la coiffe et sur quelques millimètres - ‎

‎Rare Exemplaire Bon Etat Franco de port pour la France par MONDIAL RELAY dés 20 euros pour les ouvrages modernes . Paiement immédiat par Paypal . Chèques et virement acceptés. Votre Libraire vous accompagne dans toutes les étapes de vos achats. Achat et déplacement France Suisse. ‎

Artlink - Saint-Haon-le-Vieux

Phone number : +33 47 78 70 476

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎MUSEES ROYAUX D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE DE BRUXELLES ( editor - publisher - S1 ) :‎

Reference : 42178

‎Bulletin des Musées Royaux des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels à Bruxelles (-> later) Bulletin des Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire. SERIES I (1901) - SERIES 6 ( 1993)‎

‎".: Nearly complete set , spanning a century, of this periodical published by the Brussels' Royal Museum for Art and Art History, better known as '' Le Musée du Cinquantenaire'' after the building where it is housed. The publication consists of 6 series. Series I ; Première Année -> Sixième Année (1901 - 1906/07), format in-folio, 29,5 x 20 cm, published as a monthly, ca. 100 pp per year. Some out of text plates. Bound in 4 volumes. Series II ; Première Année ( 7th year since beginning) -> Treizième Année (13th since beginning) (1908 - Mai 1914 = last pre-war issue). In-folio, bound with a part of the first series in two red cloth volumes). Series III ; 1929-1946 (18 years.) Première année - Dixhuitième Année. Décember 1939 is a special issue containing an index for 1929-1938. Format small in-4°, 24 x 17,5 cm, two-monthly issues of between 24 and 48 pp, first stapled issues , later sewn with wrapper. 1945 and 1946 consist of one issue for a whole year. Al issues of the 3rd series with original wrapper, as published. Series IV ; 1947- 1967 (21 years) Dixneuvième année - Trenteneuvième année, same format as series III, yearly issues of between 130 and 250 pp. In the original wrapper. Series V ; 1968-1970 (3 years) Quarantième - Quarantedeuxième annéé, 1 vol. of 377 pp. Series VI ; 1971-1999 ( 23 years) Year 43 -> Year 70, volumes of each between 200 and 400 pp. Stiff wrapper , as published. Missing in these series is only volume 68, . This art periodical contains articles , mainly in French or Dutch on art, applied art (Textile, Tapestry, Silver and Goldsmith work, Ceramics) , Egyptology, Pre-Hellenic art and archaeology; in short all the fields were this museum has a strong collection and a strong reputation. We have many seperate issues for sale. Please inquire via e-mail."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR2,000.00 (€2,000.00 )

‎SOCIETY OF JESUS - SOCIETA IESU - Charles Le GOBAIN - Jean Baptiste du HALDE - Louis PATOUILLET ( editors ) :‎

Reference : 55034

‎Lettres édifiantes et curieuses écrites des missions étrangères. 32 consecutive volumes, uniformly bound (a series composed in the late 18th c.)‎

