‎[VASARI]. CORTI (Laura).‎

‎P., Bordas, 1991, in-8, br., couv. ill. à rabat, 160 pp., 125 illustrations en noir et en couleurs, bibliographie, index. (GK28A) ‎

Reference : 1341753

‎Catalogue complet des peintures. Collection Les Fleurons de l'art, n° 3. ‎

€15.00 (€15.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Vasari, Giorgio‎

Reference : 115726


‎Ragionamenti del Signor Cavaliere Giorgio Vasari Pittore e Architetto Aretino . . . Seconda Edizione.‎

‎Vasari, Giorgio: Ragionamenti del Signor Cavaliere Giorgio Vasari Pittore e Architetto Aretino . . . Seconda Edizione. Arezzo: Michele Bellotti, 1762. Quarto. Contemporary limp paper, manuscript title to spine. Contemporary or near-contemporary library ticket to the front pastedown. Half title, engraved portrait frontispiece, title printed in red and black with allegorical engraving, engraved historiated initials and head and tail-pieces. Head of spine repaired, small area of worming to the lower cover, 19th-century library ink stamp partially washed from the lower corner of the frontispiece, occasional light spotting, but overall contents fresh and largely unopened. Second edition, originally published posthumously in 1588 and reprinted in 1619 under the title Treatise on Painting. Though himself a painter and architect, Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) is now best known as the founder of art history. He wrote the first, and certainly the most influential, collection of artists' biographies, Le Vite de' Piu Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori, E Architettori, and was responsible for promoting the modern concept of the Renaissance. He was so influential that almost every art historian in the century after Vasari wrote at least partially in response to his ideas. The present volume is about Vasari's own work, in particular the allegorical meanings of his frescoes in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, which were commissioned by Cosimo de' Medici, as well as other aspects of the palazzo's decorative scheme and contents, including ancient artefacts. The text is written as a dialogue between the author and the young Francesco de' Medici, and it elucidates much of Vasari's artistic and critical philosophy. This is a particularly nice copy, the contents fresh and largely unopened. Text in Italian.‎

‎Second edition, originally published posthumously in 1588 and reprinted in 1619 under the title Treatise on Painting. Though himself a painter and architect, Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) is now best known as the founder of art history. He wrote the first, and certainly the most influential, collection of artists' biographies, Le Vite de' Piu Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori, E Architettori, and was responsible for promoting the modern concept of the Renaissance. He was so influential that almost every art historian in the century after Vasari wrote at least partially in response to his ideas. The present volume is about Vasari's own work, in particular the allegorical meanings of his frescoes in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, which were commissioned by Cosimo de' Medici, as well as other aspects of the palazzo's decorative scheme and contents, including ancient artefacts. The text is written as a dialogue between the author and the young Francesco de' Medici, and it elucidates much of Vasari's artistic and critical philosophy. This is a particularly nice copy, the contents fresh and largely unopened. Text in Italian‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP475.00 (€525.86 )

Reference : alb38fa7dfd3804f52d

‎Giorgio Vasari Giorgio Vasari. Vies des peintres sculpteurs et architects par Gi‎

‎Giorgio Vasari Giorgio Vasari. Vies des peintres sculpteurs et architects par Giorgio Vasari. Tome dixieme. Life descriptions of the most famous painters sculptors and architects. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Giorgio Vasari Dzhordzho Vazari. Vies des peintres sculpteurs et architectes par Giorgio Vasari. Tome dixieme. Zhizneopisaniya naibolee znamenitykh zhivopistsev vayateley i zodchikh.Traduites par Leopold Leclanche et commentees par Jeanron et Leopold Leclanche. 121 portraits dessines par Jeanron. Et graves sur acier par Wacquez et Bouquet. Translation and commentary by Leopold Leclanche. 121 portraits drawn by Jeanron and Graves and graviro Paris. Just Tessier edition. 1842 440c.. SKUalb38fa7dfd3804f52d.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR599.00 (€599.00 )

‎Hall Marcia B‎

Reference : 100126857


‎Renovation and Counter-Reformation: Vasari and Duke Cosimo in Sta Maria Novella and Sta Croce 1565-1577 (Oxford-Warburg Studies)‎

‎Oxford university press 1979 280 pages 22 098x3 048x27 686cm. 1979. Cartonné jaquette. 280 pages.‎

‎Bon Etat de conservation intérieur propre avec sa jaquette‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Vasari D.‎

Reference : lom-MS001820

‎Vasari D. Vazari D., Zhizneopisaniya naibolee znamenitykh zhivopistsev, vayatele‎

‎"In Russian. Short description: Vasari D., Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. Volumes I-II, Moscow-Leningrad, 1933. Translated and annotated by Yu. Verkhovsky, A. Gabrichevsky, B. Griftsov, A. Guber, A. Dzhivelegov, and A. Efros, with a preface by A. Lunacharsky, edited and introduced by A. Dzhivelegov and A. Efros, designed by I. Rerberg. ""Lives of the Most Eminent Painters."" by the Italian painter and architect Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) is a book that marks the beginning of the history of art in Europe. Both in content and form, it has long been considered a classic. The work contains biographies of famous Italian painters, architects, and sculptors of the Renaissance era, including Cimabue, Paolo Uccello, Masaccio, Filippo Brunelleschi, Donatello, Raphael, Titian, Michelangelo, and others. The books also include numerous factual details about the artistic life in Italy. Reproductions of paintings, photographs of sculptures, and architectural monuments are published on separate pages of coated paper. Giorgio Vasari was a courtier of the ruler of Florence, Cosimo de' Medici, and was an artist, art historian, and connoisseur of art and biography. In the original, his work consists of many volumes, but only the most significant portions of the ""Lives of the Most Eminent Painters"" were translated into Russian. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS001820"‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD499.00 (€430.84 )

‎[VASARI]. LE MOLLÉ (Roland).‎

Reference : 1364961

‎Giorgio Vasari. L'homme des Médicis.‎

‎P., Grasset, 1995, gr. et fort in-8, br., couv. ill., 473 pp., cahier d'illustrations en noir hors-texte, bibliographie, index, arbres généalogiques. (L.116) ‎

‎Envoi de l'auteur : "pour Marcel Schneider à lui je souhaite le bonheur d'une Toscane selon le regard de Vasari". Notes manuscrites à la dernière page. Petites taches sur la tranche. Collection Biographie.Joint un article de presse Vasari le Renaissant, par Dominique Fernandez. ‎

Librairie HURET - Paris

Phone number : 33 01 40 50 15 40

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