....et Maladies Nerveuses, Hypocondriaques ou Hystériques, reconnues et traitées dans les deux Sexes. Traduction de l'anglais.( E.O anglaise en 1765.) Paris chez Vincent en 1767. Il s'agit de la première traduction française. 2 vol.in-12 en veau marbré.Dos à nerfs avec pièce de titre et tomaison,caissons avec fleurs et arabesques. 1er tome: 582 pages et 2 planches dépliantes + errata. 2ème tome: 578 pages avec la Table des Médicamens de la Pharmacopée d'Edimbourg, qui sont recommandés dans l'ouvrage de M.Whytt et les Extraits des principaux Ouvrages sur la nature et les causes des Maladies nerveuses. Edition en très bon état indépendamment d'une bande de cuir manquante dans le bas du 2ème tome le long de la charnière.Tranches rougies.
Reference : 13913
Librairie Ancienne Laurencier
Patrick et Liliane Laurencier
7 rue du Chai des Farines
33000 Bordeaux
33 05 56 81 68 79
Reference : 44896
(Paris, Crochard, 1823). 8vo. Without wrappers. In 'Annales de Chimie et de Physique', Series 2 - Volume 23, Cahier 4. With halftitle to vol. 23. Pp. 337-444 (entire issue offered). Poisson's paper: pp. 337-352.
First appearance of Poisson's importent paper on the mathematical treatment of ""specific heats"".""In ""Sur la chaleur des gaz et des vapeurs,"" published in August 1823 in Annales de chimie et de physique, Poisson developed ideas published four months before by Laplace in Book XII of Mécanique céleste. Poisson introduced all the precautions needed to render the confused notion of quantity of heat susceptible to mathematical analysis. He called quantity of heat the magnitude that characterizes the transition of a given mass of gas from an arbitrary initial state of temperature and pressure to another state. This definition makes more abstract the quantitative aspect that naturally follows from the concept of heat as a caloric fluid. Poisson could thus deal comfortably with this magnitude, since for him it is simply a function q of p, p, and ø (pressure, density, and temperature). The equation of state p= ap(1+aø) was already classic, and the growing acceptance of the notions of specific heats, at constant pressure and constant volume, allowed him to write the simple partial differential equation of which should be the integral. He also showed that independently of any additional hypothesis, and whatever the arbitray function used in the integration, the adiabatic transformations (the term did not yet exist) correspond to the formulas p · py = constant and (?+266.67)·p1y= constant, y being the ratio of the specific heats, assumed constant.""(DSB).
Paris, Crochard, 1823. 8vo. In a bit later half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago."", tome 23. Entire volume offered. No institutional stamps. (Buch's paper: pp. 276-304). (Poisson's paper:) pp. 337-352. (The entire issue:) 448 pp. + 2 plates.
First printing of this important geological survey and description of the Alphs with the first geological mapping of the area.""His (von Buch's) explorations in the southern Alps had suggested to Buch that the towering heigh of the Dolomites might be the result of upheaval, for which he thought the active agent in porphyry, including monozite. he concluded that the magnesia in which this rock is rich would also have been active in transforming the original limestone into dolomite. Buch thus came to vizualize great subterranean activities...""(DSB II, p. 555). _____________________ First appearance of Poisson's important paper on the mathematical treatment of ""specific heats"".""In ""Sur la chaleur des gaz et des vapeurs,"" published in August 1823 in Annales de chimie et de physique, Poisson developed ideas published four months before by Laplace in Book XII of Mécanique céleste. Poisson introduced all the precautions needed to render the confused notion of quantity of heat susceptible to mathematical analysis. He called quantity of heat the magnitude that characterizes the transition of a given mass of gas from an arbitrary initial state of temperature and pressure to another state. This definition makes more abstract the quantitative aspect that naturally follows from the concept of heat as a caloric fluid. Poisson could thus deal comfortably with this magnitude, since for him it is simply a function q of p, p, and ø (pressure, density, and temperature). The equation of state p= ap(1+aø) was already classic, and the growing acceptance of the notions of specific heats, at constant pressure and constant volume, allowed him to write the simple partial differential equation of which should be the integral. He also showed that independently of any additional hypothesis, and whatever the arbitray function used in the integration, the adiabatic transformations (the term did not yet exist) correspond to the formulas p · py = constant and (?+266.67)·p1y= constant, y being the ratio of the specific heats, assumed constant.""(DSB).
CHEZ V.REGUILLIAT. 1771. In-12. Relié plein cuir. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos à nerfs, Intérieur frais. XCVI + 352 pages - contre plats et tranches jaspés - dos à 5 nerfs - titre et caissons dorés sur le dos - ex libris manuscrit sur la page de titre - 3 photos disponibles.. . . . Classification Dewey : 840.05-XVIII ème siècle
M.PRESSAVIN Gradué de l'université de Paris, membre du College Royal de Chirurgie de Lyon & démonstrateur en matiere Medico Chirurgical - SOMMAIRE : Apoplexie - asthme convulsif - beriberi - cardialgie - carphologie - cauchemar - convulsions générales - crampe - division des nerfs - douleur - eclampsie - epilepsie - cynique - hoquet - palpitation - erethisme - tremblement - traité des vapeurs - vapeurs hystériques - etc... Classification Dewey : 840.05-XVIII ème siècle
Reference : 055697
Perpignan Imprimerie de Mademoiselle A. Tastu 1843 in 8 (22x14,5) 1 volume reliure demi veau havane, dos lisse orné de filets et de fleurons dorés, pièce de titre de cuir noir, tranches teintées jaune, VIII et 187 pages. Louis Martinet. Relié à la suite: 1°/ NOTICES SUR LES BAINS ET DOUCHES DE VAPEURS, établis à Perpignan. Par M. Carcassonne, (Perpignan, Chez J. Alzine, imprimeur du Ro0 1827i), 106 pages. 2°/ DES INONDATIONS D'HIVER ET D'ÉTÉ OU TRAITÉ DE L'HUMIDITÉ PAR RAPPORT A L'HOMME ET AUX ANIMAUX. Par M. Chevassieu d'Audebert (Paris Arthus-Bertrand (1807), 127 pages. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Couverture rigide
1991 VAPEURS SUR LE RHONE.Histoire scientifique et technique de la navigarion à vapeur de Lyon à la mer.CNRS/ Presses universitaires de Lyon,1991 , fort in8(17x24) broché,462pp.Reproductions,cartes,schemas,plans .Envoi de l'un des auteurs..Couverture très légèrement défraichie. Très bon état général.