Pan Books Ltd. (London) (1966) - In-12 broché de 222 pages - Couverture en couleurs - Très bon état
Reference : 10003
Marché Noir - Librairie Ultime Razzia
Charlotte Dugrand
06 15 22 89 43
Envoi à réception du réglement Réglement par chèque ou mandat
In English. Short description: Royal Yachts. C.M. Gavin, Royal Navy. London, 1932. 338 pp. Limited edition of 1000 copies. The publication presents in detail and beautiful illustrations the history of British royal yachts from the time of the Saxons to the 1930s, contains about 100 color prints and monochrome illustrations. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS000912 kn_nat
Reference : bd-ecb37d830f0f568a
Ryakhovsky V. Squadron Commander. (From the episodes of the war with the White Finns of 1939-1940) OGIZ. 1941. -32 p. 20x13 sm./Ryakhovskiy V. Komandir eskadrili. (Iz epizodov voyny s belofinnami 1939-1940 gg.) OGIZ. 1941 g.-32 s. 20x13 sm. Ryakhovsky V. Squadron Commander. (From the episodes of the war with the White Finns of 1939-1940) OGIZ. 1941. -32 p.: 20x13 sm. SKUbd-ecb37d830f0f568a.
Reference : bd-9326f1f68c357e99
Napoleons Noskov: The Story of a Great Commander. ill.-/Noskov N.D. Napoleon. Istoriya velikogo polkovodtsa. ill.- Noskov N.D. Napoleon. The Story of the Great Commander. 2nd Edition. St. Petersburg-Moscow: M. O. Wolf, 1912. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-9326f1f68c357e99.
Reference : bd-51d36a436a4295b1
"""Kurlov, P. The End of Russian Tsarism. Memories of the former commander of the gendarmerie corps, prev. M. Pavlovich./Kurlov, P. Konets russkogo tsarizma. Vospominaniya byvshego komandira korpusa zhandarmov pred. M. Pavlovicha. Kurlov, P. The End of Russian Tsarism. Memories of the former commander of the gendarmerie corps, M. Pavlovich. Moscow; Pg.: State Publishing House, 1923. 296 p. 19.7 - 14 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-51d36a436a4295b1."""
Reference : bd-f0e10d3a5ab6f30
"""Poster Commander of the Don Army, Lieutenant General Vladimir Ilyich Sidorin-1919; 58x44.5 sm./Plakat Komanduyushchiy Donskoy armiey general-leytenant Vladimir Ilich Sidorin.-1919; 58x44,5 sm. Poster Commander of the Don Army, Lieutenant General Vladimir Ilyich Sidorin-1919; 58x44.5 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-f0e10d3a5ab6f30."""