RIVAGES/THRILLER (2001) - Broché de 330 pages - Couverture en couleurs - Traduction de Isabelle Maillet - Très bon état
Reference : 1878
Marché Noir - Librairie Ultime Razzia
Charlotte Dugrand
06 15 22 89 43
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DEHON Leon SCJ, PHILIPPE Giuseppe L., GOVAART Theodorus, LELLIG Alfonso, DE PALMA Joseph & BOURGEOIS Albert & PANTEGHINI Antonio
Reference : R95385
Bologna, Edizioni Dehoniane 1954-2003 Series of 7 volumes containing the circular letters by the first seven Superior Generals of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians), uniform publisher's hardcover bindings in red cloth, bilingual: French-Italian, libr. stamp on some title pages, 21cm., good condition, text and interior in very good condition, [Content: Volume I: DEHON Leon, 1st Superior General of the Priests of the Sacred Hart of Jesus 1878-1925 (1954, 439pp.), II: PHILIPPE Giuseppe L. 2nd Superior General 1926-1935 (1957, 374pp.), III: GOVAART Theodorus, 3rd Superior General 1935-1953 (1958, 877pp.), IV: LELLIG Alfonse, 4th Sup. Gen. 1954-1958 (1967, 279pp., cover plastified), V: DE PALMA Joseph, 5th Sup. Gen. 1959-1967 (1996, 351pp., cover plastified), VI: BOURGEOIS Albert, 6th Sup. Gen. 167-1979 (2000, 462pp.), VII: PANTEGHINI A., 7th Sup. Gen. 1979-1991 (2003, 555pp.], weight: 4kg., R95385
Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Hardback, 652 p., 124 b/w ill., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503524696.
The present volume of essays, Emblemata Sacra. The Rhetoric and Hermeneutics of Illustrated Sacred Discourse, follows a conference that took place in January 2005 in Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, thanks to the close collaboration between the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Literature Department) and the Universite Catholique de Louvain (the research group 'Figures et formes de la spiritualite dans la litterature et les expressions artistiques'). The 38 essays have been organised in seven sections. The first section ('Historical and methodological issues') presents methodological bases for the study of emblematics and spiritual images, as well as the elements necessary for the Christian contextualisation of the corpus. The second section ('Exegesis of the Scriptures and the Creation'), complementary to the first section, is devoted to exegetical processes developed in different contexts and seeks to emphasise the correspondence between the exegesis of Sacred Scripture and the exegesis of the Creation, which are the two central symbolisms in Christianity. The third section ('The image in absentia') focuses on the most critical aspect of the encounter between the Word and the Image, in the form of a paradoxical iconoclastic image, already mentioned in the first section. The fourth section ('Rhetoric and poetics of the image') exposes the mutual exchanges between the word of the images and the images of the word. The last three sections all deal with the uses of figures in determined contexts. Thus, the fifth section ('The image performance') explores staged, incarnated, and exhibited figures, while the sixth section ('Circulation of images among different faiths') gathers studies about different confessional contexts in which spiritual images are used to support and feed the polemics, and the seventh section ('The efficient image') opens up the chronology toward the 19th century and then to our own time. Languages : English, French.
Bologna, Edizioni Dehoniane 1954 439pp., containing the circular letters by Leon Dehon founder and first Superior General of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians) from 1878 till 1925, publisher's hardcover binding in red cloth, bilingual: French-Italian, 2 libr. stamps, 21cm., good condition, R95386
Londres et P., G. Sarti, [1998], in-4, toile bleu nuit, 218 pp., très nombreuses ill. en noir et en couleurs, in-t. et à pleine page, dont plusieurs sur double page dépliantes. (M.35)
Texte bilingue français-anglais.
TAMBS-LYCHE, Harald, edited by
Reference : 126829
ISBN : 8173042462 9788173042461
New Delhi, Manohar Publishers and Distributors 2003 Livre en anglais. In-8 reliure éd. sous jaquette 22 cm sur 14,5. 147 pages. Jaquette en très bon état. Très bon état d’occasion.
Sommaire, bibliographies, index. Très bon état d’occasion