Fragments éditions 2003 Préfacé par Yvon Le Marlec, Postface de Gilda Solve. In-4 broché 29,8 cm sur 22,8. Pas de jaquette. 123 pages. Occasion comme neuf. Poids sans emballage : 798 grammes.
Reference : 47818
ISBN : 2912964660
Très bon état d’occasion
Librairie de l'Avenue
M. Henri Veyrier
Marché aux Puces. 31, rue Lecuyer
93400 Saint-Ouen
01 40 11 95 85
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43 photos anciennes sur carton format approximatif 10,8 x 16,5 cm, vers 1875-1888 : Taber, 8 Mont St iver Hibernia Bank : San Francisco ; Morse's Palace of Art 417 Montgomery Street : San Francisco, 1er abril 1875 De Pilar Fort ; Morse's Palace of Art 417 Montgomery Street : San Francisco ; Imperial 724 1/2 Market st : San Francisco, "A mi muy querida Mama Pila con el carino de su querida hija" signé "Anita Fort" ; Bradley & Rulofso : San Francisco (4 photos) ; Chas Lainer & Co : San Francisco, "A mi muy querida Mama Grande [ …]" Pierre Fort 1885 Bouillier : Arcachon Bordeaux ; Bouillier : Arcachon Bordeaux ; Charles Chambon : Bordeaux ; J. de Parada : Bordeaux ; Charles 46 allée de Tourny : Bordeaux ; (7 photos) ; Bliss : Hermosello, "A mon frère Victor Hermouilh 22 mars 1883" signé "Pierre" ; Bernal : Hermosillo, Rafael Fort 24 mars 1891 ; Gm L Zuber : Mazatlan, "Para me querida tia Pilar de tua sobrinar Clementina y Leonie Nazerad" ; Gmo L Zuber : Mazatlan, "A ma chère Mère Mazatlan 12 Feburo 1888" ; Gm L Zuber : Mazatlan, "Souvenir de tendre affection à mon fils Victor Fort Mazarlan 26 juillet 1876" P. Fort ; Gm L Zuber : Mazatlan, Léonie Nazeran 1884 ; Gm L Zuber : Mazatlan ; Gm L Zuber : Mazatlan, Alfonso Nazeran 1886 ; Alfredo Laurent : Mexico ; Alfredo Laurent : Mexico"Para mi amada Mama Grande […]" Margarita Fort 24 oct, 1881 ; Alfredo Laurent : Mexico, Rafaelito Fort 1881 ; Alfredo Laurent : Mexico, Roberto Fort 1881 ; Alfredo Laurent : Mexico (6 autres portraits) ; Fontes : Paris ; (3 photos) ; Le Jeune L. Joliot : Paris ; E. Ghezzi : Saintes ;
Joli lot de même provenance familiale réunissant 43 portraits photographiques anciens, pris à San Franscisco, à Mazatlan (port du Mexique, Sinaloa), Hermosillo ou Mexico, et en France (dont Bordeaux). Plusieurs photos sont annotées et datées au verso. Bon ensemble (certains tirages passés mais bon état général). Prix du lot, non séparable. Nice set from the same family provenance bringing together 43 old photographic portraits, taken in San Franscisco, Mazatlan (Mexico port, Sinaloa), Hermosillo or Mexico, and in France (including Bordeaux). Several portraits are annotated and dated on the verso. Price of the set, not separable
Boston : published by john P. Jewett & Company. Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor and Worthington, 1854. 1854 1 vol. In-8 (188 x 120 mm) de: XI, 356 pp. une grande carte lithographiée repliée aquarellée à la main de la Californie, avec un encart de San Francisco, par J.H. Colton, datée de 1854, reliée face au titre. Reliure éditeur de percaline brune estampée à froid, dos lisse décoré et titré à l'or.