‎".: Paris, different publishers: Le Clerc, Mercier, Barbou, Mérigot, Bordelet, Guérin, Ruault, De Hansy; 1706 - 1774 (1781), 30 volumes format in-12°, (16 x 8,5 cm). The series are illustrated with 19 folding maps (vol.V: Passage par terre à la Californie; vol.7 Côte du Pérou, Carte de la Terre de Feu; vol.8 Nagasaki; vol.XI carte des Philippines, carte des îles Marianne ; vol.XII Mission des Moxes, Cours du fleuve Maragnon ; vol.XIV Île de Ponghou , île de Formose ; vol.XV Carnate ; vol.16 carte du Tong-King , idem (different version) ; vol.XVIII les îles Caroline ; vol.XXI Le Paragua ; vol.XXIII Presqu'île des Indes ; vol.XXVIII Îles Lieou-Kieou. vol.XXXI carte du Tong-King , idem (different version) . Three maps are missing: vol.VI Nouvelle Phillipine ; vol.XVI Île d'Orléans and vol. 27 Cap françois. Volumes 1-2 & 3-4 are each bound together. The series is uniformly bound in late 18th c. full leather; with raised decorated spines, each volume with a red leather title label and a green volume number. Vol. XVI has a different binding and has obviously been added to the series as it is also a much later edition. Some volumes have weak joints, most have wear at the extremeties (head caps & corners). But generally the volumes still have solid bindings. The interiors are in fine/good condition. The five first volumes are contemporary re-issues, published 5 or 10 years after the original. Volume VI till vol. XXXII are all in first edition (except vol. 16 which has been added). The last volumes of the series (vol. 33 & 34) published in 1776 are missing. A complete collation is available upon simple demand by email. This monumental series was started by Charles le Gobien (Tome 1 - 8) ; continued by Jean-Baptiste du Halde (Tome 9-26) ; and finally Louis Patouillet (Tome 27-34) . The purpose was to report on the history and new events of the China mission of the Jesuits. Very soon this was expanded to literally the whole world : South and North America, ( with Canada, New York, Ohio, Michigan), Japan, India...When J.B. du Halde took over as editor more attention was given to exact and applied science. This was done to gain the support of the Chinese emperor. In 1758 the publication came to a halt due to the rising political difficulties encountered by the Jesuit order. Publication resumed in 1773: exactly the year when the Jesuit order was suppressed in Europe. Complete homogeneous series are allmost non-existant; not surprisingly , in view of the very long publication history and the rising hostilty versus the Jesuit order in the second half of the 18th c. Our series was composed at the end of the 18th c. (probably between 1774 and 1776 - which might explain the absence of the two last volumes). From the many different contemporary provenances we can deduce the the first owner went to a lot of effort to form the series. During or just after the French revolution the series landed in Belgium. Most volumes have a (feeble) modern stamp of a Belgian religious institute. Among the original French provenances (in ex-libris manuscript or with a stamp) we encounter: vol. .5 & 18) Les Filles Lazaristes Paris; vol. 7 & 20 : Biblioth. du Seminaire S. Sulpice (small stamp). Vol. 11 : Barnabit (Barnabilarum S. Eligii Paris). vol.27 : Coll. Rothomagensis (Rennes). Vol.10 contains an ex dono manuscrit du R.P. du Halde ''A la congrégation des Mess. dans la maison professe a St. Louis''. Despite the 2 missing last volumes and the 16th vol. from a later edition this series remains an impressive, important and excessively rare proof of the interest in the exploits of the Jesuit Order all over the world. A fervent collector succeeded in composing this impressive series. He had to overcome the hostility against the Jesuits (very strong after the suppression of the Order in 1773 ; and the problem of the long publication history. A few years later (in 1781) he would have been able to procure a complete reworked re-issue. Other re-issues would follow well into the 19th c. Here we offer a series with 31 (out of 34) volumes in first edition; or - for the 4 first volumes- contemporary re-issues. Sabin 40697. Sommervogel III. 1514 ; IV 34-35 ; V 536 ; VI 353-354. (Texte en français disponible)."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR6,750.00 (€6,750.00 )

‎JUVEN J. ( directeur ) - Arsène ALEXANDRE ( éditeur artistique ) - J.L. FORAIN , Caran D'ACHE , WILLETTE, LEANDRE, JEANNIOT, GYP, METIVET,...RADIGUET, TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, AURIOL, VALLOTON e.a. ( collaborateurs ) :‎

Reference : 53627

‎Le RIRE . Journal humoristique. Nos. 1 - 430 ( complete run of the first series). Nos. 1- 491 ( second series). 1894 - 1912. Bound in 12 volumes (first series) + 7 volumes ( second series nrs. 152-491)‎

