‎Pauwels Jo‎
‎Urban Spaces‎

‎Beta-Plus, coll. « A&D series 3 » 2007 In-4 broché 33,8 cm sur 26,6. 200 pages. Bon état d’occasion.‎

Reference : 61999
ISBN : 9077213627 9789077213629

‎ Bon état d’occasion ‎

€30.00 (€30.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Denis Menjot, Peter Clark (eds)‎

Reference : 65993

‎Subaltern City? Alternative and Peripheral Urban Spaces in the Pre-modern Period (13th-18th Centuries)‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 274 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 4 tables b/w., 31 maps b/w, Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503583310.‎

‎Summary The purpose of this volume is to question traditional notions of city space in pre-modern Europe (with its stress on space being incorporated, regulated and integrated, dominated by its merchants and crafts), and to investigate how far it was in fact economically and politically pluralistic with a great variety of functions and juridictions. The volume examines comparatively the range of different urban spaces in and outside the medieval and early modern city from gardens, farmland and wasteland to industrial sites, poor and rich suburbs, shooting grounds, green space, grey space and military zones. Case studies cover cities in France, Germany, Italy, the Low Countries, England, Portugal and the Middle East. We ask: how far was the pre-modern city a compact city? Or was it in fact a 'subaltern city', as geographers have recently proposed, where many urban spaces were contested and the municipality has to be seen as only one key spatial actor? TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Peter Clark, Denis Menjot Preface Introduction 2. La ville en puzzle. Centralit et subalternit des espaces urbains Bruxelles au Moyen ge Paulo Charruadas & Bram Vannieuwenhuyze 3. Une ville perm able ? L'espace de transition urbain-rural autour d'une ville aux XIIIe et XIVe si cles Catherine Xandry 4. Penser les p riph ries : l'apport du concept d'urbain pour Paris au XIVe si cle Boris Bove 5. Les liens d'interd pendance entre une cit et ses faubourgs (Amiens, XIIIe-XVIe si cles) Mathieu Beghin, post-doc, France 6. Locating marginality in the city: the extramural neighbourhoods of fifteenth-century London Charlotte Berry 7. Les fondouks chr tiens dans les villes musulmanes du bassin m diterran en au Moyen ge. Espaces p riph riques ou nouvelles polarit s urbaines ? Dominique Val rian 8. Habiter une paroisse suburbaine. La population de Saint-Jean de Latran de Rome (1630-1680) Eleonora Canepari 9. Quartiers, faubourgs et anciens faubourgs : l'espace subalterne Lyon (XVIe-XVIIIe) Olivier Zeller 10. L'embellissement de Marseille en 1666, entre soumission et r sistance des faubourgs Julien Puget 11. La police des espaces non aedificandi de la fortification p riurbaine Lille et Bruxelles au XVIIIe si cle : des espaces abandonn s ou int gr s la ville? Catherine Denys 12. The multiple uses of green space : Haarlem and the Haarlemmerhout in the eighteenth century Carolien Boender‎


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‎Kaleidoscope Lifestyle and Architecture Living in Color and Patterns, A stunning collection of expressive interiors that meld sophisticated colors and patterns to create unique urban living spaces.‎

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‎Interiors can be loud again. More and more people are turning to high-contrast spaces with brilliant wall colors and patterned sofas. Our rooms can look how we feel. Leaving unifying trends behind, today?s cutting-edge interior design focuses on creating personal concepts customized to individual inhabitants. Unique pieces and eccentric combinations are both used to set the scene in eye-catching ways. Kaleidoscope is a showcase of surprisingly different residences that range from the beautiful to the bizarre. While some of the featured examples are reminiscent of time capsules and others of film sets, all of them defy categorization. The book offers inspiration for anyone bold enough to re-imagine interior design in any way they can think of‎


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‎Archibooks + Sautereau Editeur 2011‎

‎in4, reliure souple, couverture rempliee, bon etat sauf coins et haut du dos legerement frottes, nombreuses illustrations et photos N&B et couleurs, texte bilingue anglais / francais, Archibooks + Sautereau Editeur, 2011, 196p‎

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