1981 Ed Fayard Noir N° 1, 1981, 1 volume in-8 de 186 pages, broché.
Reference : 6501
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Action Guns. 1992 - 93. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Environ 70 pages pour chacun des numéros - 5 numéros - nombreuses illustrations en couleurs dans le texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 355.021-Militaria
Sommaire : P.A. Spinx 9m/m - Presse simplex - Patterson Poudre Noire - P.A. Bersa 22 LR - Dossier sniper - Jim Boland Space gun, l'arme du futur - Pistolet unique, Silhouette 22 LR - Pistolet colt 2000, all american - Calibre 9m/m Parabellum - Carabine de sniper Mac Millan - Sniper : le Springfield armory M-1A - Taurus PT22 - Bianchi cup Europe 92 - Beretta 70/90 - Metal trophy - Sniper ultima ratio - Colt 380 model M - PM Scorpion... Classification Dewey : 355.021-Militaria
Reference : albc82705a3e0a49e5a
Kyle Kris McEwan Scott DeFelice Jim. American Sniper: The Autobiography of the deadliest sniper of the 21st century. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kayl Kris Makyuen Skott DeFelis Dzhim. Amerikanskiy snayper. Avtobiografiya samogo smertonosnogo snaypera XXI veka. Translated from English by A. Baranov. Super-Sniper. Memoirs. M. Yauza. Eksmo. 2014. 384s. SKUalbc82705a3e0a49e5a.
Reference : alb08d0e21b083b11f0
Kyle Kris McEwan Scott Defelis Jim: The Sniper: The Autobiography of the deadliest sniper of the 21st century In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kayl Kris Makyuen Skott Defelis Dzhim. Snayper. Avtobiografiya samogo smertonosnogo snaypera XXI veka Super-Sniper. Memoirs of Moscow. Yauza: Eksmo 2014. 384s. SKUalb08d0e21b083b11f0.
MANUFACTURE LIV 2022 160 pages 13 9x19 7x1 7cm. 2022. Broché. 160 pages.
Reference : alba3166cf6aacb1b1a
Sorokin Vladimir. Morning of a sniper. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sorokin Vladimir. Utro snaypera.Painting and layout by A. Bondarenko. Leading editor M. Kotomin. Moscow. Ad Marginem. 2002. 360 (8) p. (ISBN: 5-93321-034-X 593321034) Keith or the Elephant? Greta Garbo or Marlen Dietrich? Lemeshev or Kozlovsky? Plato or Aristotle? The Beatles or the Rolling Stones? Pelevin or Sorokin? What are you silent about? Answer Vogue. A collection of short stories. Yesterdays schoolchildren with an appetite swallow the faeces of their favorite teachers. A collection of stories by a writer known not only to readers but also to Russian prosecutors. Vladimir Sorokin uses the homosexuality of his characters as a way of artistic provocation to debunk the cults that Soviet literature created We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalba3166cf6aacb1b1a