‎".: Paris, F. Juven éditeur, 122 rue Réaumur, 1894 - 1912, issues of 12 pages, 31 x 23 cm, 921 consecutive issues ( first 18 years complete). First series bound in 12 vols uniform brown half morocco, boards covered with marbled paper, Gilt title on spines, marbled endpapers. Bindings in very good shape. The binding is signed with a rubber stamp on the inside of vol. 1 - ''G. Engel - Spa '' (Belgium). The second series is bound in uniform red half leather. The interior is fine but the bindings show some sign of wear. All issues ( 921) complete with the covers and the the out-of-text plates. Issue 1 dates from 10 november 1894 -> Issue 430 ( 31st january 1903) ; new series - issue 1 (7th february 1903 -> Issue 491 (29 june 1912) All In very good condition, notwithstanding the usual tiny tears at some pages, the frayed margins of the out-of-text plates. On the whole a very fine run of this leading French satirical weekly. Exceptionally long run of this famous Parisian humorous and satirical weekly. The first and the last page contains allways a full-page coloured illustration. In the first years Toulouse-Lautrec was a regular contributor with 11 full page drawings in the first three years. Among the other illustrators we find all the famous draughtsmen of the French Belle Epoque; e.g. Valloton, Forain, Willette, Josset, Paul, Steinlen, Cappiello, Villon, Iribe, Chéret, C. Morin, Kupka, Gus Bofa....After this second series which ended at the beginning of the First World War (issue nr. 600 was the last) another two series were published : during WWI 215 issues were published under the title '' Le Rire Rouge''. It resumed after the war and even continued until 1971 !! (Issues after the WWI are very difficult to find. It seems that the interest to collect ''Le Rire'' and have them bound in yearly volumes seems to have vanished in those days."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR5,000.00 (€5,000.00 )

‎Newton (Isaac) - Buffon, traduction‎

Reference : 100384


‎La méthode des fluxions et des suites infinies par M. Le Chevalier Newton, traduction de M. De Buffon (Reprint en fac-similé parue chez Debure en 1710) , (De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas (or On analysis by infinite series, On Analysis by Equations with an infinite number of terms, or On the Analysis by means of equations of an infinite number of terms)‎

‎Librairie Scientifique Albert Blanchard , (Debure) Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1966 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur grise In-4 1 vol. - 182 pages‎

‎quelques figures dans le texte en noir et blanc Reprint 1996 de l'édition de 1740 (le texte est initalement paru en 1669 en Angleterre) Contents, Chapitres : Préface de Buffon, xxx, errata, ii, Texte, 148 pages, privilège du Roy, ii - Isaac Newton, 1642-1727, est un mathématicien, physicien, philosophe, alchimiste, astronome et théologien anglais, puis britannique. Figure emblématique des sciences, il est surtout reconnu pour avoir fondé la mécanique classique, pour sa théorie de la gravitation universelle et la création, en concurrence avec Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, du calcul infinitésimal. En optique, il a développé une théorie de la couleur basée sur l'observation selon laquelle un prisme décompose la lumière blanche en un spectre visible. Il a aussi inventé le télescope à réflexion composé d'un miroir primaire concave appelé télescope de Newton. - En 1669, il rédige un compte rendu sur les fondements du calcul infinitésimal quil appelle « méthode des fluxions ». Newton a fondé ainsi lanalyse mathématique moderne. - En plus de ses contributions à la physique, Newton, parallèlement à Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, élabore les principes fondateurs du calcul infinitésimal. Alors que Newton ne fait rien éditer sur sa méthode des infiniment petits ou des fluxions et les suites infinies avant 1687, Leibniz publie ses travaux en 1684. Si le problème de priorité de l'invention s'est posé, Newton dans son uvre Principia publiée en 1687 rend hommage à la découverte de Leibniz en reconnaissant qu'il est parvenu aux mêmes résultats que lui par une méthode analogue à la sienne. Malgré cela, des membres de la Royal Society dont Newton est membre accusent Leibniz de plagiat, finissant par créer un différend en 1711. C'est ainsi que la Royal Society proclame dans une étude que Newton est le vrai découvreur de la méthode et Leibniz un imposteur. Ceci entache aussi bien la vie de Newton que celle de Leibniz, jusqu'à sa mort en 1716. (source : Wikipedia) - De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas (or On analysis by infinite series, On Analysis by Equations with an infinite number of terms, or On the Analysis by means of equations of an infinite number of terms), is a mathematical work by Isaac Newton (1669). Contents : The exponential series, i.e. tending toward infinity, was discovered by Newton and is contained within the Analysis. The treatise contains also the sine series and cosine series and arc series, the logarithmic series and the binomial series. (source : Wikipedia) "infimes traces de pliures aux coins des plats de la couverture sans gravité, quelques rousseurs sur la couverture, intérieur sinon frais et propre, cela reste un bon exemplaire - minor folding tracks on the corners of the wrappers which remains clean and unmarked, few foxings on the wrappers, inside is fine, no markings, it remains a near fine copy of this reprint (1966) from the 1740's translation by Buffon of Newton's famous paper ""De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas"". (1669)."‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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