Paris, Gallimard, 1933. In-12 broché, 133 p. Introduction et Commentaires de Per Skansen. Bon état.Nouvelle édition.
Reference : 14364
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Kl ra Dolezalov , Ivan Foletti, Katar na Kravc kov , Pavla Tich (eds)
Reference : 65040
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 172 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9788021099791.
Summary This volume presents the proceedings of the conference Materiality and Conversion: The Role of Material and Visual Cultures in the Christianization of the Latin West organized by the Centre for Early Medieval Studies in 2020. Its contributions thus focus on the Christianization of the Roman Empire between the fourth and sixth centuries. The studies examine the religious change through the ?material turn? approach, building on the material and sensorial dimension of Christian conversion and especially the baptismal rite as one of the key components of the process. The material and visual cultures are regarded as vectors and witnesses of conversion to Christianity, while human body is viewed as one of the agents in ritual actions. The volume covers a wide range of topics, including the prebaptismal purification, the moment of immersion in the baptismal font, the postbaptismal alteration of perception, as well as the continuous changes in funeral forms. As such, the papers attempt to shed more light on the role of materiality in the complex and rapid conversion to Christianity in Late Antique West. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Kl ra Dole?alov , Ivan Foletti, Katar na Krav? kov , & Pavla Tich , Articles Barbara Bruderer, A Prolegomenon to the Evolution of the Consecration of Baptismal Water in the Latin West as a Performative and Sensorial Activation of the Invisible: The Roman Rite (3rd-9th centuries) Mark ta Kulh nkov and Pavla Tich , The Phrygianum Neighboring Old Saint Peter's on Vatican Hill in the Time of Conversion Robin Jensen, Conversion to Jesus as a Healer God: Visual and Textual Evidence Gajane Achverdjanov and Ivan Foletti, Purifying Body and Soul: Late Antique Combs, Their Use and Visual Culture Zuzana Frantov , Luxury for Everyone (?): Ivory Diptychs and Their Use in the Baptismal Liturgy Juliette Day, Materiality and the Sensation of Sin in Late Antique Pre-Baptismal Rituals. The Short-Lived ?Rite of the Cilicium? Megan Bunce, Shrines, Special Burials, and the Christianization of Britain Al?b?ta Filipov and Adrien Palladino, Converting Minds, Eyes, and Bodies? The Early Cult of Relics between Rhetoric and Material Practices in Northern Italy and Gallia
Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Paperback, 196 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503544731.
Cet ouvrage est issu des travaux sur la conversion menes au sein du Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Etude du Religieux (CIER), a la MSH de Montpellier. Certes on ecrit beaucoup et on a beaucoup ecrit sur cette thematique : le sujet presente en effet un interet majeur. Mais l'approche pluridisciplinaire a ete l'occasion de soulever des questions et d'obtenir des resultats qui meritent d'etre publies. La combinaison des differentes approches disciplinaires qui se retrouvent au sein du Centre a permis de mieux apprehender le processus complexe que constitue la conversion dans ses expressions, ses enjeux, ses finalites et ses consequences, de maniere synchronique et diachronique. Si le point de depart des reflexions s'appuie toujours sur les definitions courantes de la conversion ' retour a l'origine (ou retour a soi) ou changement de pensee, mutation ou renaissance ' la presente publication cherche a mettre l'accent sur l'analyse des dynamiques qu'induit, aux differents moments de l'histoire, la conversion retenue comme modele. Il s'agit de considerer ces dynamiques non seulement dans le champ du religieux mais aussi en tant que la figure religieuse de la conversion a pu etre, ou devenir, figure de pensee ou d'expression, posture sociologique ou ethique, dans d'autres domaines que le religieux : mythologique, laic, politique, litteraire, artistique... En consequence, la conversion a fourni un espace conceptuel a la theologie mais aussi a d'autres disciplines comme le politique, l'histoire, la litterature ou la psychanalyse. Enfin lorsque les modeles de la conversion, contamines par ces autres champs, operent un retour sur le fait religieux, s'ouvre alors un questionnement particulier et peu etudie jusqu'a present. En effet les dynamiques de constitution, d'adhesion et de resistance a ces modeles touchent pratiquement a tous les aspects du domaine culturel et peut-etre a l'assise meme de la culture puisqu'elles interrogent les processus d'individuation et de communautarisation - processus operant autant dans leur capacite transferentielle que dans leur rapport a une eventuelle transcendance. Les contributions, si elles s'inscrivent necessairement dans un domaine et un champ methodologique disciplinaires, reussissent a maintenir une ouverture interdisciplinaire, qui permet d'apprehender le phenomene etudie dans toute sa complexite. Languages: French.
