Oxford. Printed by T.Wright and W.Gill. Printers to the University. 1770. Imposant In-4 en maroquin d'époque . Plats décorés au centre d'un rectangle festonné encadrant les symboles de la croix entourés d'une auréole avec flammes et motifs en cercle. Fleurons dorés aux angles. Dos à 5 nerfs avec larges motifs fleuris et titre en gros caractères. Tranches dorées. Index. Frontispice d'après Rembrandt.Bible ayant appartenu à Jane. Hay.Quelques mouillures et rousseurs. 2 légers défauts aux coiffes et 1 à un coin.Bel exemplaire. Reliure rare.
Reference : 32744
Librairie Ancienne Laurencier
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Reference : albda2b39f8e81fac1c
The Holy Bible containing the old and new tests In English (ask us if in doubt)./The Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments The English Bible London Oxford 1867 1125c. SKUalbda2b39f8e81fac1c.
"""I. Solovyov Holy Guide to the Good Reading of the Holy Bible. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Solov'ev I. svyashch. Posobie k dobromu chteniyu Svyatoy Biblii.. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Guidance on its divine-inspired meaning composition division and external features; on the origin content and liturgical use of each of the Holy Bible separately. St. Petersburg 1898 548 c We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbe84a13c1f433777b"""
Reference : alb94521c6ba602b780
A Dictionary Of The Holy Bible:. In English (ask us if in doubt)./A Dictionary Of The Holy Bible:. In two volumes. Vol. II. Glasgow. 1833. 621 p. SKUalb94521c6ba602b780.
AMERICAN HERITAGE SOCIETY. 1999. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Entre 900 et 1000 pages - ouvrage en anglais - quelques illustrations en noir et blanc dans et hors texte - tampon sur la page de titre et sur la page de faux titre - signet conservée - étiquette collée sur la coiffe en pied et sur le 1er plat - titre + illustrations dorés sur le dos - 2 photos disponibles - textes sur deux colonnes sur de nombreuses pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
OUVRAGE EN ANGLAIS - Reproduction de 1882 - In wich every important scriptural word is fully explained a complete history of each book of the bible, beautiful illustrated cities of the bible with descriptive scenes and events in palestine jewish and egyptian antiquities biblical scenery manners and customs of the ancients natural history bible aids for social prayer a history of the jewish worship biblical antiquities recent explorations in bible lands history of herod king of the jews apocrypha and psalms a concise history of all religious denominations and many other important and useful aids to the study of the holy scriptures all written to increase the interest in and simplify the study of the word of god by the following eminent biblical writers and authors . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
By his Majesty's Special Command, Appointed to be read in Churches, Printed by and for George Grierson, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, at the King's Arms and Two Bibles in Essex-Street, 1752 [ Titlepage for The New Testament dated 1736 ]
Very interesting copy for this manuscript texte on guard : ""The Holy Bible". This is that inestimable Book, which came from Heaven to direct mankind in their way [... ] Some vain Criticks and half wistler Philosophers have presumed to make objections the stile and propriety of the inspired authors, ; and the reason of their Impudence was not only wicked [ ... ] want of Genius, Languages and Heading to enter into their awful beauties, to discover the exalted sublimity of their sens and relish the beauty, Graces of their expression. [... ] of Dublin [... ]desired the above writing to be put into all the Bibles that were in his House. Blackwell on the [... ]". Below we can read this ms. lines : "The above is my mother handwriting", signed "Howden". Scottish-born printer and publisher in Dublin, George Grierson (1679-1753) was married to the editor and poet Constantia Grierson. Price in condition for this fair copy (lacking flyleaves, titlepage very weak, small worm galery on last leaves, binding rubbed with old restauration, very short margin on top cuting the pagination, used book otherwise good).