1993 Editions Phaidon - 1993 - In-4, cartonnage toilé noir sous jaquette illustrée en N&B de l'éditeur - 177 p. - Très nombreuses reproductions photographiques hors-texte en N&B
Reference : 107902
Bon état - Bas de l'ouvrage légèrement insolé - Inscriptions au stylo et au marqueur en page de titre
Librairie Le Père Pénard
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vente par correspondance / envoi à la réception du chèque de règlement augmenté des frais de port . Paiement en espèces ou chèques
Nureyev. Part II. Old Master and 19th Century Paintings, Drawings, Prints, Books, Sculpture, Furniture, Textiles, Ballet Costumes and Memorabilia from the Collection of Rudolf Nureyev. Sale: London, Christie's, 1995. 363 pages, fully illustrated in colour. Paperback. 27 x 22cms. Lots 600 to 1480, auctioned on Monday, 20 November, and Tuesday, 21 November. Including a price list.
Lots 600 to 1480, auctioned on Monday, 20 November, and Tuesday, 21 November. Including a price list.
Nureyev. Old Master Paintings, Europeam Furniture and Works of Art, Prints, Musical Instruments, Textiles, Ballet Costumes and Memoriabilia from the Collection of Rudolf Nureyev. Sale: New York, Christie's, 1995. 307 pages, fully illustrated in colour. Hardback. 28 x 22cms. 507 lots auctioned on Thursday, 12 January, and Friday, 13 January. Including a price list.
507 lots auctioned on Thursday, 12 January, and Friday, 13 January. Including a price list.
Reference : alb50f0dbda82e82df7
Rudolf Nureyev. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Rudol'f Nureev. Three years on the Kirov stage in St. Petersburg. Pushkin Fund 1995. 271 p. SKUalb50f0dbda82e82df7.
Reference : alb3de1beb5fe24b5e4
Baranovsky V. Rudolf Nureyev: last visit. 1989. Leningrad USSR: photo album. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./BaranovskiyV. Rudol'f Nureev: posledniy vizit. 1989. Leningrad SSSR: fotoal'bom. His photo archive is unique. It reflects everything that has happened in St. Petersburg ballet in recent decades and everyone who has appeared on the St. Petersburg stage in these years. Baranovsky's work has become the basis of a number of fine books and albums published in many countries. Baranovsky's work his photographs on St. Petersburg ballet have become truly objects of art that provide high aesthetic pleasure. SKUalb3de1beb5fe24b5e4.
The New Yorker Magazine. 1993. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 112 pages. Illustré de nombreux dessins et de quelques photos, en noir et blanc et en couleur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Contents: Onward and Upward, Money changes everything, L. Weschler. The battle of the bailout, J. Newhouse. A lost motherhood, S. Sheehan. Storyboard, Really Rosie, M. Sendak. Rudolf Nureyev, A. Croce, R. Avedon. Dr. King, J. Gosfield... Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon