Skira 2008 In-4 broché couverture à rabats, 30 cm sur 30. 367 pages. Couverture et dos légèrement passés, plis de lecture au dos, intérieur très propre. Bon état d’occasion.
Reference : 113666
ISBN : 8861306381 9788861306387
Cet ouvrage a été publié à l’occasion de l’exposition “Keith Haring” au Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon, 22 février - 29 juin 2008 Bon état d’occasion
Librairie de l'Avenue
M. Henri Veyrier
Marché aux Puces. 31, rue Lecuyer
93400 Saint-Ouen
01 40 11 95 85
Conforme aux usages de la profession. Paiement avec votre carte bancaire par Paypal ou en V.A.D. (Vente à distance sur le site), par virement ou chèque. Les frais de port sont de 9,50 € pour la France pour les colis de moins de 5kg en colissimo (ou 4,50 € en Mondial Relay), 12 € pour les pays de l'Union Européenne (sauf Espagne) en Mondial Relay. Nous consulter pour les autres pays et livres au dessus de 5kg. Notre téléphone : 01 40 11 95 85.
São Paulo / Brasília, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2003. Created for the first Keith Haring exhibition in Brazil where 55 of his artworks were shown. A colorful 180 x 140 mm booklet with a detail from one of Haring's Untitled painting and his name in white on the front cover and a youthful picture of Haring on the back. Softcover with jacket flaps. Bilingual, starts with texts in Portuguese and ends with the same texts in English. Features many black and white pictures of Keith Haring, many of his artworks and two texts: "Urban Radiance: reflections on the life and work of Keith Haring" by art historian Joshua Decter and "Keith Haring in Brazil" by his lifelong friend Kenny Scharf. "In the early 1980s, New York streets and subways were the first to showcase the work of Keith Haring, vigorous graffiti-like pictures indicative of his engagement with mass culture. Today, for the first time ever in Brazil, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil showcases fifty-five works by this artist, including drawings and paintings. The exaltation of U.S. society never benumbed Haring's critical view regarding his environment or historical moment in time. Humor and wit pulsate in the spontaneously fluid linework if this artist whose freedom in handling themes and forms conquered space and contributed to the creation of a direct, and at times almost plain language rooted in the vocabulary of mass culture and means of consumption." (Back flap)
Imperceptible traces of scruffing on the front cover, joints and on the first/last pages. Aside from that, it is toned and in good shape.
New York, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, 1982 Original Spiral bound and original illustrated cardboard covers in fine condition! 144 pages, Many colour, B/w photographs and B/w illustrations. 9 9inch. | 22.9 22.9cm.
First edition of this book, limited to 2000 copies, rare and wanted in perfect condition, 144 pages. (the first 32 on yellow paper). Many colour, B/w photographs and B/w illustrations,all present as called for plus very informative text, stickers are not present. This rare book is in very good condition! -- The exhibition catalog for the landmark 1982 show that launched Keith Haring's career. The first professional publication of Haring's work, the catalog surveys Haring?s work from the late 1970s and early 1980's. The catalog includes writings on the artist as well as shots of Haring's studio, works on paper and canvas, sculpture, subway graffiti, billboards, posters, ephemera, portraits of the artist, and other works. Presented in strikingly printed full color and black and white pages.
Ostfildern-Ruit, Hantje Cantz, 2001 Bound, red cardboard, illustrated dustjacket, 195 x 285mm., 200pp., very profound colour illustration, biographic material. ISBN 9783775710824.
The American painter and sculptor Keith Haring, who died in 1990, was undisputedly one of the most popular artists in the 20th century. More than ten years after his death, his output is still as important to younger artists as it is to the wider public. Therefore it seems all the more essential to present a profile of the less well-known Haring - looking beyond the Haring of the ubiquitous, world-famous cheerful matchstick figures. From his earliest days as an artist, Haring engaged with the meaning of death, suffering and violence, with the importance of religion and the afterlife in our own lives. It is only against this background that Keith Haring's positive, life-affirming "icons" can be properly understood. The main focus of this publication is on paintings and drawings from the artist's estate - some never previously published - and the rarely seen large-format pictures and wall hangings on the theme of Heaven and Hell. New book.
[Keith Haring] - Loyer, Sarah, Tony Shafrazi et al.
Reference : 123550
ISBN : 9781636810935
Loyer, Sarah, Tony Shafrazi et al.: Keith Haring. Art is for Everybody. Exhibition: Los Angeles, The Broad; Minneapolis, Walker Art Center and Ontario, Art Gallery, 2023. 252 pages, copiously illustrated in colour. Hardback. 28 x 28cms. A survey of Haring's oeuvre including his collages and sketches. Discussing Haring's practice, ideology and impact, with a chapter focused on his subway project with Tseng Kwong Chi. Features a conversation between Patti Astor, Kermit Oswald and Kenny Scharf.
A survey of Harings oeuvre including his collages and sketches. Discussing Harings practice, ideology and impact, with a chapter focused on his subway project with Tseng Kwong Chi. Features a conversation between Patti Astor, Kermit Oswald and Kenny Scharf. Text in English
, Mercatorfonds 2019, 2019 Paperback, 128 pagina's, Nederlands, 245 x 190 mm, boek in perfecte staat. ISBN 9789462301306.
Keith Haring (1958-1990) geniet wereldwijde faam om zijn kleurrijke schilderijen, tekeningen, beeldhouwwerken en muurschilderingen. In de vroege jaren 1980 veroverde hij stormenderhand de New Yorkse kunstscene met zijn levendige, op graffiti ge nspireerde tekeningen, waarvan vele trouwens ook bij het grote publiek bekend raakten, onder meer door de voorstelling van zijn bekende Radiant Child in 1982 op een billboard op Times Square. Keith Harings onmiddellijk herkenbare, "stripachtige" beeldtaal putte niet alleen uit de iconografie van de hedendaagse pop- en clubcultuur maar greep ook terug op patronen en ritmes uit de islamitische en Japanse kunst en de primitieve wandschilderingen. Uit zijn werk sprak daarenboven een diepgaand engagement met sociale rechtvaardigheid en activisme. Hij verwerkte er tal van thema's in die ook vandaag relevant blijven, zoals de aidscrisis, de Koude Oorlog en de angst voor een kernaanval, racisme, de uitwassen van het kapitalisme en de aftakeling van het milieu. Deze toegankelijke catalogus bevat een vijftigtal werken aangevuld met zelden geziene foto-, film- en archiefdocumenten die door de Keith Haring Foundation ter beschikking zijn gesteld. Dit boek wil Haring niet alleen bij een nieuw publiek bekend maken maar ook een nieuw licht werpen op een kunstenaar wiens oeuvre een typische uiting is van de subculturele en creatieve energie van het New York van de jaren 1980. Drie korte teksten die diverse aspecten van Keith Harings kunst verkennen worden afgewisseld met illustraties van zijn werken en een evolutietijdlijn met de belangrijkste maatschappelijke en politieke gebeurtenissen van de jaren 1980 (van de verkiezing van Reagan in 1980 en de razendsnelle ontwikkeling van de hiphop van undergroundbeweging tot wereldwijd fenomeen, tot de val van de Berlijnse Muur in 1989) en zijn reacties erop. De publicatie bevat ook een selectie onuitgegeven herinneringen van mensen die met Haring samenwerkten en met hem omgingen, waaronder performers als Madonna en Grace Jones en de kunstenaars Jenny Holzer en Yoko Ono.