2019 Editions Rizzoli - 2019 - In-4, cartonnage rouge sous jaquette rempliée illustrée en couleurs de l'éditeur - 208 p. - Très nombreuses reproductions photographiques in, hors texte et pleine page en couleurs - Ouvrage en anglais
Reference : 113409
Bon état
Librairie Le Père Pénard
S.A.R.L. Nicolas RIVAT (gérant)
2, quai Fulchiron
69005 Lyon
04 78 38 32 46
vente par correspondance / envoi à la réception du chèque de règlement augmenté des frais de port . Paiement en espèces ou chèques
Louisiana.1939.In-8 br.296 p.Dédicace de l'Auteur.En langue française.Etat correct.Couv.tachée.
Being One. 2003. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 100 pages environ. Revue en anglais et en chinois.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Contents : Priests need a home - Look at all the flowers - Where priests feel at home - The Church asks for forgiveness - To be a gift for one another - Pact of Unity - Commnications media - An areopagus of the modern age - The focolare movement and the means of social communication - Jesus, the model for communicators - Jesus forsaken .. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Reference : bd-610b5e0b45a63547
Nosov N. Vitya Maleev at school and at home. 1970 by A. Kanevsky/Nosov N. Vitya Maleev v shkole i doma. 1970 god Ris.Kanevskogo A. Nosov N. Vitya Maleev at school and at home. 1970 by A. Kanevsky. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-610b5e0b45a63547.
Reference : bd-5b192c2fa97c364f
"""Photo book of Zaitsev, L. Seryozha Turushkin at work and at home Photograd Yu. Chernyshev; Model and decoration of I. Margolin./Fotokniga Zaytsev, L. Serezha Tururushkin na rabote i doma Fotogr. Yu. Chernysheva; Maket i oformlenie I. Margolina. The photo book of Zaitsev, L. Seryozha Turushkin at work and at home Photograd Yu. Chernysheva; Model and design by I. Margolin. Moscow: Malysh, 1965-24 p., incl.: il.; 28x21.5 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd--5b192c2fa97c364f."""
Reference : bd-8fef87c192409cbf
"Nold, R. Americans at home in A. Ushin region./Nold, R. Amerikantsy doma obl. A. Ushina. Nold, R. Americans at home, A. Ushin region. Moscow; L.: Tea-kino-print, 1928. 32 p. 16.7 - 11 sm. SKUbd-8fef87c192409cbf."