Union des catholiques de l'enseignement public. 1961. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos fané, Papier jauni. Paginé de 498 à 640. Quelques rousseurs. Coins frottés.. . . . Classification Dewey : 200-RELIGION
Sommaire: Conversion et exiestence par J. Mesnard- L'Eglise et l'appel à la conversion du monde par J. Fontaine- Conversion de l'Afrique? par R. Delavignette- Conversion de la Chine? par F. Houang- Les tâches de la Paroisse en 1961 par R. Dumaine- etc. Classification Dewey : 200-RELIGION
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 312 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, 12 col., 10 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503598871.
Summary These eleven essays, all centrally concerned with the intimate relationship between sound, religion, and society in the early modern world, present a sequence of test cases located in a wide variety of urban environments in Europe and the Americas. Written by an international cast of acclaimed historians and musicologists, they explore in depth the interrelated notions of conversion and confessionalisation in the shared belief that the early modern city was neither socially static nor religiously uniform. With its examples drawn from the Holy Roman Empire and the Southern Netherlands, the pluri-religious Mediterranean, and the colonial Americas both North and South, this book takes discussion of the urban soundscape, so often discussed in purely traditional terms of European institutional histories, to a new level of engagement with the concept of a totally immersive acoustic environment as conceptualised by R. Murray Schafer. From the Protestants of Douai, a bastion of the Catholic Reformation, to the bi-confessional city of Augsburg and seventeenth-century Farmington in Connecticut, where the indigenous Indian population fashioned a separate Christian entity, the intertwined religious, musical, and emotional lives of specifically grounded communities of early modern men and women are here vividly brought to life. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Marie-Alexis Colin, Iain Fenlon and Matthew Laube 1. Converting Tondalos: Musical Culture on a Lutheran Spiritual Pilgrimage of the Late Sixteenth Century Martin Christ (University of Erfurt) 2. Catholicising the City: Music, Ritual and Identity in Sixteenth-Century C rdoba Iain Fenlon (King's College, Cambridge) 3. Sound and the Conversion of Space in Early Modern Germany Alexander J. Fisher (University of British Columbia) 4. Music Books for Lima Cathedral and their Social Context in the Early Seventeenth Century: Black Slaves as a Guarantee for Producing a New Plainchant Library Mar a Gembero-Ust rroz (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient ficas) 5. Land and Conversion: New Frameworks for Colonial American Hymnody Glenda Goodman (University of Pennsylvania) 6. Lutheranising through Music: Tracing the Confessional Soundscapes of Early Seventeenth-Century Wolfenb ttel and Braunschweig Inga Mai Groote (Zurich University) 7. Sound Conversion? Music, Hearing and Sacred Space in the Long Reformation in Ulm, 1531-1629 Philip Hahn (University of T bingen) 8. The Musical Cultures of Dissent and Anti-Catholicism in Counter-Reformation Douai Matthew Laube (Birkbeck, University of London) 9. A Jesuit Ceremony of Spiritual Exercises with Music in the Seventeenth Century: Devotional Connections between Perpignan, Barcelona, Madrid, Granada and Archbishop Palafox Emilio Ros-F bregas (Instituci n Mil y Fontanals, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient ficas) 10. Bells, Confessional Conflict and the Dutch Revolt, c. 1566-1585 Andrew Spicer (Oxford Brookes University) 11. Music for an Endless Conversion: A Cycle of Offertories from Jesuit Paraguay Leonardo Waisman (University of C rdoba, Argentina)
Reference : alb2f6f60fb5321225f
D. Yogi Goswami Frank Kreith. Energy Conversion. Book in English. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/D. Yogi Gosvami Frenk Kreyt (D. Yogi Goswami Frank Kreith. ) Preobrazovanie energii. Energy conversion. Kniga na angliyskom yazyke. CCR Press Taylor Francis Group. 2008. Weight 1.8 kg. Section I (158 pages) Energy Resources: Fossil Fuels Properties and Resources of Biomass Solid Household Waste Nuclear Resources Solar Energy Resources Wind Energy Resource Geothermal Energy. Section II 914 pages Energy Transformation: Steam Power Plant Gas Turbines Internal Combustion Engines Hydraulic Turbines Advanced Fossil Fuel Energy Systems Stirling Engines Nuclear Energy Technologies to 2035 Nuclear Synthesis Energy Storage Technologies Solar Thermal Power Conversion Solar Thermal Power Concentration Foundations Technology and Applications of Photovoltaic Power Wind Energy Conversion Biomass Conversion Process for Energy Recovery Geothermal Power Production Waste Incineration to Energy Fuel Cells We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb2f6f60fb5321225f