Edition originale de ce guide comportant dimportantes observations sur San Francisco et de Californie au cours des premières années de développement qui ont suivi la première ruée vers l'or. En 1853, Capron se rend en Californie en tant qu'agent de plusieurs grandes maisons commerciales de New York. Il visite les principales villes et villages de l'État et parcoure les différentes régions minières. Outre une description approfondie du côté sinistre de San Francisco, il donne des définitions de diverses techniques minières et une description du tribunal des mineurs, de la maison des mineurs et de l'enclave chinoise. Cowan p.104; Graff 580 ; Howes C127 ; Kurutz 116 ; Rocq 16759 1 vol. 8vo (188 x 120 mm) of: XI, 356 pp. a large hand watercolored folded lithographed map of California, with an inset of San Francisco, by J.H. Colton, dated 1854, bound facing the title. Publisher's cold-stamped brown percaline binding, smooth spine decorated and titled in gold. First edition of this guide with important observations on San Francisco and California in the early years of development following the first gold rush. In 1853, Capron traveled to California as agent for several major New York trading houses. He visited the state's main towns and villages and toured the various mining regions. In addition to an in-depth description of the grim side of San Francisco, he gives definitions of various mining techniques and a description of the miners' court, the miners' house and the Chinese enclave. Cowan p.104; Graff 580; Howes C127; Kurutz 116; Rocq 16759
New York, Bramhall House, 1959. In-4, pleine toile bleue, sous jaquette illustrée, 228 pp.San Francisco raconté par un touche-à-tout qui fut même matador à ses heures.200 photos en noir illustrent le passé et la vie de la ville dans les années 50.Bel exemplaire, jaquette légèrement usée avec petits défauts.
Washington, Jno. T. Towers, 1851. 4to. In publishers original full pictoral green cloth. Front and back board with embossed title and ornamentation, showing an eagle holding a banner and anchor beneath whom Columbia sits holding the shield of California with a bear asleep at her feet. Front board in gold. Lower front board with gilt stamp. Stamp to front free end-paper and title-page. Light wear to extremities and internally with light occassional miscolouring. 44. pp. + 11 lithographic plates including frontispiece and 6 folding maps.
Rare first edition of Commander Ringgold's charts, views, and sailing directions, for the entrance to San Francisco Bay and the inland waterways" the most accurate charts up until that time of the areas covered.According to his introduction, Ringgold was persuaded by the citizens of San Francisco to undertake the task of accurately surveying the seaward approaches to the coast and the interior because of the vast amount of ship traffic that the area endured because of the Gold Rush and because, more ominously, of the ""thousands of human beings...anxiously flocking thither, often in open boats, ill suited to the exposed navigation leading to the interior"" (p. [5]). The survey began in August 1849, with Ringgold commanding the chartered brig Colonel Fremont. His surveys resulted in the present publication in 1851 which quickly became exceedingly popular. It was published in a total of five editions in 1851-52.A 12mo-edition with text only was published prior to this publication, but this is the first edition to include the maps and charts (and the important comments to these) which essentially made this the most important and used survey of the San Francisco Bay area in the 1850ies. Sabin 71425 (Sabin only calls for 8 plates).
Duncan, Michael: San Francisco the Golden Age 1930-1960 Making a Scene. Munich: 2025. 184 pages, 150 illustrations. Hardback. 30x26cms. A look at the development of the Bay Area art scene between 1930 to 1960. Eleven chapters discuss the primary organizations, figures, and events responsible for the neighborhood's artistic evolution. These include The San Francisco Art Association, public art projects headed by Diego Rivera and the Pacific Unity installation at the Golden Gate International Exposition, Grace Morley director of the San Francisco Museum of Art, the museum's annual exhibitions, art critic Alfred Frankenstein, and finally a case study of Adaline Kent's oeuvre.
A look at the development of the Bay Area art scene between 1930 to 1960. Eleven chapters discuss the primary organizations, figures, and events responsible for the neighborhoodâs artistic evolution. These include The San Francisco Art Association, public art projects headed by Diego Rivera and the Pacific Unity installation at the Golden Gate International Exposition, Grace Morley director of the San Francisco Museum of Art, the museumâs annual exhibitions, art critic Alfred Frankenstein, and finally a case study of Adaline Kentâs oeuvre. Text in English